Lets talk

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape Lets talk

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    I can not beleave that Lexx is the only show that people want to talk about! I watch it (mainly ’cause Horse,see e-mail address, likes it) but come on! I shall post rants and raves about Farscape and other shows hoping to get people to respond. If not, I shall just say whats on my mind and who gives a frelling(?) what others think. If you just want to sit there like a green lump of putty I found in my armpit (HH) so be it. I am feeling quite empowered by what I find on the net and plan to starte to use this new power.
    I was on a Farscape site BB and saw a couple of insites that I want to bring up here.
    1: Pregnacy (I can’t spell for @%$&#* but I notice most of you cant either)
    Someone put out the idea of Aryon geting pregnent. Please NO!!!!!! Can’t two adults have “fun” on a tv show and not get a little “bundle of joy.” John already has a kid on the way, let it stop there!!!!
    2: Chiana Slut? I dont think so! As anyone watching the show knows every one on it has had lovers in the past. Even Aryon has said that peacekeepers have “relations”(or what ever she called it). I think Chiana just shows poor choise in who she beds. Dargo must have been fun (that tounge(?)) but we all knew that it wasnt meant to last. She is young and I think John will show her (what?) what it means to realy love some one (or two ,2 Johns, know what I mean, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more).
    Reply or not, the Monkey will be back!



    I have been talking to myself for years and dont plan to stop now!!! FS will be on in 1 1/2 hrs and I cant wait to see how the crew of Moya acts on a pleasure planet! John2 is without Aryon(?) and dosent know what is going on on Talyon. Will he????? Talk to me later!!!!!




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]I have been talking to myself for years and dont plan to stop now!!! Talk to me later!!!!!

    Ya know, it is one thing to “talk” to yourself, but when you start “answering” yourself, well that is when you need to start looking out for those men in the white suits.

    “They are coming to take me away, a-ah, they are coming to take me away, a-ah” -jello





    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]I can not beleave that Lexx is the only show that people want to talk about! [/b]

    That is because Lexx is the only show WORTH talking about. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]



    I shall post rants and raves about Farscape and other shows hoping to get people to respond.

    I thought the last episode was probably one of the best I have seen. It was nice to see Farscape NOT take itself so seriously for once. I enjoyed seeing D’argo out of charcter, heeH that was seriously funny watching him dancing around.


    If not, I shall just say whats on my mind and who gives a frelling(?) what others think.


    I have wondered as to the spelling of it as well, I think ‘frailing’ works better, kind of gives it an even more ambiguous meaning. But your spelling is probably the more correct one.



    If you just want to sit there like a green lump of putty I found in my armpit (HH) so be it.

    Dude, if you have green lumpy putty under yer arm, I would surely not be proud of that fact, let alone tell anyone about it


    2: Chiana Slut? I dont think so! As anyone watching the show knows every one on it has had lovers in the past. Even Aryon has said that peacekeepers have “relations”(or what ever she called it). I think Chiana just shows poor choise in who she beds. Dargo must have been fun (that tounge(?)) but we all knew that it wasnt meant to last. She is young and I think John will show her (what?) what it means to realy love some one (or two ,2 Johns, know what I mean, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more).

    I dunno, I hope they (Chiana & John) do NOT get back together, they have already done that. It would be interesting to see the Moya John hook up with Jool, imagine her ‘screaming’ in bed, heeH.




    Hey someone else saw my stuff! Yeah!!
    Even I didnt look in here for a few days, going to other BBs.
    Yes the last FS is going to be on my top ten list of FS shows! I like to find the humor in life as theres aways enuff s#*t to step in. Even in other Si-fi shows my fav’s were the fun ones.
    About John & Chiana, did they, nudge nudge or just get close to it knowing that John is/was waiting for Aryn? I think they havent. (yet) But when Aryn& John1 come back who knows what John 2 will do knowing he has/hasnt bedded Aryn?




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]Yes the last FS is going to be on my top ten list of FS shows! I like to find the humor in life as theres aways enuff s#*t to step in. Even in other Si-fi shows my fav’s were the fun ones.

    I think it is funny that so many people on the scifi.com board disliked that so much
    Personally I hope they do more shows like that.


    About John & Chiana, did they, nudge nudge or just get close to it knowing that John is/was waiting for Aryn? I think they havent. (yet)

    Oh, I was under the impression that they had a short fling right after she (Chiana) first came aboard Moya …before she and D’Argo had hooked up and before John and Aryn got serious. But then again I missed quite a few episodes (the latter half of season one and the first half of season two), so I dunno.


    But when Aryn& John1 come back who knows what John 2 will do knowing he has/hasnt bedded Aryn?

    That brings up an interesting point. I think that one of the Johns will have to die before they reunite the crew. Having two Johns aboard Moya, well I just do not think that would work very well. Maybe not die, maybe one of them will get back home?



    [This message has been edited by antizero (edited July 26, 2001).]


    It’s fri. 6:44pm USA West Coast
    This seams to be the best time for me to come on line, dinner in oven, FS on in less then 3hrs.
    I guess that I take it for granted that everyone else out there knows more about what I want to know about then I do, but we all seam to be looking for bits and pieces of everything.
    John & Chianna: I have been able to watch FS from day one. I can not live with out my Sci-fi ch.!!!!!! I love how it changes from season to season. My life was never the theme for “Friends”. People come and go, and can change, and die in your lifetime. I think FS will take……Sorry, I was supose to be making a comment about J&C…SORRY…. Will get back to it now! I allways got the feeling that it didnt happen but in the future things will change. Chianna is not doing Dargo any favors and John2 is not too hot on Jewel. That leaves only one ?
    Stark and Rigel? Can any one say JaJa Binks? Comic relief(?)!!!
    As to having two Johns: Well I am a female of a age that knows a thing or two and say if all of you men out there think that you are the only ones who fantasize about twins, there are a few women out there who think 2 Johns are a GOOD thing!
    It is now 7:18pm USA West coast.
    See you next fri. or come see my rant or rave.




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]Sorry, I was supose to be making a comment about J&C… Will get back to it now! I allways got the feeling that it didnt happen but in the future things will change.

    Well since you have seen FS since the beginning and I have not, guess I will have to take your word for it. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]


    Stark and Rigel? Can any one say JaJa Binks? Comic relief(?)!!!

    And that is too bad, I thought Stark had alot of potential to be a serious character, then when Zaan died …he just went bonkers mad.


    As to having two Johns: Well I am a female of a age that knows a thing or two and say if all of you men out there think that you are the only ones who fantasize about twins, there are a few women out there who think 2 Johns are a GOOD thing!

    Ok, point well taken. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
    But in the context of the series, I do not think that having two of the same character on one show would be a good thing as far as the story line is concerned. I think we may have already seen the beginning of the end for Talyn John? But then again what do I know …


    See you next fri. or come see my rant or rave.

    I am will be going out of town for about two weeks so make that the friday after the next.



    [This message has been edited by antizero (edited July 30, 2001).]


    To any one else who may read this Hi.
    I think that with the 2 Johns it opens up a lot of story lines with the two ships and what happens with the two crews. But at the same time it seams that the Talon group gets more air time. But that makes me wonder, dose Ben get paid more since he is on both ships or just gets to work twice as much for the same ammout of money?
    As for Stark, if Zhann was still around he might not grate on my nerves as much but I want to push him out an air lock!
    My side-your side!!!! OUT SIDE!!!!!!
    Things change, it might happen.
    See you later antizero.



    Poor Stark. I think losing Zhann pushed him over the edge into the deep end of the insanity pool…but’s it’s not inconceivable that they could bring her back since I think a part of her is still technically alive in Stark. Anyway, the writers need to DO SOMETHING with him. He had so much potential to be a cool character and now they’re just using him for comic relief.

    Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold a grudge.
    Galen: I don’t. I have no surviving enemies. At all.

    “I’d far rather be happy than right any day.”
    “And are you?”
    “No. That’s where it falls down, of course.”–Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    “It’s all in the mind.”–George Harrison


    Well that makes sense. Two Crews. I never watch this show, yet I’m watching it last night and this guy dies and I’m thinking:’hey, isn’t this guy the main character?’ So why are there two of them anyway. Why do I watch Lexx, that show has more time padding than I ever see in a show. I think Prince is a good villian though.


    Hi iconoclast! Glad you saw FS last fri. but haveing not watched before you saw the tying up of several different story lines but also the opening up of a new war to come. I hope you keep watching and can see FS from the begining. The people on the show grow and change and the story line has a theme that alows that.
    Lexx is ok, Horse likes it more then I do(hes male ok).I like the FX but I dont care for any of the people,a dead guy,a jerk,a”love” slave. Though the dead guy has some great lines. “The dead do not poop”
    And why keep a robot head? Dont they have the tech. to build a robot body?
    Prince is a great bad guy. The anti-deadguy?
    But this supose to be about FS!
    Looking forward to next week and the cartoon. I tryed to get on the spoiler page and it wouldnt come up so it must be busy. See you all next week.



    OOk ook just monkey again, every one go to new posting by AC. I was going to starte a new one as this one was geting tooooo long.
    AC brings up a good point that about the 2 Johns and I commet. Who wants to scroll through all this old stuff anyway? Starte something new!!!!!




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]To any one else who may read this Hi.
    I think that with the 2 Johns it opens up a lot of story lines with the two ships and what happens with the two crews.

    Let me clarify what I previously said. What I meant to say was I do not think having two of the same character (especially the main character) on one SHIP would be condusive to a very good story line. I do very much agree and I as I previously stated I really liked the idea of a ‘split’ crew, the story/plot lines there are endless. I was hoping they would keep that story line going for a while longer, I pretty much figured one of them would have to go, but not quite this soon. I expect that we may well see a reunion of the two crews here pretty soon.


    As for Stark, if Zhann was still around he might not grate on my nerves as much but I want to push him out an air lock!
    My side-your side!!!! OUT SIDE!!!!!!

    I dunno I kind of find some of Starks insane ramblings amusing, but then again I am a sucker for insanity. I do agree that it does get kind of annoying after a bit though.




    Ben Browder doesn’t work twice as much as he used to, his screen time has changed much, it’s just that everyone else is only on half the time!
    He’s paid the same amount for working the same amount of time, while everyone else (with the exception of Jool, who’s still not a regular character) gets paid the same for working half the time, the regular actors are on a contract which states they get X amount per season, just because they’re working less doesn’t mean they get paid less! It would be a breach of their contract on the part of the makers of the show if they were paid less.

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