Is this still a ‘Sorbo is great’ show?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Is this still a ‘Sorbo is great’ show?

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    I’ve not watched Andromeda since Sorbo starting giving it the big ‘I am’ and each time I looked in ion season two and three there was some patronising drivel about how bad is bad and how good is good and how everyone should be excellent to each other or they will be castrated, tortured, have their noses tweeked and all the blood in their bodies drained out via their nipples.

    Has it changed at all? To those of you who have stayed regular viewers, do you think it will be worth checking out season 4?


    maybe. i have seen a few good eps, but two of the last three were really stupid. 🙁 i can’t think of the names of them right now and i don’t have time to check but i will figure out which ones they are so you can avoid them at all cost!! hehe! they were just awful! without giving too much away i can tell you that they both involved gorgeous women wanting dylan and trying to kill or decieve him. and of course he ‘saved the day’ again. to me it was very much like Hercules.


    😳 well, I am obviuosly replying to an old post but feel like doing so anyways….

    The Sorbo-suck-o-rama show is not looking good for viewing into a 4th season. I can hardly bring myself to watch it anymore (never mind write about it [hands head in shame for letting down fellow sadgeezers])

    However, now that I no longer have pregnancy hormones coursing through my veins I may be more tolerant of the drivel…provided the “new mom lack of sleep syndrome” does not make my nerves too frayed (although it may dull my wits enough to enjoy the program once more).

    As an aside, I saw Sorbo on a Canadian show, “City Line” and he does not even seem to like his own show and talks about doing something else. Too bad Dylan Hunt could not be killed off and the show continue on….to a brighter future? 🙂


    congrats on the new baby!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 please tell me everything-name, weight, height, ect… 🙂 🙂 🙂



    Wonderful news about the baby 😀

    Hey, and don’t fret about the reviews anytime is ok.

    Congrats babe ! 🙂


    Congratulations! 😀

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