God Emperor of Dune mini-series?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Dune God Emperor of Dune mini-series?

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    Is Skiffy going to fund a God Emperor of Dune mini-series? Anyone heard or read anything? Facts? Rumors?


    My info is well over a year old but they never planned on doing God Emperor, the CGI alone tackling the main character Leto would’ve been too hard.

    The original plan was:

    “Dune” 3 part miniseries
    If it did well enough….

    “Dune Messiah;Children of Dune” 3 part miniseries. Although originally they claimed “Dune Messiah” would only be a preface, it ended up being an entire 2 hour part.

    If it did well enough….

    “God Emperor” 20 minute preface for
    “Heretics of Dune; Chapterhouse Dune” 3 part miniseries

    basically they would’ve begun the third miniseries explaining Letos reign, then fast fowarding 20,000 years to the final 2 books.

    As “Children of Dune” did not do anywhere near as good as “Dune” I don’t think it’s going to happen tho.

    My guess is that Sci-Fi thought the mini series could be a gateway into doing Brian Herberts series(s) (which is much more “Sci-Fi” USA) which could’ve been made into an actual series. Hopefully CoD will do well enough on DvD for them to do the final mini series.


    I’ll say this much. Sci Fi announced a follow up to Dune before the first mini-series even aired its last episode. Sci Fi has barely acknowledged CoD’s existance since its airing.

    Furthermore, there doesn’t seem to be a large following of people who demand another miniseries. Last I checked, only 125 names were on the GEoD online petition. 😕 😥 Sci Fi Channel wouldn’t listen to thousands of Farscape fans, do you really expect them to listen to a couple hundred? It’s part of there new stradegy called “F@#% the Fans”, but I digress.

    As “Children of Dune” did not do anywhere near as good as “Dune” I don’t think it’s going to happen tho.[/quote]

    Interestingly enough, Dune averaged 4.4, whereas CoD averaged a 2.4. While this does seem like a huge loss, in terms of percent share of audience, it is not a big change in the number of viewers. Both mini-series averaged around 2.8-2.9 million viewers per episode. However, CoD had a larger cumulative audience than it predecessor (because of multiple showings). Because Sci-Fi has expanded the number homes it is now available to, since 2000, it has a larger audience. Therefore if about the same number tune in each time, but with the second time having a larger group of viewers. Then obviously the ratings share will drop. This is unfortunatly what the executives look at, because its so closely related to the $$. To comppund matters, CoD had a larger budget then Dune. In other words, Sci Fi didn’t make as much as they wanted to.

    [quote]Hopefully CoD will do well enough on DvD for them to do the final mini series.[/quote]
    The week CoD was aired, pre-sales for the CoD DVDs were either ranked #1 or #2 for that week, for Sci Fi DVDs . With the other top slot being for the original Dune series. This is the rankings for CoD’s first week out for scifi DVDs: (last week)
    1. The Two Towers
    2. Star Trek Nemesis
    3. Die Another Day
    4. Buffy Season Four
    5. The Animatrix
    6. Chamber of Secrets
    7. The Matrix
    [b]8. Children of Dune[/b]
    9. Buffy Season One
    10. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


    where is the petition? I would like to add my name to it, and if that doesn’t improve things, well I have [i]methods[/i] that are quite effective 😈 😈 😈


    [quote=”MuadDib”] well I have [i]methods[/i] that are quite effective 😈 😈 :twisted:[/quote]

    Ahh, the infamous Sadgeezer Gom Jobar!


    I’ll poke around for any new info.


    Any ideas on that petition, anybody? I really would like to sign it!


    This is the “official” petition here:

    It doesn’t have very many signatures, barely over a thousand. I’m 125, and I signed it a few months after the miniseries aired. So I think a GEoD mini (or even post GEoD minis) will be an uphill battle at best.

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