Jeff Hirschfield/Outer Limits

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Jeff Hirschfield/Outer Limits

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    Here’s a little FYI, from Terri Malinski at the Lexx Fanclub:

    From: “Terri Malinski”
    Date: Thu Jun 21, 2001 4:42 pm
    Subject: Outer Limits Episode By Jeff Hirschfield

    Hey all;
    Jeff Hirschfield wrote a spec script for THE OUTER LIMITS which they bought
    n’ shot. It’s called FLOWER CHILD and premieres on SCIFI US (only) on July
    21 at 10:00 pm. (But check local listings cause that time/date could

    Jeff isn’t sure if the episode is still pretty much his original story. He
    does know they changed the title and the names of the characters. But if you
    can, have a look see. It was something really different for Jeff to do so
    let us know what you think of it if you see it.

    Pass the word along….



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