How many times has Prince died?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx How many times has Prince died?

  • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #37451

    I have to say that I love this site!!!
    LEXX RULES!!!! Next week I will pick up my Series 1 vol. 1-4 and 2 vol. 5!!! ON DVD!!! Anyhow,

    I count 10 definite and 4 possible times that Prince has died in the past 27 episodes (up until Prime Ridge)

    May, once, by May.

    Gametown, once (MAYBE)(When Xev goes to stop Stan from blowing up Water)

    Boomtown, once, by May again.

    Gondola, once, by Xev.

    Tunnels, once, by the doctors.

    The Key, once, by Kai.

    Battle, twice, once by Priest, once by the hot desert sun.

    The Beach, once (MAYBE)When he dissapears from Stan on the Beach.

    Heaven and Hell, three times MAYBE, once by Xev in the moth, once by Xev when she blows up Fire and once when he stops being Lexx (this is the MAYBE part).

    P4X, once, by Digby (MAYBE) Saddy think’s he died in this one, he might have jsut been injured.

    769, once, by Kai

    I think I am correct in saying that Prince, that we’ve seen anyways, has died at least 10 times. Any observations?

    Also, Prince is going to be these upcoming episodes, making him the most recurring character on Lexx. (25 with Nigel playing him and 2 with Xenia and Michael playing him)
    The episodes are:

    Dutch Treat
    The Game
    Haley’s Comet
    Lyekka vs. Japan
    Yo Way Yo

    I’m sure a lot of you knew that anyway, but I love Prince. Next to Stan, he’s my favorite character on Lexx.

    Anywhoo, what do you all think about this post???


    well, damn, you know your lexx fred, great post but i haven’t a clue if your numbers are right [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] sounds good though!

    by the way, a belated welcome to the sadboard, visit often [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    okay, now who is the one ‘recurring’ character who has appeared in all four series, erm seasons, of lexx? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by FX:
    okay, now who is the one ‘recurring’ character who has appeared in all four series, erm seasons, of lexx? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Giggerota/Queen/Genevieve G. Rota.


    Okay, here’s one for ya:

    What actresses and actors have been in three out of four Lexx seasons?

    I can think of five people. Six, if you include voice-talents.


    I remember another time in which Prince died. It was in the episode “Heaven and Hell” when he jumps into the core of Fire after Kai. He says “Time to die again”. (I think that’s what he said)

    So, my count is 12 definite and 3 possible.

    I saw “Prime Ridge” last night! Finally, after almost 4 months of waiting. I guess I can’t complain too much as the U.S. was waiting 4 months for 4.11-4.13. and we Canadians got ’em by Nov. 7th, 2001.

    Anyway’s, to answer the last post’s question:

    Actors/Actresses who have been in 3 out of 4 seasons of Lexx:

    1)Walter Borden
    2)Patricia Zentilli
    3)Jeff Pustil
    4)Louise Wischermann
    5)Lex Giggarof (?)

    That’s all I can think of. Any more? Can somebody enlighten me please ?

    Finally, here is another crazy query. What is your favorite ending of a Lexx episode? Mine has to be “769” and seeing Prince dissapear in a golden light with the piano music in the background. I think I have said that before.



    Lex G has been in all 4 seasons of LEXX.

    Season 1:
    1.IWHS – His Divine Shadow
    2.Eating Pattern – Guy who sings that weird song for Bog.

    Season 2:
    1.Lafftrak – Multiple Characters.

    Season 3:
    1.Tunnels – Dr.Rainbow

    Season 4:
    1.Fluffdaddy – Huff.


    [b]Lex Gigeroff[/b]
    I Worship His Shadow-His Divine Shadow’s last human host
    Eating Pattern-Coozunk
    Lafftrak-Robotic actor portraying clown, Mr. Beetle, and colonel
    Twilight-Zombie? (unconfirmed)
    Brigadoom-Actor portraying His Divine Shadow
    Tunnels-Dr. Rainbow
    Little Blue Planet-Barnab Hufferton on poster
    Fluff Daddy-Barnab Hufferton

    [b]Jeffrey Hirschfield[/b]
    I Worship His Shadow-His Divine Shadow’s host on [i]Fore Shadow[/i]
    Eating Pattern-Feemak
    The Giga Shadow-His Divine Shadow’s host from flashback
    Lyekka-P. T. Bando
    Lafftrak-Robotic actor portraying soldier
    Fluff Daddy-Dick Dongler


    Given that Prince “disappeared” at the end of “The Game”, I’d say that he died again. Or wait: he left the TV and showed up in the Other Zone, so he died twice? I say he’s bit the bullet 17 times in the 23 episodes in which we’ve seen him. Aside from “Yo Way Yo”, is he going to be in any other’s. Anyone know?

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