Dragon Con updates guest list…

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    Ray Bradbury has been added to the guest list for Dragon Con this August, but still not a Lexx name in sight! Yet they are openly inviting people to fill out guest applications under “guest services” at their website. Has Lexx been deemed “not worthy”?!! 😥 Perhaps it’s just a genuine lack of interest. 🙄 Oh well, their loss.


    They are just notoriously flakey. Lloyd said that all the [i]Lexx[/i] actors want to go, etc. Just not much word back from DragonCon. I have faith that things will come through for us all.


    They do. I have heard that they are holding off accepting a very attractive offer to do three cons in Austraila where Lexx is in it’s final season.

    It seems that one of the Aussie dates conflict with Dragon Con. I am not sure how that is going to work out. Apparently some of the cast have even chatted with the main office there, but still no joy. Let us hope for the best.

    Everyone join hands, pray, nag and beeseech as necessary. Petition the God or Gods of your choice even.

    mandara k

    Gee, that’s interesting. What happens if LEXX stars get work during those times? Or is it all in the scheduling?

    No matter, cons are pretty much out of the picture for me this year ( back and hip injury) unless I am flat on my back somewhere I’m no good to anyone…….. ah that didn’t come out right 😳 😛

    It’s a transitional year to be sure… lots going on…. lots of twisting of undergarments over war, bad economy, natural disasters, and sensationalizing every bit of news. When it settles down a little may be work for entertainment will be slightly more plentiful. Who knows what will be considered entertainment next week let alone next year. Though T and A seems to always reign. 🙄 😉

    Well, my comrades of LEXXDOM, wherever you go (whatever you do.. we’re going to to go through it together….. 😳 song)
    have a good time… think of me during the breaks with bouncing bodacious bad people, and take lots of photos and drop me a line once in a while for crikey’s sake.

    I know it’s a long shot but may be I’ll be up and running for next year (if there is a next year…. for LEXXians). Too early to tell.

    See ya.


    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    [color=blue]I have faith that Dragon*Con will pull through & have a Lexx guest or 2; I hope that the guests who are interested can work things out; if not this yr, may be next. We all can hope that it’ll be this yr’s, but you’ll never know; things can change.[/color]
    I’m really not into Ray Bradbury, but there are guests that I’d like to meet & meet again while I’m there.
    Be happy 🙂 ; you never know, there just might be a Lexx guest at this yr’s Dragon*Con.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    I imagine it is a scheduling thing. You notice just about every con in the world has a disclaimer that ‘Star appearances listed are subject to change due to contractural agreements…..yatta-yatta-yatta’

    In plain speak…. if filming runs late… or a really kick hiney offer is made…. said star will not attend. Like I said, standard stuff. However, I was relieved that last year Elvis WAS able to make Dragon Con. 😀

    And you are right Jhevz, it is a lot of fun no matter who attends. 😀 Duct tape watching ahoy!

    mandara k

    DC or Australia; that’s a hard decision, I would not want to make that one. Both have advans and disadvans. I vote…. for doesn’t matter.

    I hope all works out well. Like I said take mucho photos and create some great memories! 😮


    😯 I had no idea they have a chance to make organized appearances in a country that is currently showing Lexx!!!! Business-wise that’s a no-brainer (I can’t believe I’m saying this)!
    The very fact that they are still considering Dragon Con is almost incomprehensible! My admiration for them has just been elevated to a new level. Whatever they choose to do, they (once again) deserve our renewed support and best wishes!


    [quote=”Jhevz”]I’m really not into Ray Bradbury, but there are guests that I’d like to meet & meet again while I’m there.[/quote]

    That’s a shame since Bradbury is one of the greatest living (or at least best known) figures in sci-fi — a veritable legend! I’d love to meet him; it would be a once in a lifetime experience. However, due to various circumstances I will not be able to attend the con.

    Really Jhevz, I’d give him another chance (‘though of course I can’t expect him to be everybody’s cuppa). His works often seemingly have a child-like simplicity (in style particularly), which would turn off many adult readers, but there’s a poignant lyricism there too, and the innocence that he captures is one of his books’ greatest charms. Aye, there’s a real grace and humanity that comes through in many of his stories. A strong familiarity with his works would certainly increase the enjoyment of the con for many.

    Here’s some suggested Bradbury reading for those attending the con (head out to your local library):
    [u]The Martian Chronicles[/u]
    [u]Fahrenheit 451[/u]
    [u]The Illustrated Man[/u]

    Story collections like [u]I Sing the Body Electric[/u], [u]Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories[/u], and [u]The Machineries of Joy: Short Stories[/u].

    And there are quite a few sci-fi writers at this board. Who knows, perhaps he’ll offer some advice, and/or inspiration that will lead to one of us getting published. Enjoy the con! 😀


    Thanks Logan,
    I don’t normally read his work, but I’ve heard his a good author; I’ll write the titles down & go to the libray & see if any of them are there. If not, I might get 1 from the Dealers’ Room when I’m at Dragon*Con.
    I’m sorry you won’t be attending, but I’ll tell you all about it as soon as I get back.
    Take care.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Hi Jhevz,

    If your library doesn’t carry him then it’s not much of a library — I can’t imagine it won’t. I’d start with his short story collections; one of my favourites is “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” which you may find in several of his collections including [u]A Medicine for Melancholy[/u]. It also makes for a nice introduction/companion to [u]The Martian Chronicles[/u]!

    But there are a lot of people on the guest list I’d like to meet
    ( http://www.dragoncon.org/ ) including:

    Douglas Anderson: Tolkien scholar

    Bob Burden: known for [u]Flaming Carrot[/u] — the only vegetable more formidable is a flaming bad carrot.

    David Carradine: I’d challenge him to a “Death Race”!
    (Who would win in a martial arts match between Bob Burden and Carradine I wonder? Carradine would go Kung Fu on his derriere but Burden would counter with a Flaming [i]Karroty[/i] chop [sic]. 😉

    Ooh, Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard) will be there! Unfortunately Tweaky couldn’t make it. 🙁

    And Sulu (George Takei) will be there!

    Richard Kiel (Jaws) and star of one of the best films of all time, [u]Eegah[/u]! (just ask MST3k) will be there.

    And for entertainment they even have an exotic dancer! Melissa Wolf.

    And that’s just after a quick cursory glance; there are alot of people I’d like to meet, but none more than Ray. That’s something I could tell my grandchildren.


    😥 Whoa! Logan!
    You definitely got a handle on what Dragon Con truely has to offer-and the forums haven’t even been announced yet!
    I want to extend my heartfelt sympathies that you can’t join us…it’s a priceless resource (just like here at Sad’s 😉 ) for all things science fiction! Tell you what- if Ray Bradbury speaks at a forum I’ll record it for you, if you want! 8)


    Well the guest list isnt over with 😉 I can think seven other people whom you may want to me.

    mandara k

    Yowza, the Magnificent Seven? 😯

    I ‘d prefer The Dirty Dozen; but who’s counting? 😉

    Or my personal autobio; The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

    “Down Sybil, down! 😈


    Well, if it’s seven more magnificent exotic dancers (see Melissa Wolf) then I’m probably there, but if it’s a dozen dirty dancers I’m definitely there!

    (Ooh, or maybe it’ll be Seven Samurai come to challenge Kung Fu Carradine to a death match … but wait, Bob “Flaming Carrot” joins in, and as we all can guess, throwing stars are no match for flaming karate karrots!)

    BTW Trini_T, it sounds great! They have a diverse group of guests that should appeal to a wide range of the sci-fi afficionado’s interests. A great resource, that’s fer sure. Oh, and I really would appreciate it if you get the chance to tape R. Bradbury for me (i imagoine he’ll be one of the major speakers). And see if you can get a pic of one of us embraced in a vicious, yet luscious lip-lock with Jaws (Richard Kiel). He was hilarious with the girl in [i]Moonraker[/i]. 😀

    mandara k

    Hell no, we don’t need no more steekn’ female dancers; as women with a right to choose and we choose…. more duct taped men (ain’t that right Trini) 😉 What happened to equal opportunity equal exposure.

    That’s right we want skin! Give us yummy guys or give us death. Besides, you guys can trot right on over to Hooter’s on Peachtree.

    Where’s Chippy’s when you need them, hmm? How hard can it be…… 😳 difficult can it be….. to dress a guy up and have him dance.

    Now I ask you; I say we should write it into a budget that we get a guy out of a cake or something, Honestly, 🙄 you’d think we were back before the sexual revolution

    mandara k

    BTW, why do they call Hooter’s a family restaraunt; unless the waitresses are breast feeding your kids I would not consider that a family place 😉


    [quote=”mandara k”]Hell no, we don’t need no more steekn’ female dancers; as women with a right to choose and we choose…. more duct taped men (ain’t that right Trini) 😉 What happened to equal opportunity equal exposure.[/quote]

    Screw duct taped men, gimme duct taped hamsters!*

    *ah, “duct” is anther word for a VCR, right? I love to tape Wild Animal Kingdom and Steve Irwin’s [i]Hamster Hunter[/i]. Crikey, always be careful when handling hamsters. They can be vicious!

    BTW, I always thought it was called Hooters because it’s open late (i.e. it caters to night owls).

    Oh, and to all who go to the convention: Have a blast, take lots of pics, and watch out for the wildlife — Jaws has been known to bite!

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