His Divine Shadow and public relations

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx His Divine Shadow and public relations

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    How exactly did His Divine Shadow (HDS) relate to his subjects. We know HDS had face to face contact with his military but what about his loyal subjects? It seems to me HDS would be such a large almost mythical figure that he could not possibly make a public appearance. I guess this is just part of the Divine Shadow myth. He is just to large and to powerfull to imagine doing anything else other than killing or being evil.


    “Your wrong this is one hell of a planet!”
    -ATF agent in “Texx Lexx”


    He probably appeared in holograms, but never in person, it would be to risky for him.
    An Austral B heretic could have been waiting for a public appearance to assaisinate him, he had too many many enemies to let them get that close.
    I think only top ranking military and the clerics were allowed in his presence, and then only at short periods.




    Originally posted by Slopmaster:
    [b]How exactly did His Divine Shadow (HDS) relate to his subjects. We know HDS had face to face contact with his military but what about his loyal subjects? It seems to me HDS would be such a large almost mythical figure that he could not possibly make a public appearance. I guess this is just part of the Divine Shadow myth. He is just to large and to powerfull to imagine doing anything else other than killing or being evil.[/b]

    I’m sorry, but the whole concept of HDS making public appearances is just *hilarious*!
    I can just picture it: “And today, His Divine Shadow officially opened the new Shakey’s Pizza on Route 9. Here’s Lunk Bromheller with an on-the-spot report!”
    “And today, His Divine Shadow will host another press conference, coinciding with the release of his new energy plan. We take you to it live.”
    “Today, His Divine Shadow made another stop on his Cluster-wide tour as he delivered a message of hope to the young ladies of the Wife Bank.”

    The potential is endless!



    HDS kissing babies heads and meeting the old folk of the cluster!!!
    And his Christmas speech in front of the masses would probably go something like this:
    ‘Good people of the league of 20,000 planets, I stand before you today to promote cleansing’ says HDS.
    At which point the crowd seem bemused, and then start sniffing their armpits before an eruption of applause greets HDS’s words.
    HDS continues ‘As you all may know the protein bank is in recession, therefore I would like all of my loyal subjects to contribute to ensure it’s survival’…more clapping and cheering ensues.
    ‘And I would like to announce the immenient arrival of your next leader, who you won’t personally as he likes to work behind the scenes, you shall refer to him as Mr.Gigashadow’, the crowd think great, somebody who is big enough to stand up to those nasty thugs, the Austral B heretics, and then they start cheering again.
    ‘Thankyou for your unwavering support over the years, and I shall be introducing radical reforms over the coming weeks that will bring you all closer…much closer’ HDS says with wry grin.
    The crowd goes crazy with screams of ‘I worship his shadow’ and continue this way for many hours after HDS’s speech.
    How’s that for a speech!!!



    HDS a politician! Love it!

    HDS at a newsconference-
    Reporter “What is the cleansing?”
    HDS “That depends on what you mean by’is'”
    I love it!

    Remember in Eating Pattern where the Divine Predecessor says “Kill the 42nd Shadow. He killed heretics by the thousands and served them at dinner parties” (or somthing like that)? I wouldn’t wanna go to any of his fundraising dinners!



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    [b]I wouldn’t wanna go to any of his fundraising dinners![/b]

    LOL! I guess a donation would cost you and arm and a leg, lungs, brain, kidneys, your eyes, your testicals. Talk about litterally beating the balls off you to raise some funds for you organ slice and dice program.


    “Your wrong this is one hell of a planet!”
    -ATF agent in “Texx Lexx”



    Originally posted by Slopmaster:
    [b] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Hypatia:
    [b]I wouldn’t wanna go to any of his fundraising dinners![/b]

    LOL! I guess a donation would cost you and arm and a leg, lungs, brain, kidneys, your eyes, your testicals. Talk about litterally beating the balls off you to raise some funds for you organ slice and dice program.

    And the doormen would be Cluster Lizards!!!, just in case anyone decided to leave without donating, could do with a few of them round my local nightspot.




    Don’t wear insect repellent!
    (Tho I suppose that applies to most political dinners) [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

    Do you think that the Divine Order uses love slaves for interns?



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    [b]Don’t wear insect repellent!
    (Tho I suppose that applies to most political dinners) [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

    Do you think that the Divine Order uses love slaves for interns?[/b]

    LOL, Maybe Monica L was a reincarnation of Xev!!!


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