Episodes 790 has not been In

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Episodes 790 has not been In

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  • #36948

    Here they are:

    1) Gondola

    2) K-Town

    3) Tunnels

    4) Walpurgis Night

    5) Moss (I can’t say that I missed him much in this one. His sadistic nature is driving me crazy. I think that he became like that first in “Battle” when he assumed that Kai was coming to him, whereas Kai and Stan were going to rescue Xev. He surely acted crazy in “Girltown” and “The Beach”, as well as others in season four)

    p.s. was 790 in “Nook”? I can’t recall.


    yes he was. Very briefly in the opening and ending.



    Originally posted by Fred:
    5) Moss (I can’t say that I missed him much in this one. His sadistic nature is driving me crazy. I think that he became like that first in “Battle” when he assumed that Kai was coming to him, whereas Kai and Stan were going to rescue Xev. He surely acted crazy in “Girltown” and “The Beach”, as well as others in season four).

    My theory is that the electronic components interfasing with 790’s brain cube were somewhat damaged in the fall in [i]Fire and Water[/i], and have been degrading ever since. There are also psychological stressors to contribute to what may be an “organic” disorder. Read my “robot head” topic on this forum for speculation on 790’s psychology.


    790 was also not in “Viva Lexx Vegas” -thankfully.


    , you really are king of the Lexx stats. Do you have a big book of them somewhere?


    To be quite honest JumpingJedi, I have slight autism, among other things to deal with, but am functioning well enough in reality. That’s a good thing. I will not bother to make another post, so here are a couple of questions:

    1) where does the name for Lyekka’s people, Trin, come from. I haven’t heard it in any episodes.

    2) woyld nyone ever like to amke an epic poem based on the Lexx show, or the episodes?

    “Let’s go!”- Major General Romeo Dallaire


    JumpingJedi, autism gives me the interesting ability to remember misc. facts. For instance, I can tell you which episode is in which Star Trek series season and then give you an approximate synpopsis of it. By the way, I have seen all 9 Trek films, every Original Series and DS9 episode, all but 10 of TNG and all but 1 of Voyager, plus some from Enterprise. That’s over 590 episodes, not counting specials. Other Scifi I have enjoyed are:

    Babylon 5

    First Wave

    Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (I know, that’s crazy)




    Earth: Final Conflict (I have seen all but the final four episodes)

    Dr. Who

    Battlestar Gallactica (sort of)

    Outer Limits (90’s Version- never seen original)

    Twilight Zone (80’s version- seen few originals)

    Batman (60’s and cartoon)

    Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea


    Hercules (cartoon and live action)


    Special Unit 2

    Good vs. Evil

    The Lost World

    Cruel Earth miniseries

    Earth 2

    Moght Morphin Power Rangers (I was a kid!!!)

    Inspector Gadget

    Knight Rider (I would call it a fantasy)

    & others (I hope to eventually see the animated Star Trek)

    Finally, what type of t.v. do autistic persons like the most? Science Fiction. I’ve loved the stuff even before I found out that I had autism. So, it make sense. But, I suffer from a very limited part of it, so nobody get scared now o.k.?



    Originally posted by :
    Finally, what type of t.v. do autistic persons like the most? Science Fiction. I’ve loved the stuff even before I found out that I had autism. So, it make sense.

    Really? Is that a statistical fact? That’s interesting. I suppose it has something to do with the volume of information involved with science-fiction?

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