I believe that there should be one final movie for the little Lexx

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx I believe that there should be one final movie for the little Lexx

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    I have been a fan for awhile and just recently watch the "LEXX" series. I feel that the final episode, left alot of holes and unanwsered questions. I believe that someone should make a final movie that has the crew of the Lexx destroy Prince once and for all and gain a new home, while getting Kai back. Now i know that Kai dies in the final episode, but what if, like Prince, there is an Angel of Life, who was able to stop time long enough to save Kai.  I feel that there should be a happy ending for Xev, who loved Kai so much. she should be able to have her Kai.

    thank you for your time.


    Well, a movie would be great. 

    But sadly a movie would require an active and growing fan base. Which would require a heavy roation of the epidodes on one or more channels. Which we don’t have, and haven’t had for a long while.

    I do wonder if Lexx will ever be going into re-run rotation. 🙁


    I doubt it.  Lexx was a quasi-unique entinty unto itself, and in these days of 3D, HD, ultra realistic CGI and constant rehashing of old ideas there’s just no place for unique, not even in re-runs.

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