Harper Spotting

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Harper Spotting

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    I recently took a trip down memory lane after remember and old show i once saw in my youth, through a contact i procured several episodes of a show some of you may remember, namely “Captain Power and the Solider of the Future”. A particularly tacky and under budgeted show that was actually of a high entertainment value, but I didnt come to nit pick at the show quality. But rather at an interesting observation i made the other night whilst i watched this show, in one episode our gallant heroes stumble across a plague carrying child, whose face is all but indistinguishable behind the grime and noticably long hair. Imagine my surprise when i notice who the young victim is, but none other than our own Seamus Harper. Thats right, eleven years ago it aapears he made his Tv debut in an episode called “Pariah”. You can find some scree caps over at harpers bazar, so you can make a comparison of your own, and if you get the chance to see the episode i recommend it.

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