Home made sci-fi goodies

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  • #39329

    I’m not sure whether I should post this here or in the pub.

    I’ve been wondering about the legality of home made sci-fi ‘crapolla’. I have a friend that makes personalised items like mousepads, coffee cups and t-shirts with custom pictures on them. Most are for small firms and other company functions/gifts. Now he obviously wont do anything illegal because he runs a reputable business, but I want to know what the laws are in regards to me. I got him to make me a lexx mousepad from a jpeg I found on the net. I also got him to make me a set of mugs with a Robotech “RDF” badge on them. This is only for me and not for resale obviously, but still he seems to think that this is illegal and I shouldn’t shoot my mouth off. Personally I think he’s a bit silly, however, I might be the one who’s silly if I get dragged away by the police for illicit use of lexx and robotech memorabilia, after broadcasting this over the net.

    What are the laws and legality of home use. What’s the difference between my mousepad and my home-made lexx screensaver or robotech windows background bitmap? Its not like either are for sale. I’m not profiting in any way.

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