Flamegrape’s Xev Picture Archive

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    [url=http://www.flamegrape.com/xev/index.htm]Flamegrape’s Xev Picture Archive[/url]

    I’ve seen plenty of webpages dedicated to Zev but not any for Xev! How can this be! Surely, I must have missed something!

    Anyway, I took it upon myself to create a simple picture archive of nothing but Xev pics. They are all pics that I’ve downloaded from other websites, so I haven’t done anything new. I’ve just gathered them together into one place. I haven’t posted all my pics yet, maybe only half right now.

    If any of you out there know of any Xev picture collections on the net, let me know!


    Well someone already beat you to it.

    But I would ask nicely before reposting any scans by someone else. It’s still updated too.

    Most likely people saw this site and figured “why bother?” as it is top notch.



    Originally posted by X:
    Well someone already beat you to it.

    But I would ask nicely before reposting any scans by someone else. It’s still updated too.

    Most likely people saw this site and figured “why bother?” as it is top notch.

    Cool! It’s a good-looking site! I’ve never seen it before. But, no, it won’t stop me from maintaining my own Xev site. Burntime has created a top-notch site with all sorts of info about Xenia. There are also plenty of non-Xev Xenia pics, too.

    My own site is simple and to-the-point: pics of Xev and nothing else. I set it up for simple archival purposes only. There’s always a chance that any given picture archive website will go down for good. I’ll maintain it for as long as I own Flamegrape.com.

    I will, of course, put a link on my Xev page to his(her?) webpage. I’ll also contact him about where and how he got his images. I have no desire to steal someone’s thunder. All I want to do is maintain a simple pic archive. I should probably add a disclaimer stating that I created none of the scans, that I downloaded them all from the internet.


    Forgot to mention your page design on your Xev page is top drawer [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] Suppose that will have to be another inclusion on my linX page now [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Did you get my e-mail about the Aeon Flux DVDs?



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    I’ve seen plenty of webpages dedicated to Zev but not any for Xev! How can this be! Surely, I must have missed something!

    There are two other Xev related websites that I know of, but I don’t think either has as many scans and vidcaps as Burntime’s site does. They’re still worth checking out in my opinion. The first site is at
    [url=http://www.psychoflump.clara.co.uk/purexev/index.htm]Pure Xev[/url]

    The second one is at
    [url=http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/xev/]The Temple of Xev[/url]

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