Help our pal in Kenya?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Help our pal in Kenya?

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    This was posted in the News section – But this is a more appropriate place I think:

    [quote]Mr. Patrick Mugai

    Hi i’m from Nairobi, Kenya and I have been looking for the LEXX series for a long time (3 years) but with no avail from video libraries, 99% of the people have never even heard of LEXX. If there is anyone out there with old series o­n tapes or DVD could they kindly sent them to:Patrick Mugai,P. O. Box 26165, Nairobi,Kenya.[/quote]

    That’s pretty serious! No LEXX in Africa!!! A diabolical oversight in my opinion! We should try and help the dude out.


    I am going to send him my S4’s that I taped off of Scif-fi. Pretty good quality, only one per tape. 🙂

    but I understand that he may need other seasons filled in as well.

    [size=18]Hey Patrick![/size] What eps do you have and what do you need?


    I’m too scared


    Why scared??

    He said that he has multi region viewing capibilities.


    Scared? Scared to do something nice?

    I don’t have any tapes, Patrick but I’ll look out for used copies of Lexx for you.

    (btw – I was born in Nairobi! 😉 )


    well its just like what Homer Simpson said

    “well I hope youve lernt your lesson Lisa, never help anyone”


    Helping peeps is cool 🙂 It shows your a stand up kinda gal/dude .. really 😀


    There’s plenty of Lexx in South Africa. I know we pipe DSTV through sub-sahara africa. Im not sure about Kenya.

    Will check it out.


    Just checked right now. DSTV is on offer in Kenya.

    It makes sense as it’s a South African owned Geo stationary satellite anyway. As long as it’s the Southern Hemisphere it should work as long as the dish points that way.

    Regardless, you can get it in Kenya.

    Heres the website

    Hope this helps.

    SCI-FI channel has repeated Lexx almost as many times as it’s repeated ROBOTECH.

    (I hump my tv)


    [i]post deleted because it was stupid, troll-like, and of questionable language

    [b]Which part of “be excellent to each other” are you NOT getting?[/b]

    See you in a week.



    I smell something bad… could it be?? Oh it can’t be!! Yes it is the unmistakable odor of [url=]troll[/url]!! 🙄


    This is the type a brotherhood that warms my heart, in this crazy world…I have a few DVD’s I can send over, but everyone please clearly type in what season/episodes you plan on sending so that we can work this out well and try to send our kenyan friend a complete set and not doubles.

    Peace to all


    I did not send DVD’s, but rather my personally taped VHS’s of Season4. Which Patrick said his players were Region Free

    His Original Message was

    [quote]My name is Patrick Mugai from Kenya in East Africa aged 26. I first watched Lexx in 2001 which i believe is the first season. Our local TV station aired only about 8 episodes and the shelved it. I’ve tried locating Lexx in all video libraries in Kenya but with no luck. So i’ve now joined the Lexx funclub and i’am humbly appealing 2 any member of our club in the world who may have season 1 or 2 or any episode at all 2 send it 2 me on the address below.
    Since i watched Lexx for the first time i became a fanatic its just 2
    bad i cannot locate any episode at all for the past 3 years. So if i
    can get any help from any one out there i shall be eternally greatful.

    Have a nice day.(I use both VHS & DVD)

    Patrick Mugai


    The Frey : Im not sure US VHS works. It’s not like a dvd where you can get region free. Im pretty sure Kenya is a PAL system.


    Don’t think it will be a problem….

    [quote]Hi, theFrey, this is the Lexx dude in Kenya, and yes, i do need Lexx episodes desperately, and yes i do possess a multi regional Sony Entertainment centre that can read VHS & DVD from any region in this universe. Thnx for your email (much appreciated) and my address is as follows:[/quote]

    Anyone who want to send something can get with me for his mailing address. I am agreeing with Afrogeezer, that if we send someting, we most likely should post what we are sending so their is no duplicating.


    I’ve sent NTSC tapes to Austria and Ethiopia before and they play fine on multiregion VCRs, but alas, I have purged all Lexx from my house so I have nothing to send unless someone wants me to make some Dina Martina VHS labels. 😈

    But I’m sure with the network of Lexxians here he’ll have a whole set in a few weeks. 🙂


    I’ll be sending a couple of Season 1 (four films) tapes (VHS format) to the PO Box address.

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