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- This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 8 months ago by
9th March 2003 at 11:24 pm #39006
Keymasterso, after spending the last season trying to prove himself worthy of being a member of SG1 (and of filling Daniel Jackson’s shoes) to the SGC- has he proved himself worthy to us, the fans? what do you like/dislike about the character?
11th March 2003 at 6:32 pm #65257Anonymous
GuestI like the character and the actor. Parker Lewis!!
Yeah I do like his character, but it’s going to be too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak. I’m just glad Shanks is coming back, after watching the re-runs and the current season I’m not sure how they’re going to do it though. Will be fun.
13th March 2003 at 8:47 pm #65273A -DM
ParticipantI like him, he does add a new dimension to SG-1, he hasn’t got the linguistic and archeological skills of Daniel, but he has got his own strong intellect, he’s a quick study and gives solutions that often are combination of what Sam and Daniel would come up with.
I don’t think he would be an extra wheel with the return of Daniel, he seems to have the scope to be more physical than Daniel, and whereas Sam has a good understanding of science and theory, Jonas has proven he’s got a good understanding of technology, particularly Go’auld.
They’ve written in him well and made him likeable and it would be a shame if he had to take a back seat with the return of Daniel.
ADM13th March 2003 at 8:56 pm #65276Deliena
ParticipantHe is definately a likeable character, but to be totally frank he is also a little bland a lot of the time. There is scope in his character’s history for a little more dynamism and it doesn’t seem to get used an awful lot. Shame really.
Maybe his school report should read [quote]Must try harder[/quote]
What do you guys think?
15th March 2003 at 11:58 am #65289Anonymous
Guesti don’t think quite so much bland..perhaps over-enthusiastic young puppy!!!! he seems too eager at times, which perhaps counteracts the other times when he doesn’t seem to do an awful lot. needs to calm down a bit. though do think as things are, the Jonas/Teal’c partnership works quite well. Teal’c tends to be more calm and reflective, whilst Jonas isn’t. a case of opposites atrracting, methinks…
26th August 2003 at 6:29 am #67857Jennicide
Participantbut there is so much tradition and history between jack and daniel! I mean, even after they became friends, there was still a kind of rivalry between them because of sam.
there’s none of that rivalry between jack and jonas – and i agree, he is kinda bland.I dont think he really fits in enough – he steps on toes. With Daniel, the group had definate points, yet still were interconnecting with each other.
hhmm, that doesnt really make sense, here, i’ll try and explain:sam was not only smart, scientifically, she also had the phisicallity of the military profession she was in.
Daniel shared her intellectuality, yet had his own niche with linguistics and history etc.
Jack, well, jack was jack. What more can i say?
T’alc (spelling?) shared Jack’s hatred of the g’ould. Notice the word hatred, Daniel and sam disliked the enemy, but they didnt have the hatred that both Jack and T’alc held.
as for Jonas… he’s kinda like and amalgamation of all four of the SG-1 team. And in that way i believe he steps on toes…and should clearly be killed off.
hhhmm heartless and bloodthirsty. best way to be.
7th October 2003 at 11:10 pm #68739Anonymous
Guesthmm.. just started watching the latst season of SG-1 on SkyOne. i realise that Daniel Jackson was a popular character- and amongst some of the more rabid ‘Gaters, Jonas was seen as the anti-christ. but was this the right way to handle the situation? it seems like Daniel has been rushed back into the story and into SG-1 and poor old Jonas has been dropped like a hot brick. dumped.
like a writer who’s written a book and gone and scrubbed a section after people have read it, the powers that be have rushed Daniel back for the fans without considering how daft the situation may look. whether or not people liked him, Jonas was part of the team for some time and to just cast him out like that seems completely wrong 😕8th October 2003 at 2:28 am #68742Jennicide
ParticipantI think I must have missed something?
Jonas hasn’t actually been dumped has he? He’s still around, Daniel is just having minor appearances.
At least that’s where the Australian eps. are up to.
And to be completely honest, since writing my last post in this topic I’ve begun to change my mind. Like a squidgy goo, Jonas has seeped into my skin, taking over my SG-1 conciousness. I’ve actually grown quite attached to him. Though he’ll never replace Daniel completely, he still has become special in his own way.8th October 2003 at 10:04 pm #68770Anonymous
Guest😳 looks like i’ve gone and done it again 😳 the latest season started quite a few weeks ago in the States, and it started a couple of weeks ago here in the UK. after a show starts here and in America, i tend to forget about everywhere else (nothing personal!!! 🙂 ) i’ll probably never get totally used to this spoilers lark…sorry if i’ve given anyone a nasty shock….
having said that, i already had an idea what was going to happen quite some time ago from one of the other forums i visit. i didn’t know however that it would happen this particular way. i won’t say any more-apart from the fact that unless things change i will always remain disappointed with how things have turned out concerning Jonas 🙁13th October 2003 at 6:23 am #68834Jennicide
Participantits all good snooklepie! 😀
i think we’re only a couple of weeks behind you guys. we’re now up to the episode where daniel has done his whole re-appearance thing – though i missed the beginning of that particular episode, i believe he was found quite without his clothing?? damn! i always miss the good bits!
he’s lost his memory and they’re trying to find the original planet the ancients ‘lost’. its a “to be continued episode, and jonas is in a pretty scary position at the end of it. I’ll have to wait until thursday night to see the conclusion. i hate that.
and i can already pretty much see whats going to happen. ggrrr. like i said, Jonas is growing on me.. i hate it when they change things so also annoyed at the new format the show is taking.. its very much doing the whole season arc thing… i like the stand alone episodes they used to have.
ohhh and jack and sam are kinda flirting again. big fan of that story line. 😛
14th October 2003 at 9:34 pm #68877Majikthize
ohhh and jack and sam are kinda flirting again. big fan of that story line. :P[/quote]
Oh yeah I noticed that too. Kind of went off the boil for a couple of seasons but now it’s back, or so it seems.Sorry, I’m a bit of a shipper. I tend to think that it adds a nice dimension to a TV series. Hmm. I feel a topic coming on.
As for Jonas. I liked him. I like Daniel to though.
I’m a little bit disapointed that they could not think of something more original than Daniel comes back, exit Jonas. I’m sure they could have integrated both chatacters into the series as regulars if they’d put their minds to it.
16th October 2003 at 3:19 am #68903Headgehog
ParticipantI was starting to really like Jonas. They didn’t give him much in the way of character centered episodes (mostly just that piss poor remake of A Beautiful Mind), but his character was starting to grow. Then they nix him as quickly has he came. I thought his exiting scenes were poorly written and planned. “I came here to make up for Daniel’s loss and now that he’s back I’m no longer needed” Please! Overall the entire character seemed tacked quickly on. I would like to see him come back though, even if its just as a normal reoccurring character like Bratec.
{moderator note: since season 7 has started to show in most western countries, we can openly talk about those episodes without spoiler warnings}
17th October 2003 at 4:48 am #68919Jennicide
ParticipantHomecoming – the ep that was on last night. I almost cried, except for the really bad portrayal of what could have been one of the most emotionally wrenching eps of the season. ggrrrr.
I agree – the whole storyline encompassing Jonas has been pretty poor. Why did they bring him in, just to kick him out again? And, on top of that, if i hadn’t already been told about it 😆 the opening credits would have told me when his spot was replaced with daniel, and all jonas got was a guest starring role! grr.
I’m really not impressed actually, with the whole issue. People were just starting to warm up to him (I was at least) and now he’ s gone. I wonder if they will bring him back in future eps? And should they?
He could certainly add that needed zing back into Sam and Jack’s relationship. I mean, Jonas could always invite sam to offworld activities or whatnot – Jack could get jealous and whallah! we have a storyline!I’m always a sucker for romance – i agree, it just adds a new dimention. You just have to look at buffy and spike to see that. mmm spike.
oops sorry, i digress.if i didnt love the show so much i would boycott it until they brought Jonas back. yay!
lol, could you see it? protesting in Australia for an american TV show???
30th October 2003 at 11:34 am #68989A -DM
ParticipantYep I agree, Jonas’ exit wasn’t handled well, it was almost like he’d
only appeared in one ep before his departure, it was cold and badly done, they made his exit feel like a being a temp at a job, no one gives a damn if you leave or not, and that’s how it ended up feeling with Jonas.
But even though the storylines are still very good, the return of Daniel seems now to be very distant memory, within two eps he is back as if he never left. Personally I think the storyline of Daniel facing off against Anubis as uber gods should’ve been played out more, I’d liked to have seen Daniel doing some stuff with his new found powers.
It’d be nice if Jonas came back for Stargate: Atlantis, but no mention of that happening, but ya never know.ADM
14th January 2004 at 8:54 pm #69650Anonymous
GuestHonestly, I don’t see what all the fuss is about, (with regards do Daniel returning) I mean, now that I have seen the episodes with Jonas, and seen some old Daniel eppisodes, I’ve suddenly taken a dislike to “Dr Sanctamonius”, this next comment may be flamebait but:
“Maybe they can kill him again and this time keep him dead, I mean, that guy has had more comebacks than U2”
31st May 2004 at 7:21 pm #71017Cesare
ParticipantJonas was OK, but I think he wasn’t a worthy substitute for Daniel. Dr. Jackson really sucks from time to time, but he’s still irreplacable, I think. (+ he’s my fave SG1 member)
Jonas somehow did not develop any interesting personality. Daniel Jackson is the one who seeks compromises and annoys the others (sometimes viewers as well) with questions like “Do you think this is a right thing to do, Jack?” or accusations like “That would be a genocide, Jack…” and such…
And the fact that he often goes little too far, as well as his enthusiasm, is an important part of his personality.Nevertheless, I don’t quite understand, why they did have to get rid of Jonas, when Jackson returned. I certainly wouldn’t mind, if he stayed at SGC (some other SG team or something like that). Concerning Jonas Quinn, last episodes of season 6 were pretty promising.
Maybe the writers were just too lazy to find a place for him in SGC…;-)))7th July 2004 at 5:05 am #72324Random
Participant[quote=”Jennicide”]I agree – the whole storyline encompassing Jonas has been pretty poor. Why did they bring him in, just to kick him out again?[/quote]
I’m under the impression that Michael Shanks’ exit from the series was supposed to be permanent. So one can generally assume that Jonas was to be his permanent replacement and on that logic was rendered unnecessary when he came back.
14th July 2004 at 3:14 pm #72410Anonymous
GuestJonas could have been a much better character if there had been some better storylines to let him develop
<flame>and obviously that p**s poor remake of a beautifull mind storyline does NOT count!</flame>
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