how was everyones week?

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    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i have brought pizza for everyone! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] so tell me how was your week?
    mine was wonderful. 2 b-days (mom and Tom(hubby)).work was fine. no major problems. and i have a new forum to play in! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Not so good for me [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    I spent most of my time fixing mistakes [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Bright spots: visiting pals and seeing my cousin visiting from Australia), also going to a dinner party on Friday night at a friends house which didn’t end until around 5am [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Spent all day Saturday recovering while watching season 3 of Babylon 5 on videotape.

    Dark spots: wondering why the hell they haven’t released Babylon 5 on DVD yet!!!???


    hmm…*grin* This week was so-so.

    One of hubbies friends at his work got fired, which really brought him down. But we got the kitchen cleaned and continue to fight the battle of the clutter!

    We have the tickets to Atlanta GA, and the hotel reservations. All I have to do now is find out flight numbers and the hotels name.

    Tried to go out this weekend but the babysitter got the flu, poor dear, so that went bust. OH! so we rented some movies. I have a DVD of Shrek to watch! (hockey, shrek, hockey, shrek…hrmm…I see the US is losing, maybe Shrek it is! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] )

    My god, what a dull life I lead. All I can think of is domestic stuff. I have library books that are overdue and a drivers license that needs renewed. Waaa! *sob* *sniffle*

    Oh, I remember Friday night/Saturday morning something happened to break up the hum of domesticity. The people next door had a party, I think that’s all they use the place for. Hubby and I stayed up late about 2:00 a.m. We were watching some DVD or other and someone knocked on our door. We looked at each other, wondering who it was because the people we know who would still be up that late were out of town. Hubby answered the door and a guy grunted, “Hey, open up, we’re moving in.” Thank goodness hubby is no slouch and had his foot on the back of the door because they tried to come in. “Wrong house, man. It’s next door.” he said. It took them a pause or two, but they left to go next door. Why they couldn’t tell it was next door, I don’t know! There were people standing outside talking and the cars lined the street. It didn’t start until one a.m. or so. I think the reason they wait so late is because there is a policeman that lives about four houses down from us. Ballsy, aren’t they?

    [ 24-02-2002: Message edited by: Praxilla ]


    Let’s see here, I just spent the last 9 hours playing Dungeons & Dragons. I had a lot of homework but 2 of my classes were cancelled so it balanced out. I had an easy chemistry midterm. This weekend I had planned to go down to the Haunted Bookshop to get some D&D books and a Piers Anthony novel and maybe get that 20th anniversary [i]Tron[/i] D.V.D. at Sam Goody, but I didn’t get around to that. Probably the most remarkable thing that happened to me this week was I talked to a girl in friendly terms for an extended period of time.


    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] mary beth hands out drinks and pizza all around.

    quote[quote] I spent most of my time fixing mistakes [/quote]
    [i]”ahh saddy, mistakes are only mistakes till you fix them. then poof they are gone.”[/i] yep got that out of a fortune cookie hehe.


    Spent all day Saturday recovering while watching season 3 of Babylon 5 on videotape.

    as far as i am concerned that is an excellant way to spend a saturday! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] and be patient about season 5 dvds. if i had a way to copy my vhs tapes i would send you copies. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    quote[quote]My god, what a dull life I lead. [/quote] Praxilla, i think it sounds nice and normal, but if you want to shake things up, do what those fashion mags say. like meeting hubby at the front door wearing nothing but high heels and a smile or maybe a big bow for him to untie. or tell him to meet you at the front door with a bow in just the right place. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] hehe just a thought!

    quote[quote]Let’s see here, I just spent the last 9 hours playing Dungeons & Dragons [/quote] DT i use to play D & D 20 years ago. are you talking about a computerized version or the actual game with the multi-sided die?

    quote[quote]This weekend I had planned to go down to the Haunted Bookshop to get some D&D books and a Piers Anthony novel and maybe get that 20th anniversary Tron D.V.D. at Sam Goody [/quote] i used to read Piers Anthony all the time BC (before computer) the last two i read was “Firefly” and “Triple Detente”. “Firefly” was strange to say the least. i have read all of the [b]Tarot[/b] series. and quite a few from the [b]Magic of Xanth[/b] series, the [b]Incarnations of Immortality[/b] series and the [b]Apprentice Adept[/b] series. btw i did see “Tron” when it came out in the theaters and played the arcade game. LOL!
    and DT it is nice that you made a new friend. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    My week was regular.
    Went to school, got homework (I hate the School Certificate system, it gives me too much much homework!) watched B5 on Monday, watched Lexx on Thursday, watched DS9 and B5 (different episode) on Saturday, watched Highlander (the series) and Dr Who on Sunday.
    That’s just TV.
    On Monday, I did my two hours of tae-kwon-do and on Tuesday I did my one hour of tai chi. I did all my homework with the exception of Drama, which takes too long anyway, and I practised my martial arts.
    Typical week for me. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    And I got into some arguments and had some stuff thrown at me during maths. That’s not typical.


    My week went how they always go.

    However, on Saturday I spent some time at my son’s house participating in that awful ritual known as “the four year old’s birthday party” — gah!

    It got better though. I had to be in Cincinnati by 5:00, so I had an excuse to leave early (I love them all dearly, but a house full of screaming kids is NOT my idea of a good Saturday afternoon). I drove down and met some of my old Lexxfan buddies from UnCon and we had a very good Mexican dinner at a really cool place overlooking the Ohio River. Then we went to see a play at the University of Cincinnati, Dracula (the musical). It was a student production, but it was excellent! The singing and acting were very professional, the costumes were wonderful, and the way they did the set with only a few moveable, interchangeable props was very clever.

    I fell in love with the guy who played Renfield. Of all of them, he is the only one I thought had the stage presence to really make it big some day. The others were very good and might be able to make a living at it, but they didn’t have that indefinable spark, that mysterious “it”, that the really successful ones have.

    [ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]


    [b]Praxilla, i think it sounds nice and normal, but if you want to shake things up, do what those fashion mags say[/b]

    That’s one idea. I’m not as exhibitionist as I might tease to be, so I didn’t mention how very, extremely well that side of my life went. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Thank you Great Britain for Altoids! They have many *ahem* uses.

    Dgrequeen wrote: [b]Then we went to see a play at the University of Cincinnati, Dracula (the musical).[/b]

    Kewl! What was his name?

    *munches some Pizza* I watched the Olympic Winter Games Closing Ceremony last night, at least two hours of it. Am I the only one who thought it was a tad too much? It seemed a great performer would come on, do a heart beating, touching number, then they would water it down by trying to outdo it with something else. Every time I thought it was over, something else would happen. I kid you not, I thought it should have ended at 9:00 and it went on to about 10:30.

    Odd as this is, because I’m really not a huge fan of country/western music, I thought Willy Nelson’s rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water was the best performance. Not because he was technically fantastic, but because of the emotion the camera’s captured on his face. He was obviously moved. The memory of that still effects me this morning. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    [b]Dgrequeen wrote: Then we went to see a play at the University of Cincinnati, Dracula (the musical).

    Kewl! What was his name?[/b]

    His name is Barry James, and he has red hair just about Brian Downey’s color. His singing voice is baritone (sound familiar?) and his personality on stage is utterly charming. Lest anyone think I have the hots for him, he’s a senior in the College of Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati, which makes him younger than my children. But his resumé is quite extensive and I expect big things from him.


    Life working for A-O-Hell is always appalling.
    Life at home is OK but will be better when sick inlaws go home at the end of the week and the other half and I have at least 10 minutes alone together between daughter catastrophies. Had a good band rehearsal and got 3 new songs into the playlist including one from a great US band, Toad the Wet Sprocket. Overall 6.5/10 [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Oh I LOVE Piers Anthony!! I used to love the Xanth sieries, but it’s become engulfed in puns so much it’s lost something, It all went down after Isle Of View …..
    D.T. ,do you like David Eddings by any chance? If you like Piers,you’ll love him.
    Also, when you play D&D ,what are you? I’m always a mage.


    Go the chaotic neutral mage ! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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