goodbye angel

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Angel goodbye angel

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    😥 am tired of putting my shows to rest; how many ‘finales’ have we had to go through in the last few years…waaagggghhhh…watching the last show of angel was liking saying goodbye to buffy all over again, especially when


    wes dies….sigh…at least joss left it wide open at the end for the much rumored movies…what did you guys think? ❓


    I agree, I’ve hated seeing so many shows go off the air the last few years. Who knows if the movies will ever get made, but at least we have a platform from which to imagine.


    It figures that it’d “end” as soon as I started watching. I first watched Angel a couple months ago with “Why We Fight”. [i]I’m a sucker for sub stories[/i] And smile time, definitely hooked me. I’ve been watching the previous season episodes on TNT, so I’ve caught up on about a season and a half and I can say that Angel is easily twice as better as Buffy tVB. It’s really a shame that the ending was left so (censored) open. I’m really sorry to see the saga end.

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