If you could ‘Leap’ for a day, who would you be?

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    If you could ‘Leap’ for a day, who would you be? This is of course a ‘Quantum Leapish’ question that was on the radio yesterday. They had some pretty interesting thoughts.

    You have no control of course of what day you would leap to, but for the sake of argument, you can give the era. ie Howard Hughs during his hollywood era.

    Who would you be and what would you do during your one day?


    Giacomo Casanova, perhaps, when he first learns about love from his mentor’s sister.

    Or Socrates, or a great prophet.



    I would dump Antony and establish diplomatic relations with Octavius. Ceasarian could be sent to fosterage in Rome with provision of his rulership of Eygpt on his return.

    I’d also order the contents of the Alexandrian library copied, so back-ups of the documents could be kept at Memphis.


    The total problem I had with anything past the more recent history is of course…. sanitation. Let’s face it, there are lots of great people to be during the middle ages but….. yuk! 😛 The beds, the privies, the odor…… 🙁

    So I settled on Neffertti, while further back in history, the Egyptians seemed to have a much better understanding of that hygiene thing.

    Plus….. since [b]I[/b] would remember who I was, I would spend most of my day at my temple site having the workers carve and then immediately cover various ‘pronouncements . Nothing much, just a few things like predicting how Elvis dies, the advent of the Beatles, explaining html code, the rise of the Fourth Reich…. err Republicans… and of course it would all be in English. Muhahahaha!

    I would flit from building location to building location to make sure that eventually some Egyptologist somewhere would have to admit that they had found ancient carvings done in English. 😀

    I wonder if this is how Nostradamus got his start? Was he inhabited by a jumper?


    Any guy that ‘got busy’ with Eva. 😈


    Noel Coward circa 1925.


    hmmm…. carrying on the Egyptian theme a bit, i couldn’t quite make up my mind if i’d be Seti I or Rameses II. despite their society being a little more equal, the ancient egyptians weren’t entirely female-friendly….look what they tried to do to Hapshetsut!!


    I don’t think I would want to be someone famous or powerful. A great painter or musician I guess. Who lived somewhere really beautiful, so that you could be surrounded by beauty while spending the day painting incredible pictures or playing your heart out on the piano.

    I can’t remember though, if in quantum leap, Scott had the skills and abilities of the people he possessed. 🙁


    I don’t thinks so. Since he relied on Ziggy for lots of info, and during one ep I remember, he was at a total loss. In that ep he was a big name photographer, and he was moaning about not even knowing how to load film into the cameras he was suppose to use.

    Of course in the cases where he jumped back pretty far, it would be tempting to take a few hundred bucks from you jump host and set up a trust fund for your future self’s future. Think how much that could grow, especially if you left a few investing orders for various points along the way. 🙂


    I think I would like to travel back to Judea, around the time of Christ, mingle with the crowds, take down a few notes of the more important events of the time…..now that would prove interesting!


    All seriousness aside…

    Me? I’d go back to Caveman times and show em a nifty thing called circumsicion. Then I’d write a whole bunch of things in English and bury them near Carthage or Sumer.

    Then I’d boat (this is called warped wood, make a great hull) over to the future site of Troy and write a few things on Stone like “Homer was Here” then “So was Jesus” and “Nukes suck -Moses”

    Oh boy, would I have some fun. 😈


    Leaping seemed to be confined to maybe a 50 year period of time. Keeping that in mind , and because it would take more than a day to get comfortable crossing genders…I think I would Sally Ride on June 18, 1983. I thought about leaping into Albert Einstein for a day but since you wouldn’t get access to his brilliant mind, what would be the point ?


    Why only 50 years? That’s no fun.

    Of course if I was limited to only 50 years, it might be nice to leap into a younger Steve Jobs. I would leave him all sorts of notes about how apple is going to have their @ss handed to them if they do not find a way to embrace componet compatibility and their instance that they will grant no licences for other people to make computers that use their software and systems.


    Well if you can’t choose which day, that makes it difficult. Else, I could go back become Hitler, shoot myself and change history. But with bad luck, I’d find myself in a bunker at the end. Oh but if I could choose the era, it would before he became chancellor.
    I think the rules are you can’t change histroy significantly?
    I’d try to find some way to hide a treasure so the original host couldn’d get it back and I could find it in the future. Like I could be Rockefeller in America, convert all my money into jewels, hide it and shoot myself as I would be the only witness. Then I could recover it in present time.
    I’m not sure if that fits into all the rules of Quantum Jump.

    Ok those are are two themes:
    Being a hero and eliminating evil.
    Being greedy and getting rich.
    There is also sex theme.. I could be one of those Sheiks of Araby with 50 wives.
    And the solve a mystery theme, like being Lee Harvey Oswald and really know… maybe… what he was up to and solve the conspiracy theory of the last century.

    I like the “muckracker” themes with guys writing future predictions and graffiti on the pyramids.

    Human interest theme
    For Human interest, the first type is seeing lost or actual history like the religious scholar above. So I’d choose to be a war leader, that I knew survived the battles like Alexander the Great or maybe the First Emperor of China or maybe Julius Ceasar.
    The second Human Interest theme would be just to experience the atmosphere of the times like being Bob Dylan in the 60’s.
    Ok Final Answer…
    Ok , i can ony pick one, best to be a guy living an excellent life. ok Emperor Kangxi (1622-1723) of China in the best times of the Qing Empire. He had a fabulous life, going on royal hunting trips, etc. I’d live a vacation day of luxury.

    My theme was who would I like to be for a day in present times.
    The Day I Ruled the World

    Nick -Z.

    [quote]Why only 50 years? That’s no fun.[/quote]

    No, if we’re going by the Q-leap serial, I can make a corection here. The actual original idea was that one could not leap beyond one’s life-time, iow, before one’s birth. But later, Dr. Samuel Beckett DID leap back before his own birth, at least twice, into characters which were related to his genetic heredity.

    So, the idea is, one can leap back before one’s birth and the time would be unlimited, as long as there was some genetic connection. This opens up all kinds of possibilities, because if one goes back far enough, almost everyone has genetic connections that have been lost to the memory.

    One example, in the case of US citizens, would be that if anyone was to go back to the 17th century, they might even be able to incarnate a member of the Cherokee Nation, because the records tell us that before European politics began dictating militant imperialism in North America, there was quite a lot of inter-marraige between European settlers and Cherokees (who were considered the most civilized Amerindians of that time). After Euro-imperial politics began turning settlers against the Amerindians, the resulting confusion alienated most of those families that were intermixed and much of the records were lost.

    It was recently estimated that a majority of North Americans whose ancestry precedes the American revolution have about 5 percent Cherokee blood due to almost 2 centuries of peaceful integration, and most of them don’t even know it becuz the bloodlines were suppressed.

    uh-oh, it’s doing it again. It won’t let me preview….and it’s losing my post… error in postinmg… friggin dang it all.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nick -Z.

    [quote]Why only 50 years? That’s no fun.[/quote]

    No, if we’re going by the Q-leap serial, I can make a corection here. The actual original idea was that one could not leap beyond one’s life-time, iow, before one’s birth. But later, Dr. Samuel Beckett DID leap back before his own birth, at least twice, into characters which were related to his genetic heredity.

    So, the idea is, one can leap back before one’s birth and the time would be unlimited, as long as there was some genetic connection. This opens up all kinds of possibilities, because if one goes back far enough, almost everyone has genetic connections that have been lost to the memory.

    One example, in the case of US citizens, would be that if anyone was to go back to the 17th century, they might even be able to incarnate a member of the Cherokee Nation, because the records tell us that before European politics began dictating militant imperialism in North America, there was quite a lot of inter-marraige between European settlers and Cherokees (who were considered the most civilized Amerindians of that time). After Euro-imperial politics began turning settlers against the Amerindians, the resulting confusion alienated most of those families that were intermixed and much of the records were lost.

    It was recently estimated that a majority of North Americans whose ancestry precedes the American revolution have about 5 percent Cherokee blood due to almost 2 centuries of peaceful integration, and most of them don’t even know it becuz the bloodlines were suppressed.

    uh-oh, it’s doing it again. It won’t let me preview….and it’s losing my post… error in postinmg… friggin dang it all.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Jimp Nick! Jump before all is lost!



    [quote]The total problem I had with anything past the more recent history is of course…. sanitation. Let’s face it, there are lots of great people to be during the middle ages but….. yuk! The beds, the privies, the odor…… [/quote]
    A nice Agatha Christie-ish British village in the late 20’s, in a house of pleasantly well-off landed gentry… The tea, the scones, the tweed, the manners, the local vicar…!
    Pre-Christian Rome would be nice, too.
    Actually, almost any era would be good provided you find yourself among the rich, and the privileged.




     This is a great thread !! Some REALLY weird ideas though I wish Lexxlurker was still here so I could ask  why would anyone want to introduce circumcision to cavemen…?

    I would like to leap into Ada Lovelace . I like anything Victorian anyway and she was a very interesting woman, the first computer programmer.

    you can read about her here:



    That’s weird my post got buried in the middle of the thread  not at the end..


     Wonderful post! But why stop with ancient Egypt. Wouldn’t it be fun to history hop. For instance, show up in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings. Or commission Michelangelo to do a nude of you. Translate the Dead Sea Scrolls during the middle ages, sign the Declaration of Independance, build and fly an airplane a week before the Wright Brothers … 



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