Force Lance Vs. Borg ?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Force Lance Vs. Borg ?

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  • #36105

    Call me crazy but earlier while in the bathroom I had a curious thought enter my head, I don’t know what it is about that room but the amount of ideas you get while in there are amazing. But anyway….I was thinking about a star trek-Andromeda crossover and the thought entered my head of how would varying aspects of the show stand up to the collective. Like the force lances, would they penetrate borg shielding since they are projectile based or would there dependence on energy projection mean they could be stopped by the aforementioned shields. And then there is the Ascendant, granted her weapons would probably fall short of inflicting any serious damage on a cube but what about the A.I, they couldn’t possibly assimilate that could they? Like all previous episods where we watched the borg hack into federation systems with relative ease, would “Rommie” for example be able to kick them out of her cyber world? And would she have the capacity to destroy herself if the situation dictated it? Not through action, like the pax did by allowing herself to be fired upon, but could she simply self destruct without the explicit orders of a no longer capable captain or other commanding officer.Just a few thoughts, lemme know what yout think.


    I don’t think force lance’s would be useful against the borg, a lightsaber maybe, but a force lance…no, the borg’s shielding is obviously (like them) designed to adapt, so like Federation rifles, you could hope to get a few shots off and then that would be it.
    As for Rommie, well like Data she could well be physically stronger and her matrix seems too advanced to be assimilated, having said that it might be possible for the borg to introduce borg nanites to infiltrate her systems for a while, but she is more intelligent and advanced than the borg and it wouldn’t take her long to regain control…but as unlike Data, she is much bigger and more wide open to attack, so if enough drones infiltrated her systems with nanites, then she would be overpowered.
    But I think a Borg cube could destroy Andromeda, Andromeda’s weaponary isn’t that impressive, in fact it seems more akin to Archer’s Enterprise, with her rockets and lasers, remember in the ST universe and probably if phasers were real lasers are the poorer cousin of phasers, and rockets wouldn’t even scratch a cube.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    I don’t think force lance’s would be useful against the borg, a lightsaber maybe, but a force lance…no, the borg’s shielding is obviously (like them) designed to adapt, so like Federation rifles, you could hope to get a few shots off and then that would be it.
    As for Rommie, well like Data she could well be physically stronger and her matrix seems too advanced to be assimilated, having said that it might be possible for the borg to introduce borg nanites to infiltrate her systems for a while, but she is more intelligent and advanced than the borg and it wouldn’t take her long to regain control…but as unlike Data, she is much bigger and more wide open to attack, so if enough drones infiltrated her systems with nanites, then she would be overpowered.
    But I think a Borg cube could destroy Andromeda, Andromeda’s weaponary isn’t that impressive, in fact it seems more akin to Archer’s Enterprise, with her rockets and lasers, remember in the ST universe and probably if phasers were real lasers are the poorer cousin of phasers, and rockets wouldn’t even scratch a cube.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

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