Ever happen to you???

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    So I went home after a couple pints in the bar across the street from the office…I knew there was not a thing to watch on scifi so….I made some dinner and was hoping that maybe – just maybe there’d be some good scifi on the tv somewhere.

    Lo and behold- Bladerunner was on AMC!!!
    I love when that happens….same thing happened to me a while ago. I really wanted to see a good vampire movie and Bram Stroker’s Dracula was on Flixe….my clairvoyance skills getting better???? Or is my mind just being taken over by my television???


    Only very rarely and only when God is pleased with me. You should feel blessed. 😉

    Kinda like sitting down when you are bushed and finding that they are airing an American Chopper ep that you haven’t seen before. It’s not sci-fi, but it is sureal. does that count?


    thefrey wrote:
    [quote]Only very rarely and only when God is pleased with me. You should feel blessed.

    I knew I was going to theology school for something! 😉

    mandara k

    I find it happening at least every other day for me and possibly every day at times. It’s kinda like those Eureka! moments when you turn off your logical, rational brain and let the unconscious take a spin for a while, you like waking sleep. Jst as you pick up a pencil or pen when you need to work on something, your unconscious also says “I’d like to do this or work on this” and voila’ it aligns.

    In this hot weather it’s in the stop lights and walk signs, i don’t drive now so i have to wait in the heat at stop signs and when you can align them to flask on as you come to an intersection, it’s much easier because you only have to pause and then move on. 😆 it’s great!

    It’s all in alignment and energy, and of course Frey interceding with TPTB! Well, now, it’s good to here then after my time away then ’cause there is alignment going on. Feels like coming home!

    Sid, AMC and TNT and for older stuff TCM are very receptive on giving you what you want without writing long letters to the cable networks. I find i get movies i want and shows i want by looking to them mostly. Sometimes, A and E, but ones like USA, or especially sci-fi are not amiable towards energy, or PK which is strange ’cause it is sci-fi for crying out loud.

    Play with it girls, see how it may grow!


    Thanks mandara k!

    Tonight will be a good night to try that out….after the pints again- though it’s Tuesday, it’s my birthday so after chatting with the girls I may well want to watch something when I do get home.

    Though it’ll be a short lived experiment now….I’ll be cutting myself loose from the cable system…

    I need to cut back costs as I begin grad school in Sept…+ I thought while studying I could use to stay away from watching SG-1 everyday at 6!

    Sad but true….6 pm SG-1 is my gateway drug to all sorts of tv viewing…

    Hi, my name is Sidhecafe and I have a problem. I really need to give up Jack O’Neill and Daniel Jackson.


    Happy birthday


    Thanks MuadDib!!!

    Happy Unbirthday to you!


    Yeah, I remember seeing “Bladerunner” on the cable guide awhile back.

    Anyway, I find that whenever I am in the mood for something on TV, like sci-fi, I will often find a “Tremors” marathon instead or something really lame that I don’t like. 🙁 Once about 6 or 7 months ago I was on an “80’s” kick one evening and managed to catch “Some Kind of Wonderful” and “Pretty in Pink” on TNT.

    Happy B-day, BTW. I hope you celebrate excessively.

    mandara k

    Happy Birthday Sid, you should have said that 1st!

    Well, be like me, I’m going into a no sci-fi cable mode for a while which I’m actually quite okay with. i just watch the DVD;s I want and read transcripts or spoilers of what i can’t see.

    Godd luck in grad school too, sweetie, theology, right? Are you gonna teach or preach with that?


    YOWAYYO wrote: [quote]Happy B-day, BTW. I hope you celebrate excessively.[/quote]

    Thanks! and I did end up celebrating excessively…. 😳 very excessively….

    mandara k wrote: [quote]Happy Birthday Sid, you should have said that 1st! [/quote]

    Thank you! I was kind of grumpy about it for a bit there. Turned 33.
    But thanks for the good wishes for that and school!
    I think I would like to teach after my theo degree. It’ll be an interesting journey, so I won’t be surprised if that changes as I go through it.

    Not feeling too godly this morning 😉 …hung over….ouch.. 😥

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