Dragon Con Update
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- This topic has 20 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 9 months ago by
30th May 2003 at 4:03 am #39190
ParticipantLexx Dragon Con Update – Well things are proceeding at a steady pace. And the Dragon Con information and party sign up sheet will be posted very soon, but in the mean time, here are the people who are assisting in making this a great Lexxian gather!
Trini_T is in charge of organizing and scheduling the parties, and is officially known as the ‘HOSPITALITY/SOCIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR. If you have any suggestions or special requests, you can email her at trini@thefrey.com.
HDS is the Lexx Expeditor and Lexxian Parade Coordinator. If you have any questions about costumes, the parade, or convention logistics, he is the man to talk to at hdslexxcostumes@bellsouth.net
Mothbreeder has graciously agreed to handle the scheduling of volunteers for the Lexx Fan Table. The Fan table will be staffed on Saturday and Sunday from 10 till 6, and the volunteers will also double as runners for the Lexx Cast Booth. (which is only a few hundred feet away in another hall.) If you would like to volunteer please contact Mothbreeder at webmaster@briandowney.biz (After all the walking you will be doing at Dragon Con, the Fan table will be a good chance to rest your tootsies a let the action come to you for a while.)
Me? You mean I have to work too? *sigh* If I must. I will be handling the overall General Organization and am currently looking for several things from our Lexxians. Two of the most current items are,
1. Please think about what kind of information or display you think we should have at the Lexx Fan Club table.You can email me at ideas@thefrey.com How should we present our show to the masses?
2. T-shirt designs, we currently have a contest going to two t-shirt designs. One full color that goes on a white shirt and a one color design, suitable for silk-screening on a black t-shirt. please check the rules at http://www.thefrey.com/LexxFanClubUSA.htm
30th May 2003 at 4:16 am #66391Meep
ParticipantI hope this one goes down in Lexx history 🙂
30th May 2003 at 10:40 am #66393Anonymous
Guest[quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is 😉
30th May 2003 at 1:05 pm #66397Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”HisDivineShadow”][quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is ;)[/quote]
And that’s VERY important to YOU, isn’t it?30th May 2003 at 5:55 pm #66402Anonymous
Guest[quote=”Flamegrape”][quote=”HisDivineShadow”][quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is ;)[/quote]
And that’s VERY important to YOU, isn’t it?[/quote]That’s not fair, Fg…it’s important to all of us who don’t want to see
Lexx fly off into the sunset…at least not yet! There is still much fun to be had! 😛30th May 2003 at 8:23 pm #66403Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”Trini_T”][quote=”Flamegrape”][quote=”HisDivineShadow”][quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is ;)[/quote]
And that’s VERY important to YOU, isn’t it?[/quote]That’s not fair, Fg…it’s important to all of us who don’t want to see
Lexx fly off into the sunset…at least not yet! There is still much fun to be had! :P[/quote]
Not fair? I don’t think you know who has been treated unfairly.Fun to be had? At whose expense? At what cost? And what price do the actors have to pay?
30th May 2003 at 10:25 pm #66404mandara k
ParticipantFor cripes sake guys, guys ,GUYS! What are you doing? If you don’t want to support LEXX US then for cripes sake don’t. Do not accuse someone of unfair treatment and then not elaborate. If you have issues then share them with us all or privately deal with this off the BB.
Us Con IS (thank heaven’s to betsy) FINALLY here; why ya wanna diss it before it even makes a trial run.
ANd BTW, the fans also pay a price; they pay for a pass and a place to stay and transport there plus they support LEXX by keepng BB alive and buying DVD’s. It’s like any good relationship there is freely giving and taking on both ends.
I think if these Stars were mistreated then I don’t think they would participate in a fan- driven CON. I thought they enjoyed themselves at MEgaCon or did someone lie in the report? They have an option to say no.
In other words, ya got issues deal with them privately or air them publically; I don’t care but give this new baby a chance to at least breathe.
Honestly, I just want to catch up with a few peeps I met and possibly meet some new faces and have a great time in the process without donning vulcan ears and brandishing a light sabre in order to feel comfy there.
30th May 2003 at 10:43 pm #66405Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]Do not accuse someone of unfair treatment and then not elaborate.[/quote]
It is very difficult to elaborate. I don’t trust the “private” environment of the moderator’s forum. Certain people aren’t listening to me. The issues that I have are bigger than you or me. The people who ought to contact me know how to do so.But as far as my Lexx related webages go, “No Lexx for you! Come back two days!” They will be back online June 1.
Have I made myself clear that I have deep concerns about what is happening? And that no one is listening?
30th May 2003 at 11:01 pm #66407mandara k
ParticipantWell, I’m sorry to hear you you are not being heard; Do you think there might be an underlying reason for that; and if there is, do you think you might want to try to repair that before you make your concerns known?
I usuallly find that in breakdowns of communications with others I have played some role in it. It takes 2 to tangl 😉 e as they say.
I also find that it is better to objectively look at my part in altercations; step out of my head and see if I may or may not have done something that was not fair (ie…. what I would not want to happen to me or someone I cared deeply for).
It is important to master our minds (and emotions) so that they do not master us.
31st May 2003 at 2:33 pm #66413Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]Well, I’m sorry to hear you you are not being heard; Do you think there might be an underlying reason for that; and if there is, do you think you might want to try to repair that before you make your concerns known?[/quote]
Oh, yes. I know there is an underlying reason. But I have very little idea how I could repair it.I’ll restate something that I’ve posted over at Lexx.Com.
My protests pertain to the continued factionalization of Lexx fandom. And I fear that certain poor choices are leading Lexx fandom down a very dark path. It is something that is best not discussed in public at the moment. I made my protest statements in order to get attention and it seems to have backfired. Oh, well. I’m trying to persue a discussion with other people involved with Lexx fandom at the moment, but I’m having very little luck.
31st May 2003 at 4:38 pm #66415mandara k
ParticipantAgain, I don’t quite see how what is going on pertains to a “dark path”. Look, in the light zone after being an effective interpreter to the bad mimes of the cluster I was fed to the LEXX so as in the movie “The Red Violin” part of me lives on. 😉
“Dark path” as in human sacrifice, fun with farm animals., what? It’s only dark if someone leads a lot of people to do something illegal or immoral; or runs off with my money without giving me squat.
If you are “our” protector then let’s here it, Flame. If not, let us learn it for ourselves; let us be the judge of what’s going on. Put it in a poll. I would suggest however that you allow the current plans for what’s going on to continue; how do we know if something is wrong, does not work, or is going the wrong way unless it happens.
In other words, enjoy the ride for a while.
31st May 2003 at 4:50 pm #66416Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]If you are “our” protector then let’s here it, Flame. If not, let us learn it for ourselves; let us be the judge of what’s going on. Put it in a poll. I would suggest however that you allow the current plans for what’s going on to continue; how do we know if something is wrong, does not work, or is going the wrong way unless it happens.
In other words, enjoy the ride for a while.[/quote]
That’s a good idea. Perhaps I will put it in a poll. It would be a very good one for the Sci-Fi Angst forum. I have never had this much angst about what is happening in Lexx fandom. A small personal conflict of mine led to me finding out things that have me shocked and alarmed. (Again, it has nothing to do with webpages or websites. I know some of you are thinking that’s my issue. It’s not that.)A good way to learn is from experience. A hard way to learn is to not listen to experienced advice.
31st May 2003 at 5:10 pm #66417mandara k
ParticipantI guess the operative question is……. why? Why do we do what we do?
Why do I do what I did for LeXX….. what I did ……for …….LEXX!
Sorry, thinking that song What I Did For Love. 🙄No, I like the show, liked the movies more, but as time goes on I”m discovering that I like the fans the best; you guys and dames are cool and I didn’t always think that. 😳
I can’t avoid a wild party either; and like i said before LEXXians throw some pretty wild parties! 😈
If you have done something or someone wrong…. hmmm. It’s an individual thing; some will, in time learn to accept you, but once a bond is broken; it is rarely ever the same. It takes a courageous heart to forgive someone who has done you wrong; it also takes a courageous heart to try to repair damage done to another; to admit we are not perfect; to admit we were wrong: to try to make amends; and to accept and move on if there is nothing more we can do to repair a situation.
That’s why it is better to think about everything that comes out of our mouths and fingers. (Yeesh, this is a hard one for me :P) I read some Chinese philosopher that said it is better to think 10 times before you utter a word; for once said and done it cannot be unsaid or undone.
Take it easy, my sweets 😀
31st May 2003 at 5:36 pm #66418Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]If you have done something or someone wrong…. hmmm. It’s an individual thing; some will, in time learn to accept you, but once a bond is broken; it is rarely ever the same. It takes a courageous heart to forgive someone who has done you wrong; it also takes a courageous heart to try to repair damage done to another; to admit we are not perfect; to admit we were wrong: to try to make amends; and to accept and move on if there is nothing more we can do to repair a situation.[/quote]
Like I said before, it isn’t about anything like that. For what it’s worth, I can be a hothead and say things without knowing all the facts. To that end, I’m sorry for whatever I did. I do what I think is right. What others think of it and what they do about it is another story altogether.I’m following your advice, Mandara. Posting a poll is a VERY good idea. If I don’t hear anything from the people I have attempted to contact, I will post it tomorrow. Between now and then I will proof-read the wording. But it will be based on what I know so far, and if I’m wrong or don’t know all the facts, then I will look very stupid indeed.
But related to the issue is whether or not certain people care if I look stupid and are enjoying seeing me put on the spot like this. They are free to contact me.
The bottom line is that if I do have all my facts straight, it will set a very bad precedent and forever marr the image of Lexx fandom. It’s not directly about factionalization in fandom, but it’s very much related to it.
31st May 2003 at 5:59 pm #66419mandara k
ParticipantWell, I would advise against polling at this time; I think whatever the issue is; it is too volatile to post right now or even poll. I would recheck the facts and sit on it for a few days and even a week. IS it possible to know ALL the facts; don’t go off half cocked and just end up hurting others and ultimately yourself.
Undercut LEXX fandom? That’ll be the day… even the ending of the show has yet to do that.
You said you are a hothead; so cool off; move away from the BB and let it go for a period of time. Let time be a judge of what will transpire. All things are revealed given enough time. I can’t see that the abyss is swallowing us whole as of yet.
31st May 2003 at 6:05 pm #66420Flamegrape
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]Well, I would advise against polling at this time; I think whatever the issue is; it is too volatile to post right now or even poll. I would recheck the facts and sit on it for a few days and even a week. IS it possible to know ALL the facts; don’t go off half cocked and just end up hurting others and ultimately yourself.[/quote]
You’re right. I don’t want to post a poll about this right now. I wish I didn’t feel like I have to, but I do. I really hope that I do NOT have my facts straight or that there are more complete and accurate facts to be known.The people involved who are willing to talk to me can contact me. I have just about given up attempting to get through to certain people that I know aren’t listening to me. That is the precise reason why I have been raising a fuss for the last day. Hello, out there! Give me a call! A very wise person once said that lack of communication “makes ALL involved look petty, and like asses.” Wiser words have I not heard in a long while.
31st May 2003 at 6:12 pm #66421mandara k
ParticipantLet’s get back to the theme at hand. Party; did I see not one, not two but three count them three parties. Wooo HOOO HOOO HOOO!
Are we getting male strippers, are we are we, huh, huh,huh? 😆
No, prolly not; I’ll just have to scan for slipping duct tape 😈 😉
31st May 2003 at 6:20 pm #66422theFrey
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]Let’s get back to the theme at hand. Party; did I see not one, not two but three count them three parties. Wooo HOOO HOOO HOOO!
Are we getting male strippers, are we are we, huh, huh,huh? 😆
No, prolly not; I’ll just have to scan for slipping duct tape 😈 :wink:[/quote]
I am looking forward to finding out exactly what Trini has in mind. 🙂 lol!!
31st May 2003 at 7:19 pm #66425Anonymous
Guest[quote=”thefrey”][quote=”mandara k”]Let’s get back to the theme at hand. Party; did I see not one, not two but three count them three parties. Wooo HOOO HOOO HOOO!
Are we getting male strippers, are we are we, huh, huh,huh? 😆
No, prolly not; I’ll just have to scan for slipping duct tape 😈 :wink:[/quote]
I am looking forward to finding out exactly what Trini has in mind. 🙂 lol!![/quote]Should be cool! cant wait!
31st May 2003 at 7:24 pm #66426mandara k
Participant“It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.”
2nd June 2003 at 7:32 pm #66486Jhevz
ParticipantI can’t wait to go to the parties, either; I think they’ll be a lot of fun. I also can’t wait to see you all there & talk about all kinds of things.
See you all there as well as our special guests.Lexxians Unite,
Jhevz 😉 -
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