Fatguy Rises To The Challenge!

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    Over the past few months, there has been a quiet questioning of why I always used the same photos on the net. I have always promised to post current ones but was too lazy. Ok – without further delay are some current ones. Two of my face when I got up in the morning (no shave or comb – and you can see grey hairs there in one – but sometimes I color it as I can “pass”…..):


    Here is two of my torso (not quite a six pack…..but getting there:


    You guys may say “big deal”, but remember that I am forty three years old, and a “pinched in waist” at forty three is nothing to be sneezed at….. In any case – this is the current version of “Fatguy”.

    Maurice – Sorry about showing the underwear…..it was early this morning…..

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