fan fiction

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx fan fiction

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  • #40103

    Hi I’m new at this fan fic lark. 😳

    I have just written a rather long piece of Lexx fan fiction and wondered where best to post it? And how to go about it.

    anybody help me out?


    The original science fiction forum would be a good start
    [url=]Click here[/url]

    There’s a list of rules at the top.


    thanks 😀

    I’m rather afraid that my fic is too x-rated 😳 😳 😳

    I might however just post the first chapter. I don’t think thats too shocking 😈

    Do you know anywhere that takes racier stuff?


    You could run it past the mods here and see what they say. Otherwise, at there’s a fiction forum on the billbored, see what the mods there think.


    [quote=”leila”]I might however just post the first chapter. I don’t think thats too shocking[/quote]

    Can we translate and publish it on our Russian Lexx site?

    We search the fan-fiction whom yet did not read and very much would like to read something new.


    Don’t really have anything substantial to add to what NurseWhen said, or the [url=]Forum FAQ[/url] says, but I want to mention that there is some pretty darned racy stuff in the [url=]Original Science Fiction[/url] forum.

    This is a fairly adult board, so erotic is fine, but hardcore is discouraged. You might want to PM some of the more lexX-rated passages to a moderator to peruse. Usually it’s best to send “questionable” fic to theFrey as she moderates that forum, but I certainly wouldn’t mind having a peep. 😉 So feel free to send me the raciest excerpts; you can be sure I’ll study them very thoroughly… again, and again, and again. 😆

    Sometimes when I’ve submitted stuff at boards that I worried went over the line, I warned people of it and offered a disclaimer… E.g. [i]”WARNING! Adult Material Ahead! The author does not endorse, agree with, or recommend this post. By agreeing to read this you expressly consent not to hold the author responsible, or legally liable, for any trauma, loss of lunch, or injuries incurred.”[/i]

    I would then announce the “offensive” passages by super-sizing, em[b]bold[/b]ening, underlining, and garishly colour-coding the font so no one could miss it. 😉 Wouldn’t want people complaining that it sneaked up on them unawares. Kidding about that, of course. You will often find, though, that when people expect adult content in a post, they will tend to skim the story until they get to “the good stuff” — highlighting the text helps them in their quest.

    Seriously, I’d love to read your “pretty, pretty” story, so I do hope it finds its way here (even if a little editing is warranted). All of my silly stories in the writing forum have been questionable in one way or another. Incidentally, I’m also a big [i]Barbarella[/i] fan (love the Great Tyrant). You can’t do a [i]Lexx/Barbarella[/i] cross-over without getting a little dirty. 🙂 I wouldn’t mind writing a [i]Barbarella[/i] drama myself — already thought of how it would start… with screaming…


    [quote=”Logan”] …Incidentally, I’m also a big [i]Barbarella[/i] fan (love the Great Tyrant). You can’t do a [i]Lexx/Barbarella[/i] cross-over without getting a little dirty. 🙂 I wouldn’t mind writing a [i]Barbarella[/i] drama myself — already thought of how it would start… with screaming…[/quote]

    Yours or one of the Character’s? 🙂


    [quote=”thefrey”][quote=”Logan”] …Incidentally, I’m also a big [i]Barbarella[/i] fan (love the Great Tyrant). You can’t do a [i]Lexx/Barbarella[/i] cross-over without getting a little dirty. 🙂 I wouldn’t mind writing a [i]Barbarella[/i] drama myself — already thought of how it would start… with screaming…[/quote]

    Yours or one of the Character’s? :)[/quote]

    Both, unfortunately. I’m a method writer.


    Method writer? Gosh, since a lot of writers do their work in the evening that could be quite a surprise to the other members of your household.

    *SHRIEK! *

    Spouse sits bolt upright in bed…. Heart racing they listen…..

    * AAGuuugH!*

    *mutter* Geese louise, I wish he would duct tape his mouth shut when he writes this late at night!. A bit of pillow punching…. with the mental image of something other that the poor pillow… long suffering spouse flops back down and covers head with covers.

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