Fantastic Interview

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    Its over a year old now, but this eighteen page interview with Ron d Moore is remarkable for its expansiveness and candor. Moore talks about his tenure within the Star Trek franchise, Roswell, Carnivale and Battlestar Galatica. If its already been posted…oops 😳 Otherwise, if you have the time and inclination, this is amongst the most rewarding interviews I’ve read with a creator (and it certainly helps that the interviewer knows his stuff..they literally bounce off each other. Intriguinly, the miniseries is panned in the review that accompanies it, but that doesn’t prevent the interview from being a real eye opener).


    Cool. Thanks for posting it . I haven’t had a chance to read it all yet, too much school work this week with profs, trying to cram it all in before spring break. I like what I’ve read so far.


    Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such fighting and posturing. Is this how things run in the Star Trek universe. 😉 WWCKS?

    I know what I would do, but then I am
    [quote]Dr Leonard “Bones” McCoy
    I’m a doctor, not a mechanic!”

    which Star Trek character you are most like?



    [quote=”thefrey”]Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such fighting and posturing. Is this how things run in the Star Trek universe. 😉 WWCKS?


    What’s most galling about the ‘revealations’ is that they reveal the Star Trek universe to be a gaping black hole. A show built around a model of team work was hardly modelled on the star trek reality. Behind the scene rivalries, factions, dissent, disregard for your own members, bullying, etc were the order of the day. Meanwhile, everyone on the show is idealised as a team player in so far as the team had to falsify the show’s own workings and ideals. 🙄

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