Fatguy’s New Website!

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  • #39522

    Less than 12 hours old…..my first proper website:


    Fortress Of Freedom came from a short story I wrote in the fiction part of this board. The idea was to provide a vehicle for posting that which could not otherwise be posted on the net. The uncensored photos from Iraq were such a case – try as he might – people would not host the truth about Iraq. So here it is…..a dream come true…..the truth…..(**Warning, extreme violence…..in other words…..THE TRUTH!).

    Maurice – Tell me what you think about the site and how to improve it…..


    Of what I’ve seen so far, it’s really good; I’ll write it down & look at it more later, when I have more time to view it properly. I really like the way you named each topic, then by clicking, takes 1 to another topic; there’s only 1 I couldn’t get, but when I return to it, I’ll let you know which 1, so you’ll know. May I make a suggestion, please put some pictures & your e-mail, so others can contact you if they also discover a problem.
    Well done, Fatguy. 🙂

    Sci-Fi Fan to Sci-FI Fan,
    Jhevz 😉


    Of what I’ve seen so far, it’s really good; I’ll write it down & look at it more later, when I have more time to view it properly. I really like the way you named each topic, then by clicking, takes 1 to another topic; there’s only 1 I couldn’t get, but when I return to it, I’ll let you know which 1, so you’ll know. May I make a suggestion, please put some pictures & your e-mail, so others can contact you if they also discover a problem.
    Well done, Fatguy. 🙂

    Sci-Fi Fan to Sci-FI Fan,
    Jhevz :wink:[/quote]

    Thank you Jhevz! 😀 I have to be honest with you that I am a little embarrassed with the site. I had to code the entire site in html by hand (a great experience…..but not one I would like to do again) instead of using Micro-fpxpress, but the next one will be different.

    The pages are simple for a reason – the original specifications of The Fortress were that it be compatible with the 386 computer and up; this is met without the graphics (except for my personal page…..hehehehe 8) ) and I tried to keep things “vivid” with the very strong colors. Member no. 2 and I spent an hour trying to find a suitable cover picture for the home page…..but; every one was in some way offensive to someone around the world, so the simple layout is best. The site is now available to the third world – of which a voice is desperately needed…..

    Also; if you notice – most of the site is hosted at my original dial-up service – only the home page is on the corporate server. This is because I am still shopping for a server; when things are definite, then I will start to “tweak”…..

    This is one site that has a purpose; a real purpose and a constitution to go with it. Here you will find that the content out-strips the wrapping….. Actually, I hope that the site languishes through lack of interest…..a sign that we still have freedom of expression. I gave the site a 2 percent chance of succeeding – now I have it at 11 percent and rising…..

    I still have tons of stuff yet to post on the site and already see errors…..Rome was not built in a day (P.S. If the need to post the soldier’s photos from Iraq did not come up…..Then I would have never have undertaken this endeavor…..too much trouble…..oh well…..).



    Well I like it. When clicking on links many parts are under construction, but since it is, as read, a continuing work in progress I find that most appropriate and strangely comforting. I look at it as a sort of post-modernist take on technology (the information highway) and the distribution of ideas and information. Sort of, because the post-modernist school of thought is wary of grand ideas and ideologies, but it questions the notion of art, so have you (in fact I might say it’s post-post modernist; the primitivist yet practical design works well)… And the intent is post-structuralist in that you are, rather ironically I would think (at least until it becomes a pan-domain identity), rejecting authorial authority when it comes to the codified intent of your site (the constitution of the Fortress Project). Will others be directly sharing their “vision” within the Project before it becomes a truly pan-“internetual” entity — for instance, the members?

    I like the Editorial, concise and to the point, a picture is worth a thousand words — works as a significant signifier (an ideologically charged pic at that).

    It works well as a personal statement within the public domain “the personal is political.” While it is avowed that personal ownership of the Freedom Project shall be ceded when and IF its objective is met, it would always be personal to the members — freedom, in context, is about the rights of the individual.

    I wish you all the best with this project, and can hope it attains a truly communal life (the personal struggle and the big issues will receive a wide forum in the public domain). It is a grand idea, and if handled artfully….

    I’d quite like to see a very comprehensive Fatguy manifesto — a personal one regarding your individual goals within the project (but then is dogma contrary to freedom?)

    Oh, your purpose is concise and quite clear, but can you ever expect to reach your “stated object”? And therefore, can you ever expect to relinquish control? Obviously you’re still in the planning stage, but every step of the way it would be great if other people are fully participating (cannot be seen to be a vanity project).


    Re Logan:

    Two things:

    1. The website is primitive because I wrote it all from scratch. The Fortress is a programing project that may be possible. However – as you know – any experiment is only as good as the foundation upon which it is built. Microsoft software would leave too many questions in my (conspiracy theorist’s) mind (actually everything about Microsoft has a “smell” about it lately…..). A “clean” slate was the way to go here…..

    2. I originally set the mark at two thousand members, then rose to one million (depends on what you count as members). One million of anything seemed to be a good figure, and could be downgraded drastically – but never raised. Interestingly, it is the cost of this venture that may force the “change” of ownership and control, long before it should. The problem may be keeping control for the sake of the site’s purpose more than anything else. My departure is assured. On one of my favorite gun forums; serious consideration was given to “packing it in” on a very successful site because each owner spent about four hours a day working on the thing – unacceptable to me….. I am not doing this to see a pretty site with wonderful graphics, etc.. I am doing this as an experiment (I admit it is fun in a way…..) and following through on my own moral code. Part of me really does not want the bother of this thing, but it is interesting….. Two hours sleep last night because I was working on this site…..starting to sound like Pet….. 😉



    Taking a breather, just a few more notes:

    The forums contain many files now that are not named (only the Iraq photos are named); so just because the selection says (.e.g. “Fiction 1”) that does not mean that there is nothing in it – there is. A named file is a permanent one. So fish around if you are so inclined…..

    The entire site may go off the server in about two weeks. I have to think about the original intent. I am really interested in the “Fortress Project” firstly and the “voice” of the unheard secondly.

    Adding discussion forums is costly (I think – let me know if it is not) and while it would be interesting to see Fatguy Jr. displaying his bum on the site…..that is not a priority right now….. I was also talking to my number two about “risk” in an open accessible site – all questions that have to be addressed in time. It is not in the cards for me to end up in a prison by virtue of someone else using my site for nefarious purposes (this is why the construction sign is up on these forums).

    I do not need fortressoffreedom.com on a server to attain the goals of the constitution, so we will see how it goes. I was looking at other sites and have concluded that I have the most primitive site on the net…..good – It is easier to experiment with simplicity instead of a convoluted maze of programing.

    Thanks for all well-wishes.



    I’m still working on my web pages, updating them when I can & so on; I do a lot of `off-line’ stuff, writing articles, scanning & putting pictures on my computer, etc, so, in fact, we’re both working on ours. If you want to take a look at mine, here they are: [url]http://www.geocities.com/karenlvenn/Karen_s_Visitor_Page.html[/url], [url]http://www.geocities.com/karenlvenn/LorrainesCrafts.html[/url], [url]http://www.geocitites.com/karenlvenn/XXtraStuff.html[/url] & [url]http://www.geocities.com/VKarcata2002/KarcatasVPage.html[/url].
    Let me know what you think of them; I may be changing a couple of pictures & articles before to long.
    Good luck on your web site & I’ll take a look at it later.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Re Jhevz

    I have always taken an interest in my fellow member’s web pages; yours is no exception. However, if you are asking me to evaluate web page construction, then I must tell you that I am in no condition to evaluate anyone’s website…..I am a newbie fourth class….. The best advice would come from those successful at this venture…..like Sadgeezer himself. I just spent the better part of the night installing experimental software that went horribly wrong; only good thing was that it was on my “empty” corporate server…..so the site was not damaged. The only thing I really did in the end, was to install the “Links” page (anyone who does not want their link at my “site” (if you can call it that), let me know and I will remove it). This little disaster was humbling and I could never fill the shoes of people like Sadgeezer, who no doubt had similar problems in the past – but with all sorts of archived data, etc..

    In fact, I am feeling a bit awkward about talking about my website on Sadgeezer’s website; he has been wonderfully tolerant, but I do not want to over stay my welcome. I will try to get some form of interactive messaging installed as I think that I will probably keep the site up and have a go at promoting it…..when it is ready. As it stands; I had two small organizations that I wanted to post in the “Archives” section, postponed due to my ego and the new software…..live and learn. The site is about the little guys standing up to “Big Bad Brother” and almost always in a futile effort; but I will salute them and give them their notice…..hopefully, others will notice.



    To all you Sadgeezers: I am developing a collection of small groups or individuals that embody the concept of free speech and free thought (in the “Archives” section). If you know of any and want me to post them in my site, contact me at fortressoffreedom@hotmail.com. In another matter; I can now enable a discussion forum on this site. Is this a good idea? This is an extra cost option…..but is this a “site killer”; especially at this stage of development? Do I really need this? Let me know before I finalize things with my host server. Sorry for taking up more of your space Sadgeezer.



    This will be my final post in this thread:

    The baby has been spanked and the umbilical cord is being cut…..

    The website:


    has now reached a point where it’s personality is pretty much defined. I am now including downloads and the message board is up. However; before I drop the topic of this website, let me know what you think of the idea behind it and the way it is presented. I still am interested in input and will take any recommendations seriously. Apart from that…..let me tell you that it has been nice hearing from you all and thanks for the good luck.


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