Home again and a question for those at the Sat party

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    HEYAS!!!! Wow what a great time at DC. I havnt been to a con in like 7 years (bleh) and I havnt run into such great people in an even longer time..all at once anyway. I want to thank everyone for making me feel welcome even tho I hardly ever posted or participated in the chats in the past. Maybe I will change my lurker status =) I am going to do a mini write up on the time there..and oh you would all get a kick out of the erm “bathroom” I was privy to using in a small town on the way back home..gah!! 1/4 inch of urine on the floor is apparently the new trend…but I digress.

    On a not so fun note I want to send out a distress call to those that were at the Sat Party. Somewhere there I left the autographs that I had got during the day. There was a clear plastic sleeve with the signed photos and a book about Lou Ferrigno..most likely the pics are inside of the book due to its size. I think all but one of the pics is personalized to Jessica, if by chance anyone runs across this stuff in their unpacking please let me know =)

    Well time to run back to sleep. Again in the next few days will do a little summary …just need to edit some stuff out (grumble grumble) of my memory before I right about the fun stuff.

    Take care!!

    Vandaria (Jessica)


    Sorry to hear about your loss Vandaria, but if anyone that frequents this site found it, I’m sure they’d let you know.

    Thanks for offering to do a summary of the con, can’t wait to see it. Why not post it in the reviews section (you can include pics too 😉 ) Otherwise, a forum post would be great!

    Thanks (oh, and welcome 🙂 )


    You know what would be fun, why don’t a few people get together and post a joint report in the Review/Conventions area?

    One thing I noticed when we did the Hali report is that people noticed different things and the multiple views were interesting…. not to mention less work to any *one* poster. If anyone is interested in this kind of a project, let me know. I would be happy to assist in blending the reports together and for the final edit.

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