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  • #38377

    If you are going to uncon, you must let us know soon. Contact Vigdis ( and let her know the your coming and the name you want on your nametag. Likewise if you have any guests coming, please let her know of their nicknames/names.
    Even if your name already appears on the attendee list at: [url=][/url] please confirm with Vigdis that you are coming. If your name is not on the list and you are not coming, please let her know of that too.

    We need to know this information because were going to be printing up the nametags soon, and we need to know what size rooms to rent.

    mandara k

    Helloooo?! Anybody here? Well, my friend and I are driving to Halifax; so we will be there; but I don’t have a e-mail workin’ ‘puter now so could I pwetty pwease be on the list (or will we have to crash this thing– if our sh… box car doesn’t die on the way). Hey, that’s what makes road trips exciting you never know if you are really going to get there or not. That’s okay, I’ve crashed cars.. I mean parties before; no biggie.

    My friend met someone who goes to Hali every year and he gave us a list of bars to check out like the “Liquerdome” (sounds tantalizing) or “Strawberry Hill” (hey, that’s the ripple I used to drink back when I was a new and upcoming lush). We both agreed to stay out of the popular places as much as possible to really cop…I mean..
    get a feel for the locals. No, I don’t plan on this being the vacation that you remember going on but don’t remember what happened; (I’m saving that for later in the year). Besides, you know when you are with a group of peeps for a while; the tongues start wagging about who did what with whom. No thanks, my badness will be conducted without the prying eyes of the Lexx Uncon Consortium.

    So, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury; I would like to conclude by saying if I see you there; that will be great; if not, have a crazy time; it’s all good!

    Mandara K [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mandara k:
    Helloooo?! Anybody here? Well, my friend and I are driving to Halifax; so we will be there; but I don’t have a e-mail workin’ ‘puter now so could I pwetty pwease be on the list

    No problem, can I have the names, that you and your friend want on your nametags please?


    Mandara K please check your private messages.

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