
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Grrr….Question

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  • #39599

    As I bop from board to board, traveling the Internet Highway in Lexxville; I keep running into a term that I do not understand. Time and time again, the phrase “APEC” is used; often as a label for a particular group of people.

    WHat the hell is APEC? Is it an acronym for something? If so, what?
    “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!”- Will Ferrel, Zoolander

    :mrgreen: Bebop


    BeBop, it was a group of people who wrote lexx clone fiction and some other stuff.

    My understanding is that the group imploded due to strident differences between the members.

    Like most groups it included some very nice people and unfortunately some persistently not nice people. Which of course attracted some negative attention to the whole group.







    It was a tribe of hormonal Kai fans.

    mandara k

    Isn’t that sad? This stuff is still going around 2 years after LEXX is over? That divisions like these still are apparent. Well, I think it is a good thing that individual BB are being set up so one can go and fantasize all one wants about whoever you want to. But of course what do I know? I’m not a dahling like others seem to be; I’d just HATE to see a group of people I like to read split into tiny chewable pieces.

    To be honest I don’t know the inner workings of this group nor does it keep me up nights thinking about it. At this juncture I’m through with the CONS unless by freak of nature (or a really good gig) some of the LEXX peeps show like Rolf. If MM or XS ever do the CoNs I’m making a run for the border.

    How ’bout a website for the many unmentioned? Feppo and Smoor were mentioned; Prince is popular; so is Vlad. Me? well hmmm…. good question,. I want the……… the…….. second guy from the left of Mr. Krizan on….. let’s see…..Prime Ridge. Uh….there is no one there? Yes, yes….. he IS there……. The Invisible Man! 🙄

    What’s all the hubbub? The rumors of escapades of the beloved 4? Who cares? I just want the truth. A true leader is not afraid to seek out the compliments AND the negative criticisms. Otherwise he/she just a tyrant surrounded by yes people and not in touch with themselves or the reality or the world. Which do you learn from more …the compliments or the constructive criticisms? There are always…. ALWAyS those that just like to flame and are best ignored because it does not help them and it does not help me or you.

    I’m going back to the lurkers corner now; but don’t let names and labels prevent you from Bebopping where you will but always remember forewarned is forarmed. I like many people but do I trust them?

    ****mandara k walks off whistling “Time is On My Side”


    APEC was once a big deal to the people involved.
    They had a lot of fun, and isn’t that what it’s all about.

    Then, I suppose, it stopped being fun, and eventually,
    because of that, it just stopped.

    That’s the way it is. No worries.

    The point is, it should be fun, and we should indulge it while
    its fun, and not get too freaked out if its not fun.


    [quote=”Valdron”]APEC was once a big deal to the people involved.
    They had a lot of fun, and isn’t that what it’s all about.

    Then, I suppose, it stopped being fun, and eventually,
    because of that, it just stopped.

    That’s the way it is. No worries.

    The point is, it should be fun, and we should indulge it while
    its fun, and not get too freaked out if its not fun.[/quote]

    So true, Valdron, so true,
    If these shows aren’t fun anymore, then why watch them; I’ve always thought watching this kind of show was fun, when it stops being fun, then may be I’ll watch or tape something else. *kicks herself while typing this*
    I enjoy posting, chatting & being with people with the same or similiar interests as me; otherwise, I’d still be the shyest person here.

    Lexxians truly Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

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