Dune Fan Artists Needed

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Dune Dune Fan Artists Needed

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  • #39438

    The [url=/html/Sections+index-req-listarticles-secid-9.html]Sadgeezers Guide to Dune[/url] will soon be expanding to also encompass the novels (house Books, Heretics, GEoD, Chapterhouse etc). Unfortunately there are no mini-series or movies to go along with these works. This means that the guides will be only text based, and visually boring.

    [b]We need your help![/b]

    If you’re an artists and have any drawings, sketches, paintings, scans or other conceptions of what the worlds or peoples of the Dune novels look like, we want to see it! And then use it to liven up the novel guides!
    What do you think Miles Teg, or Odrade looks like? How about the changing landscape of forest to desert on Chapterhouse? What does a natural face dancer look like? [b]You show us![/b] No serious submission will be refused.

    If you have any questions contact feel free to contact me at headeghog@sadgeezer.com

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