I´ve had it!

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  • #35726

    Noone ever ansers my post´s or topics anymore!
    Maybe I´ll check back by x-mas and se if you have! [img]/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

    I am the crusader


    Everyone should pay attention: Sweden has a really high suicide rate, y’know?


    Yes, but not every Swede posts a million and one times.

    Yoda of Borg are we: Futile, resistance is. Assimilate you, we will. Hmmm?

    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]Noone ever ansers my post´s or topics anymore!
    Maybe I´ll check back by x-mas and se if you have! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]


    Crusader, please stop speaking in absolutes. I know for a fact that I’ve responded to several of your topics. I just responded to your quotes one the other day.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


    yeah i have loads of threads where no one replys, dont worry about it m8 this isnt a hugely active forum anyway, and people on tend to reply to stuff they feel strongly about.

    “Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.
    “No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!”
    “Its heading for his testicles”
    “Take it, take the leg!!!”


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