jeff hirschfield

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx jeff hirschfield

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    has been kind enough to answer my request for interview and/or chat…he will be letting me know next week about timing and so forth…i am hoping to do both, in keeping with our current trend (of three [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] ) …we also have the pat zentilli stuff to look forward to, so start posting some burning questions for jeff here, and i will keep you posted on the events as they are finalized…love fx


    Hooray!!! Thanks, FX.

    Ummm…questions: what’s Jeffrey up to these days? Any great projects in the works? Was he in Thailand with the rest of the crew? If so, how was it? Brian seemed to think the elephants were fun, did Jeffrey? (that’ll give him a chance to go off on one of his funny riffs) Would he consider working for a U.S. production if offered the opportunity?

    That’s all I can think of for now.


    I’ve always wondered about the conflict both being in/writing in the episodes. Does he ever find himself writing something and mentally saying “Oh man I cant say *that*” Although this season he certainly hasent had that problem, 790 has become evil in a metal can. Still, gotta love that head. Thanks!


    Oh, cool! I would love to know what new projects he has in the works. Keep us posted!



    Originally posted by Doffy:
    Oh, cool! I would love to know what new projects he has in the works. Keep us posted!

    i was beginnning to wonder if anyone was excited about this besides me [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]…i think i may have to switch to telephone with tape interview as the poor guy appears to be buried (he just wrote again saying he is working on the first set of questions [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] )…maybe when you write for a living [b]and [/b] have a new baby, talking would be quicker than trying to write down and email answers…what do you guys think? and send in more questions, because if it is a phone interview, i’d like to do it in one or at most two sessions, then write it up and schedule the live chat to follow…love fx

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