Favorite shows

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  • #35657

    What are everyone’s top ten favorite sci-fi serieses (cult or otherwise)? Here are mine-

    1. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1988-1994)
    2. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)
    3. Doctor Who (1963-1989)
    4. The X-Files (1993-?)
    5. Lexx (1995-?)
    6. Alien Nation (1989-1990)
    7. Red Dwarf (1988-1999)
    8. Babylon 5 (1993-1998)
    9. Batman (1966-1968)
    10. Sliders (1995-2000)

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Mine are:

    2=Red Dwarf
    3=Babylon 5
    5=Star Trek TNG
    7=Quantum Leap
    8=Star Trek DS9
    9=Dark Angel
    10=Stargate SG1

    Aeryn Crichton

    Damn, this is tough! Well, I’ll try to list them as best I can.
    3.Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    5.V the Series
    6.Friday the 13th the Series
    8.Doctor Who
    9.Star Trek – original and TNG
    10.Lois & Clark – the new adventures of Superman
    Honorable Mention – Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Quantum Leap, and Space 1999

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


    I’m remembering these as I go along so they aren’t necessarily in this order:

    Seaquest DSV
    Alien Nation
    Earth 2
    Space: Above and Beyond
    Quantum Leap
    Doc Who

    Stargate was a good movie and very similar to The Fifth Element but I never really liked the series.

    Studies show that alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug-burns to the forehead.

    Aeryn Crichton

    You know, I think that I left out some very important ones. There’s Roswell although I haven’t watched it very regularly this season. I guess I can put Urusei Yatsura and Tenchi Muyo up there too. Certainly, they’re Japanese Anime cartoons, but they have some very definite sci-fi elements to them.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


    I cant put them in order so here they just are!!!

    2.Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    3.Space: Above and Beyond
    4.V (Al of it but mostly “The mini series” and “The final battle”!!!)
    5.The X-Files
    6.Star Trek: TOS, TNG, VOY (Havent seen DSN)
    8.Babilon 5
    9.Red Dwarf
    10.Lois & Clark (If it is sci/fi! If not then Earth 2)

    I cant set it in order so dont consider 5 as No.5 and 8 No.8 aso!!!

    I am the crusader

    Christine Carroll

    1. Lexx
    2. Andromeda
    3. Babylon 5
    4. the X-files
    5. Star Trek : TNG
    6. Star Trek :V
    7. Angel
    8. Alien Nation
    9. Buffy
    10. Sliders

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”

    “Look for me by the moonlight-
    Watch for me by moonlight-

    I’ll come to thee by the moonlight,

    though Hell should bar the way”

    ——-The Highwayman

    Excerpt from “Exquisite Corpse” by Poppy Brite

    “Late in the year,New Orleans still has its hot days. In the slave quaters, Jay and Tran blossomed like the giant stinking carrion-flowers that grow in humid jungles. Their ravaged abdomens swelled and burst like red-petals, a jubliee of rot. Their putrescent fluids pooled on the concrete floor and in the hollows of their disintegrating bodies. …Their faces, c**** and B**** grew into shapeless masses of blackened flesh. Swollen tongues like ball gags forced their jaws wide. Organs tumbled out of their bodies like distended winebags. From their decomposition rose wisps of steam and soft wet sounds of gaseous intimacy….Tran fell out of his binding straps and melted slowly into Jay’s ribcage. A large, faintly iridescent stain ate up the concrete floor around them. Their eyes were black caverns.They gave birth to worms, generation after generation, until their bodies were covered as if in a living blanket. Soon they were picked clean, their bones an ivory sculpture-puzzle shining in the dark, waiting to tell their mute love story.


    My top ten at the moment has got to be:
    1/ Stargate-SG1
    2/ ST-VOY
    3/ ST-TNG
    4/ Andromeda
    5/ Dark Angel
    6/ ST-DS9
    7/ Sliders(Right up to when they replaced Quinn Malory with the ‘other’ Quin.)
    8/ Lexx
    9/ X-files
    10/ Roswell

    It was a close thing for the number 10 slot between Roswell and Red Dwarf. Roswell won cause it’s getting to be a pretty good show. Anyone see the ep when Max travelled back in time from the year 2014 to stop his past self from getting it together with Liz? It was a very good, thought out episode.


    I was just looking over the sadvote and realized I’m the only person who voted for [i]Doctor Who[/i]. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Does ‘Doc Who’ count?

    Studies show that alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug-burns to the forehead.


    Hmm, these are in no order, but…:

    Star Trek – The Original Series and The Next Generation (not really into Voyager or Deep Space Nine)
    Red Dwarf
    Babylon Five
    Quantum Leap
    The X-files – but I think the latest seasons have sent the series a bit haywire – everything after (and including) the movie stunk, in my opinion…

    I’ll think of more later, probably a little while after I press “submit reply”… (c:

    [b]All day I dream about [i]Lexx[/i]![/b]


    As with so many others, these are in no order whatsoever.

    The Twilight Zone
    The Outer Limits (original series)
    The Prisoner
    Star Trek — The Original Series
    The Avengers (well, it has sci-fi elements)
    The X-Files
    Mystery Science Theater 3000
    Ultraman (tied with Space Giants, Ultra-7 and Spectreman…they’ve got fond childhood memories attatched to them)


    Hmmmmm….! How to choose just ten?!? Let’s try…

    1. Lexx
    2. Roswell
    3. Farscape
    4. Babylon Five
    5. X-Files
    6. Red Dwarf
    7. Dr. Who
    8. Alien Nation
    9. Star Trek
    10. Buffy/Angel
    (Honorable mentions: Buzz LightYear, EW Jim, The Tick, and MIB)



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b]Hmmmmm….! How to choose just ten?!? [/b]

    1) twilight zone,still the greatest, i wait for the marathons!
    2) star trek, the original, especially love the ones that don’t get shown as often, and anything with romulans
    3) outer limits, old better than new
    4) x-files, especially old funny ones
    5) lexx
    6) twin peaks
    7) farscape
    8) star trek tng
    9) brimstone
    10) V

    not necessarily in this order all the time!

    Aeryn Crichton

    Oh, have any of you all seen the 70s cartoon called Battle of the Planets? My brother recently got a tape of episodes of it on Ebay, and it’s pretty neat. I was originally a Japanese cartoon, but most of the violence from it was taken out for the American version. One of the characters was voiced by Casey Kasem.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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