Favourite Angel Season – POLL

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Angel Favourite Angel Season – POLL

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    What is your fave Angel Season and why?


    I voted for Season 3 – Holtz is a magnificent characetr and everyone turned in wonderful performances!


    I’ve always liked season 1.

    It was the one where they were introducing the characters in that setting, and I had a soft spot for Doyle.

    I actually didnt like season 4 very much at all. The whole Jasmine thing was a bit strange. and i prefer the stand alone episodes of the previous seasons rather than the running storyline.


    I voted season 1, but to be honest I have not seen much else.

    Watched every ep of season 1, and I hated Buffy(*), go figure. Just looked like a very cool dark show and it was.

    Once the cool Irish guy got wasted and his powers were transferred to Cordelia, the show seemed to me anyway to be slipping more towards the Buffy genre of ‘hot chicks who kick ass’ ‘cept Cordelia couldn’t hurt a fly and was downright annoying save for the brief sexual tension between her and Doyle.

    I did see a very cool 2-parter where they travel to another realm(universe?) where Angel could walk during the day, that was good stuff, should’ve given it more time.

    (*)Hated Buffy ‘cept the season with Dawn/Glory, which imo was some of the coolest fiction(dialogue) on TV that year esp when Giles offed that guy at the end.


    I can’t chose between season 2 and 3, so I’ll lodge an absentee vote. 😮

    The interesting thing about Angel is that it was often better than its parent program on an episode per episode basis, although by season’s end it typically peterd out or lacked the resonance of Buff’s narrative sweep/arc.



    Bonnee! That’s the coolest smilie I’ve ever seen!




    I chose Season 2. I loved Darla & later Dru being brought back, especially when Angel locked Darla in the room with the people from W & H. Loved the whole firing the fang gang thing, etc., etc. I really liked this season.

    Season 3 was very good IMO, until Connor was born. I hated doting daddy Angel, and Connor too for that matter, after he came back from the hell dimension.

    Season 4 was very good, really liked the way Wesley’s character was developed. Still hated Connor. I did like the way they (finally!) did get rid of Connor, though. I was actually starting to like him a tiny bit. 😯

    So far, I’m loving this season. Spike’s return was handled better than I thought it would be. But I’m not sure I want to see him in every episode. I hope we get to see what happened to Cordy. I hope she’s not forgotten the way Doyle was.

    One thing that bothers me about Spike, is that J. Marsters gets 2nd billing in the credits right off the bat when Andy Hallett was in the show for well over a year (maybe longer?) before he made the credits. Just a nitpick.


    I figure thats because hot, hot James Marsters was, at least in part, a way to get the buffy only watchers to “cross over”, so to speak. And also because I believe he’s supposed to become a pretty big deal in the season as opposed to Andy Hallett who took a while to really get integrated into the show and into the gang. As soon as he became a major part of the gang he was put in the opening credits.

    Spike was major from the very beginning. He was also in the opening credits for buffy… it would seem a little strange (and unfair) to go from one to the other and not get that kind of recognition.

    Meanwhile, i think I’m arguing this far too much. suffice to say, I’m really looking forward to this season – I mean, what red-blooded female wouldn’t – with spike [color=red]and[/color] angel. it’s gotta be good.


    Yeah Jennicide, i guess i see your point about Spike. Opening credits & all. I have a friend who was an avid Buffy fan & never watched Angel until Spike joined the cast. Probably a lot of people like that.

    I can live with Spike if it means Angel might be renewed for another season.


    I chose Season 5…so far. I didn’t know how I would like it without Cordelia ( I myself am not that fond of change on my favorite shows), but much to my surprise, I like her not being there. I like Spike’s addition and the new stuff going on with everyone. I like learning a little about all of the crew at the now defunct Angel Investigations and the Wolfram and Hart angle adds a lot of possibilties for future baddies to come out of the woodwork. I also like the fact that there is a little more humor coming back in, that’s what I liked about Buffy in the beginning. Over all I’ve been pretty interested, which is a rarity for me in today’s TV schedule. Happy viewing everyone.


    Season 5 for me. Partly because it went back to an episodic style, but mostly because of Illyria (she is my fav character in the whole Weedonverse)

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