Googlism for SadGeezer

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  • #41043

    Just did a googlism for SadGeezer (vanity check 🙂 )
    Googlism website:

    [size=18][b][color=white]Googlism for: sadgeezer[/color][/size]

    [color=violet]sadgeezer is anyone who ‘knows where their towel is’

    sadgeezer is a lot bigger than me and i am keen to get others involved if they want to

    sadgeezer is someone who knows a fair amount about the show but certainly not everything

    sadgeezer is down[/color][/b]

    Spookily accurate!


    Geeeze Tony, you should be proud. I put in a ton of terms, some of which are quite well know, and nothing came up for them.

    *** All hail the Head ‘geezer! ***

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