
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Firefly Firefly……………..Why?

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  • #40738

    Having just purchased the boxset of firefly and watched three episodes so far(I have never seen anything to do with this because I hated Buffy ) I was amazed at how good it was!

    How on earth are shows like this cancelled? I mean the Characters are first class and Multi-Dimensional the way they tend to argue and not really know from one day to the next what they are doing reminds me a little of Blakes 7

    I will watch the rest of these precious episodes and then purchase Serenity when it arrives in,I think February

    And then im going to wonder at the “Wisdom” of these TV executives who seem content in giving us endless rubbish like Superman

    Sorry but I like to see Great Characters who are either Much Loved or hated and not run-of-the -mill Bull set in mundane everyday locations with Characters who all have the same “Personality”


    Awww, don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel. 😀


    I agree completely with the first post…

    Big fan of Firefly…

    for me it is up there with Babylon 5 and Blakes 7 as my
    favourite Sci-fi shows period

    great television

    Whedon writes amazing dialogue..

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