is anyone actualy watching farscape?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape is anyone actualy watching farscape?

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    Im very suprised that no one is talking about what is happening on farscape. In england where getting series 4 and nothing has been mentioned by anyone.

    I cant see the point of saving farscape (well yeah i do want it to be saved)if no one cares about the plot.


    Ok so now im gonna start a disscusion

    What the Hell is going on with the new girl (forgot her name it beings with a C) does she fancy schorpius or is she just dumb? will she be the new crais chariter (good badie)

    Also What was the deal with the stark game?

    Who is the babies farther and if aren tested 2 episodes ago why hasent she got the results yet?


    Farscape is currently on hiatus in North America, hence the silence [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] But frell yeah, I’ll talk plot with you!

    quote[quote]What the Hell is going on with the new girl (forgot her name it beings with a C) does she fancy scorpius or is she just dumb? will she be the new crais chariter (good badie)[/quote]

    The new character you are refering to is
    [url=]Sikozu[/url]. She strikes me as an indiscriminate opportunist, who will always gravitate to where the power is. Her motivations are almost entirely selfish up to this point in the story.

    quote[quote]Also What was the deal with the stark game?[/quote]

    Ever read Alice in Wonderland? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Well, this episode was Ben Browders creation, which gives us a glimps into what must be going on in his head….maybe [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] In this story about a never-ending game, there are a ton of pop-culture references, silly, unexpected plot turns, and the added bonus of seeing the farscape cast stretch their acting wings a bit in new roles. What’s not to like? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    quote[quote]Who is the babies farther and if aren tested 2 episodes ago why hasent she got the results yet?[/quote]

    I honestly can’t remember when it is explained, but we do get a quasi-explanation from Aeryn about why she has no idea who the father is, and why she waited to speak. I can’t remember if it was in an earlier or later episode though, so to avoid spoilage for you, I’ll skip it for now. Can anyone else remember where we saw this? Otherwise, you can just tune in to find out.



    Here’s a spoiler done in rot13:

    Fur jnf sbhaq gb or certanag ng Fpbecvhf’f pbzznaq pnevre, nygubhtu abguvat ryfr vf nccneragyl xabja. Fur vf abg ernyyl certnag, nf Crnprxrccre jbzra nccneragyl erdhver zrqvpny vagreiragvba sbe n sregvyvmrq bin gb fgneg qrirybcvat.

    I don’t know which episode it’s from.

    You can use [url=]this site[/url] to decode the spoiler.

    Sad – I can help you implement something like this if you wish; but a “spoiler” block as on should be easy to implement as well, and wouldn’t require javascript in the browser.


    i must admit, monday’s ep was a bit of a mind blower, but comical at the same time. for me at least, it showed the brilliance of all of those behind the show. well done to them all, i say!! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    so, what do people make of the situation with Scorpius? i can’t see him turning into another Crais-type character without the show looking daft (been there, done that, etc), he can’t be an out-&-out good guy….what do you guys think?? i’ve been wanting to know people’s thoughts for ages, but everyone seemed so distracted… [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    Scorpius’s motivations have not changed all that much. He’s just lost the backing of the PK forces now. His main motivation has always been revenge against the Scarrans, and I believe he still wans that. Now he’s just using Sikozu, and playing off her tendencies without her knowledge.


    I haven’t seen FS since Feb or March and that was with Aeryn doing her impression of an ice popsicle and Crichton’s head looking like Hannibal Lecter’s leftovers. Damn the channel nine network for not screening more homemade goodies!


    [i]Farscape[/i] is not on the SciFi Channel right now. They are going to finish the season in Feb. or whatever. After that, I’m not watching the SciFi Channel ever again. After the cancellation of [i]Farscape[/i], it is absolutely clear that they don’t give a damn about sci-fi fans.


    does anyone thing Scorpy could actually be regretting pursuing Crichton in the way he has done in the past? if his main goal is to still kick Scarran butt, could he be realising that goal would be better achieved by some kind of alliance?


    in the ep whre aren tells john about the peacekeeper pregnacy thing he basicly says its a lie and she should come back when she can keep her stories straight.

    i thought some others would have picked up on this and does anyone agree with john? when aren came back she said she had found a cause, what the frell did that mean and could the leader of the cause be the father (not sure about timing)

    Mondays ep had scorpius revelling he could escape from his cell whenever he wanted and aren seemed to be afraid of the place they were going to travel to. Is that where she went any ideas?



    Originally posted by stormsweeper:
    Here’s a spoiler done in rot13:

    I don’t know which episode it’s from.

    Yup, this is info that has already come to light on the UK airings. Still confused, but thanks anyway.

    I think Red is just being plain daft. Sinister, pale, sunken faced boney guy in evil looking leather outfit. Locked up and hated by everyone else on the ship. What is she missing here? She’s either got her loins in a knot over him, or there is something else that has yet to come to light. Gotta be.

    But neither of them are the ones that concern me the most. What is the deal wrinkly, 3 eyed mad woman (have you spotted that I’m not good with names, yet)? Am I the only one that thinks there is something definately wrong here? Yes, she may just be there as a source for the mystical input that Zann used to have, or maybe for wry laughs, but that just strikes me as shallow character development which just doesn’t ring true.

    N.B. I have missed some Eps, so if what I’m wibbling about has been cleared up in one of those, please tell me.

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