I hope you don’t mind…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) I hope you don’t mind…

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  • #40397
    mandara k

    I have been meaning to come back to Saddie’s for a while and since being my typical Mandara k abrasive style, i have worn out my welcome on other BB and pissed off some key people. Ah well, got’s to be what i am.

    I will do my dang-est to be a good girl here, if the mods don’t mind.

    So, things good in the BSG universe, yes. New eps going through first season. It’s good to be here for the LACK of politics, let’s just talk eps.

    You know, it’s good to be home.


    Hi Mandara, Welcome back to the land-o-Sad. 🙂


    well hi……..

    I gotta lurk and see if anyone will respond my posts…I’m so pathetic…


    Lurk? Or De-Lurk? 🙂

    Oh wait…. I responded… so I guess so. 🙂

    mandara k

    Mommy make the bad man go away! Koresh, nut case. I mean i believe in the divineness of everything and it’s ultimate darknees the flip side; a dualism that must exist. And didn’t Leoben say in the ep, “Flesh and Bone” “To look upon God’s face is madness, or some shit like that. WE look at God’s face everyday. madness is a Koresh who can get a taste of a little more but can’t handle it. he had the Jerusulem fever they say.

    Anyone that advocates using force and violence, well that’s not the way let’s say. To walk the line is always difficult, but we must try.


    This sounds like something that I heard discussed by my sister’s husband’s cousin’s brother’s aunties’ best friend’s priest’s chief advisor and a budhist eunuch!!

    Ahem!! 😈 🙄

    mandara k

    Umm… aren’t you on the wrong forum, LEXX is down the page. Or a book to push? 😈 🙄


    and push buttons!! Heh! 😉

    I was just joking around mandara! No criticism intended!

    mandara k


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