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Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Hey All

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  • #36175

    Howdy once again, I do apologise for my absence of late but I’ve been a tad bit busy lately, which has also cost me the last 4 epsideos of Andromeda, at least the ones before the midseason break on sky. There currently residing on tape somewhere, though i find myself hesitant to watch them due to a simple equation, “4 Episodes – Time of my life used to watch them = Worthwhile?”. And given the fact several posts including one that made a disparaging remark about another ive yet to see compelled me to mimic bart simpson in the episode “Kamp Krusty”, sitting idley in the corner of my room, cradling volume 1.1 of the dvd set in my arms, rocking back and forth chanting, “Wolfe’s coming” over and over, doesnt promote much confidence. So whats everyone been doing, still watching, any opinions, etc? how bout we get this board going again, for now though I must away with me, more angry letters need writing, toodles, Jay.


    I slacked off on my watching for a while…then saw two eps last weekend, rediscovered how incredibly sexy Tyr is, and wondered how I could ever have stopped…

    Of course, now I’m really really confused…Trance got all weird and where did Rev Bem go? Don’t tell me they killed Rev off…I’ll cry.


    hmmm….Don’t cry to hard over Rev Bem. I’m sure he’ll be back some day. He’s more like, “missing in action” right now but presumed dead. So if the creators wish…

    I believe the very talented actor who portrays Rev either
    A: didn’t like spending hours every day having make-up applied.
    B: Developed an allergy to the make-up.
    or C: Like everything else cool on this set, like Trances Tail, that might increase the budget…”Chop, CHOP!”

    I personally miss Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum.

    They should kick ass more often..


    [quote]I believe the very talented actor who portrays Rev either
    A: didn’t like spending hours every day having make-up applied.
    B: Developed an allergy to the make-up.
    or C: Like everything else cool on this set, like Trances Tail, that might increase the budget…”Chop, CHOP!” [/quote]

    i believe the answer is B. Brent Stait did have an allergic reaction to the makeup.

    [quote] I personally miss Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum. [/quote]

    *sigh* me too!!! 🙁

    [quote]Of course, now I’m really really confused…Trance got all weird and where did Rev Bem go? Don’t tell me they killed Rev off…I’ll cry [/quote]

    Trance has now become future Trance. see the episode “Ouroboros” one of my favorites!!! 🙂 🙂 and Rev Bem has made an appearance in this latest ep. i hope this isn’t a spoiler but they have been advertising it for a while now. this ep is a must see one. i hope everyone gets to see this ep soon. btw it is titled “What Happens to a Rev Deferred?”

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