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  • #37784

    I decided just to make this a new thread:

    [b]On EM TV:[/b]
    From Slipstream BBS
    “ISTR that EM.TV experienced a drastic reduction in their share value because they were found to be faking their financial reports, instead of making a profit as they were reporting, they were making a huge
    loss. EM.TV was saved from collapse by the Kirsch Group which has itself now been declared insolvent.

    EM.TV have been trying to sell Henson for some time, either in whole or in part and it’s only recently that they may have been able to close a deal. As of the end of August they said that they were in “the final
    phase” of talks with international investors. It’s possible that they may have decided to drop Farscape to make Henson more attractive to a potential buyer, given the huge production bill that would come with

    [b]Fan protests have impact?:[/b]
    Instead of the sets (and moya) being dismantled and/or destroyed, An insider reports that they will be dis-assembled and stored.

    [b]Peaceful Protest:[/b]
    Planning is underway for an organized protest of the Sci Fi Channel offices this Thursday. Please pass the word onto any New York area (or mid-Atlantic Scapers who can travel). If you would like to participate, E-mail Barbarella@lythion.com. Put reference to the picketing in the header.

    [b]Getting the word out:[/b]
    There is going to be a paid add in Variety on Thursday by the Save Farscape campaign. Additionally, funds are being collected to place an add in the Saterday Sydney Herald [url=http://deneba.blogspot.com.]http://deneba.blogspot.com.[/url]

    [b]Sci Fi Chat antics:[/b]
    According to Chat room Goddess Barbarella, There have been attempts by Sci Fi’s IT director to shut down the #farsca[e chat room on the Sci Fi server.

    “TechGoddess: scifis IT director Craig is doing this”

    [b]From Barbarella:[/b] “If for some reason, Sci Fi succeeds, we are to go to irc.chorn.com
    and #Farscape (it’s the only channel on it). Barb has logs of Sci Fi’s attempted censoring of us, and should it be necessary will send it out to the news.”

    [b]From Jen:[/b] “Barb also requests that we keep logging in at the irc.scifi.com #farscape room, while maintaining a presence over at the new chatroom. The logs have been sent to Reuters to be sent out to everyone else about Sci Fi infringing our users’ rights and first amendment rights (the guy is complaining because Barb changed the title to the room, but refuses to tell her what is allowed to be in the title).
    Sci-Fi’s Director of IT keeps resetting the server and killing the chat room. And, he’s making stupid remarks. Barb has been logging the whole thing and someone says they are contacting Reuter’s news service about it.”

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]

    [ 11-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]


    Chat News:

    Earlier this evening, Ben Browder and David Kemper joined the #farscape channel on the Sci Fi server. I am sure they had things they wanted to say, however the server went down…repeatedly. Rumour has it (allegedly) that this was not an accident (allegedly) but that the Sci Fi IT peeps (allegedly) were responsable. Needless to say, the chat never took place. I’ll keep you updated on this latest Sci Fi scandal, of course [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Camelyn [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]



    The news David Kemper and Ben Browder were going to annouce in the chat was that Sci Fi has ceased dismantling the sets, and they have entered negotiations to film a 2 hour series finale for the show.

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]


    David Kemper managed to get in to Chat this evening. I have posted the transcript on my site here:

    He says alot, without really commiting to anything concrete. He alludes to “renewed hope”, whatever that might mean, I can’t be sure. Perhaps the 2 hour series finale? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]


    [b]CNN Takes Notice[/b]

    CNN Real media clip of the Save Farscape campaign coverage by CNN [url=http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~arrghman/cnn-scape.rm]http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~arrghman/cnn-scape.rm[/url]
    Transcript of broadcast: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/blogger.html]http://farscape.wdsection.com/blogger.html[/url]

    [b]E-mail Stunt:[/b]

    From Save Farscape:
    “As part of a concentrated effort to show solidarity with our brother and sister scapers on the picket line tomorrow I’ve been trying to drum up participation in an email barrage to Tom Vitale pressing the send button at 12:00 noon eastern time. I have been requesting that as many scapers as humanly possible email tvontv@scifi.com with the subject PLEASE SAVE FARSCAPE and have requested that they send a short polite note requesting Farscape be renewed for a 5th season.
    If this works it will send a message to Scifi that we are unified and we’re not going away.” (Camelyn’s Note: I am a bit iffy about this one, a big fat mail bomb, IMO)

    [b]New articles: [/b]

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]


    [b]Reminder: E-mail Campaign Today [/b]

    From PKAT:
    Today is the day! CNN Headline News ran a story saying we were going to do this, let’s not make liars out of them. Please, at noon eastern time (5:00 PM London and 3:00 AM {eeep! Sorry guys!} begin to send emails to scifi. Make the short, sweet, polite and to the point.

    DO NOT PUT THE WORD FARSCAPE in the subject and for the body something simple will work very nicely: “Please do not cancell this award winning, critically acclaimed show. Please renew Farscape for a 5th season.”


    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]


    [b]The Rumour Mill:[/b]

    From Mediaweek.com:
    -Here’s An Interesting Rumor:

    Word is circulating that UPN is considering picking up Sci Fi’s not renewed Farscape for the 2003-04 season. Considering that the aging Buffy could be heading into its last season, this is not necessarily a bad idea.
    — Marc Berman

    [b]CNN Support:[/b]

    CNN is doing a great job of covering the campaign. How about dropping off an e-mail of thanks and support?

    Click Contact Us and send comments to
    Hot Wired. Be sure to thank Renay San Miguel.

    [b]Rally News:[/b]

    Pics: (Woohoo!) [url=http://www.angelfire.com/space/eventhorizon_3/index.html]http://www.angelfire.com/space/eventhorizon_3/index.html[/url]

    Rally report: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/rallyrpt.html]http://farscape.wdsection.com/rallyrpt.html[/url]

    [b]Important Information:[/b]

    Don’t, I repeat, do not send crackers in the mail! Or anything else non-letter like! Remember what day it was yesterday? Well peeps at Sci Fi got real jumpy and called the police today, when they received a leaking package containing a box of smashed-to-bits crackers. See where I am going with this?

    [b]CNN Coverage:[/b]

    All four (up to the time of this post) CNN segments can be found here, where you can view them. (Various formats)

    Thats all for now, folks!

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]


    [b]Save Farscape Rally in Atlanta:[/b]

    The save Farscape Ralley in Atlanta Scheduled for noon today may get CNN coverage. Stay tuned for details.

    [b]Ben Browder on CNN[/b]

    The producers of Headline News on CNN are in contact with Ben Browder’s reps to schedule an interview for the show to be aired in primetime on Tuesday evening. This is tentative, and I will keep you updated.

    [b]Sci Fi talks to Scapers[/b]

    SciFi has posted a letter to Scapers with instructions on how they should proceed with their efforts to contact Sci Fi. I really have no idea what this is about, flooded e-mail boxes, buisness interuptions, PR, a genuine effort on the part of Farscape supporters at Sci Fi to help the campaign, who knows? If I hear more, I’ll let you know.

    [b]Scapers Send Flowers[/b]

    A campaign has started to send flowers to the middle men who have been fielding all of our phone calls, faxes, e-mails, and letters at Sci Fi. To smooth the waters, so to speak…awwww [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    [b]Save Farscape in TV Guide[/b]

    The Webmistress of Save Farscape has been contacted about the possibility of doing an interview for TV guide. WooHoo, way to go Red!

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]

    [ 14-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]

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