Its hour come round at last queries

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Its hour come round at last queries

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    Okay so I’m watching “It’s hour come round at last” for the 15th time since i bought it and im thinking to myself, how can trance slip pilot the andromeda to her destination?. When she tried in “Angel Dark, Demon Bright” he results were less than perfect, so that makes me wonder. Did she already know and wanted to come across young and unknowing and was then forced to show that she could on account of force, or did she learn between the two episodes which again begs the quesion who taught her since i doubt dylan would use the andromeda and beka probably wouldnt like the idea of learning on the maru in case of similar consequences. Anyone else got an idea?


    Trance Gemeni = Andromeda’s convenient [i]deus ex machina[/i].

    Any other questions?


    Trance Gemeni = Andromeda’s convenient [i]deus ex machina[/i].

    Any other questions?

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