Episode 14 – Forced Perspective – uploaded

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Episode 14 – Forced Perspective – uploaded

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #36118

    The "Forced Perspective" Andromeda Review has been posted today.


    [img]/andromeda/images-episode1-14/andromeda-14-20s.jpg[/img][i]Welp! This was a show like nothing we’ve seen so far…. no seriously, it wasn’t much fun at all, it wasn’t as well acted, directed, or well produced. There were some good parts of the episode, but these were few and far between. Most distressing was a complete lack (except for an unseen word at the end) of Rommie, Harper and Rev Bem. I would have thought that an episode missing so many of it’s main characters would have a stronger plot.[/i]

    11 Video Captures of the episode are also available on the VidCaps Page



    You missed out that great gag about the ‘Great Compass’ putting Dillan on the correct ‘Arc’ [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]) (don’t have it recorded to get the exact quote). I think there was another geometric reference too.

    And what was with that prion flushing? Why did they have to do it manually? Couldn’t Rommie or another android do it? Or was Rommie offline because of a small valve-thingy?

    –posted in the wrong forum by mistake


    You missed out that great gag about the ‘Great Compass’ putting Dillan on the correct ‘Arc’ [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]) (don’t have it recorded to get the exact quote). I think there was another geometric reference too.

    And what was with that prion flushing? Why did they have to do it manually? Couldn’t Rommie or another android do it? Or was Rommie offline because of a small valve-thingy?

    –posted in the wrong forum by mistake

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