Farscape: Peacekeeper War!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape Farscape: Peacekeeper War!

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  • #39842

    So what do you guys think? They claim this will tie up all the loose ends in 4 hours. I find that kinda hard to believe considering they got quite the bucketful of loose-ends. But it sure will be one helluva ride.

    Predictions anyone? Personally I’d like to see the Skarons and PKs in an all out space fight ala B5: Into the Fire, but I wouldn’t be adverse to a new enemy as well.

    Should be fun!


    Will the budget be the same? If (as you reported) the same people are going to be producing it, then this series is a surefire winner!

    All that threatens it as far as I can see is the budget.



    Predictions anyone?


    I predict that a commercial network in Australia will buy the rights, but won’t screen it due to its lack of commerciality. Foxtel will invariably snap it up once its been sitting on the shelf for a year – and then chose not to show it as scheduled because the Next Top Model will have just begun again. And so, many of us will be squinting at our pc screens because we were forced to download it – given the size of the file, it will take weeks to download. once downloaded though, it will invariably execute itself as a trojan programmed by the commercial network protecting its ‘rights’ in protest.


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Will the budget be the same? If (as you reported) the same people are going to be producing it, then this series is a surefire winner!

    All that threatens it as far as I can see is the budget.[/quote]

    Actually, it’s already over! Production finished up just a little while ago. From what I’ve heard I’d have to guess the quality on these will be slightly better than the normal season.

    They decided on a 4-hour miniseries, but early rumors put it anywhere from 6-8 hours, which sounds like they went for quality over quantity.

    [quote=”Bonnee”]I predict that a commercial network in Australia will buy the rights, but won’t screen it due to its lack of commerciality. Foxtel will invariably snap it up once its been sitting on the shelf for a year – and then chose not to show it as scheduled because the Next Top Model will have just begun again. And so, many of us will be squinting at our pc screens because we were forced to download it – given the size of the file, it will take weeks to download. once downloaded though, it will invariably execute itself as a trojan programmed by the commercial network protecting its ‘rights’ in protest. [/quote]

    Ouch. Doesent sound too good for Australia ‘scapers 🙁



    Farscape was on downunder – after being sidelined FRELLING AGAIN, for TWO WEEKS in favor of some Paris Hilton specials. So, after months of being frelled we were thrown some scraps and put on hold again. Who knows – maybe we’ll get to see the final episode next week, assuming there isn’t a ‘special’ on David Beckam, Posh and their babyshitter. cry

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