Lexx Cast Confirmed for Dragon Con

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    [b]Lexx Cast confirmed for Dragon Con[/b]

    The gods have answered our prayers. Mr. Lowe has confirmed that Brian, Ellen, Xenia, Patty, and Louise will be at Dragon Con. Thanks in part to all of the online Lexxians who have supported and continue to support the Lexx Dragon Con Raffles. With front money provided by myself and our own HDS and the proceeds gathered so far from the uncompleted raffle, the Lexx Fan Club USA has secured two exhibition booths for the Lexx Cast.

    Check back here or the official Lexx Dragon Con page for upcoming news from Trini-T about the parties, HDS about the Parade, and yours truly concerning the upcoming Lexx Dragon Con t-shirt contest. http://www.thefrey.com/UsCon.htm

    Don’t forget theire are still raffle tickets available at http://www.thefrey.com/raffle.htm



    😀 Love that logo! What a great way to announce the fully sanctioned (with Cat’s blessings, I might add) official LEXX FAN CLUB USA!!!! Way to go! The LEXX takeover of Dragon Con is proceeding right on target!!!!


    Thanks Frey,
    Wow, Dragon*Con’s gonna have Brian, Ellen, Xenia, Patty & Louise; wow, that means I’ll be Stephalee or Jhevz on Sunday. Thanks oh thanks Frey; goody goody gum drops; now I know I can’t til Dragon*Con.
    Frey, you have a Happy Memorial Weekend & stay safe.

    Lexxian to Lexxian 😀 ,
    Jhevz 😉

    mandara k


    ALLE-freakin-LUIAH!!!!! Now we be goin’ somewhere; now if we can keep this loose but focused and avoid the inherent arguements that come with this type of move toward consolidation ( oh, you know them, why is HE/SHE in charge, etc…. my opinion is that type of bickering is a waste of time, and drains energy that could be put to better use) .

    It’s all in infancy stages I know; but I would like to suggest an “Official” site where polls are use frequently to keep it real for all LEXXians.

    It’s just getting good. 😉


    [quote=”Trini_T”]:D Love that logo!!!![/quote]

    HDS whipped that logo up while I wrote the post and undated the UsCon Page. he was so good about it. I was tippy tapping away, on the web page, voice IM’ing him…. “I don’t know, make the letters fatter…. Okay, good placement, what would a blue stripe look like….. no, no stripe, hate that…..” He was so patient. lol!!!

    [quote=”Trini_T”]:D What a great way to announce the fully sanctioned (with Cat’s blessings, I might add) official LEXX FAN CLUB USA!!!! Way to go! The LEXX takeover of Dragon Con is proceeding right on target!!!![/quote]

    And Mr. Donovan and Mr. Downey…. and yes, Cat is wonderful. Why stop at Dragon Con??? Muhahahaha!


    NOOOO! 🙁 I can’t make it to that DragonCon 🙁 🙁 🙁
    But I will see some of you (hopefully) at the MegaCon in Vegas 😉


    [quote=”mandara k”]:D It’s all in infancy stages I know; but I would like to suggest an “Official” site where polls are use frequently to keep it real for all LEXXians. It’s just getting good. :wink:[/quote]

    Hummm, Polls…. like the ones here???? 😕 haha

    Why re-invent the wheel. 😉

    mandara k

    Not as much re-inventing the wheel, my dear Frey, but making sure it’s well-oiled and not squeaking!

    It is a loverly logo; it’s simple

    Mucho gracias to Cat, HDS, Frey, and the double D’s 😉



    Hey Frey, does this mean I might *finally* get to meet you in person? 😀


    Well you will if your are there, since I most surely be. Look for the xtralarge lady running around going crazy. 😀


    [quote=”thefrey”]Well you will if your are there, since I most surely be. Look for the xtralarge lady running around going crazy. :D[/quote]

    Hehe…cool 🙂 I was already planning to possibly attend so that the local Browncoats would be represented, so perhaps we will meet after all – when you disappeared from Delphi, I worried about you – glad to see you’re okay 😀

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