How did it go?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Firefly How did it go?

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    As a UK Sadgeezer I havent got to see any Firefly yet but did see a trailer for it when I was in the US a few months back and it looked pretty cool.

    How has the first season gone? Is it worth watching/owning on DVD?

    Will it last another season?


    I’m in the UK too, I just watched all 8(?) of the episodes that have been shown so far and the pilot, they’re all available to download from Kazaa.

    In my opinion it’s a fantastic show and I really hope it continues. It’s getting better and better and the main story arc is only now starting to take off.


    The first few episodes where, eh, there. Then it began to run and if it keeps going the way it’s going, it’s gonna soar!

    They are doing a masterful job of making the characters grow little by little. Not everyone gets along smoothly yet the captain manages to hold them together and even when he isn’t there, people come together out of loyalty to him.

    Impressive, most impressive. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Champagne Supernova


    Originally posted by JumpingJedi:

    How has the first season gone? Is it worth watching/owning on DVD?

    The first season has only reached its 9th episode on the air. The original unaired pilot is available online to make a total of 11 eps (pilot counts as 2) available to be seen. I think its worth watching/owning. The thing about this show is, it’s been accused of ripping off other bits of other shows, movies & anime films but don’t let that discourage you. I don’t know how true that fact is but I personally think that this show has its own distinct style. If you’re thinking about downloading the episodes off the net I recommend watching them in this order:
    Serenity (original unaired pilot)
    Train Job
    Our Mrs. Reynolds
    Out Of Gas
    War Stories
    Objects In Space (Dec.13)
    Serenity (Dec.20, the original pilot’s official air date)

    You might find it somewhat boring in the beginning but hang on ’til at least Jaynestown ’cause the story arc kickstarts after that at Out Of Gas.


    Originally posted by JumpingJedi:

    Will it last another season?

    I hate to sound negative but really think it won’t. Ratings have been really terrible. A lot of FF fans are joining together to try and save the show. [url=][/url]

    Hope you watch and enjoy it,

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