LEXX.com update (Part ducks)
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- This topic has 15 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 6 months ago by
20th May 2003 at 1:18 pm #39148
KeymasterIt was only supposed to take a day or so and it’s still down 🙁
I know that will wind some of you regulars up a bit, but it’s a really tricky thing to install new BBS software AND bring in the old posts.
I had the same problem three months ago with this board. It took a day or so to install the software, then it took a week to add the old posts. I had a script to handle it, but it still took ages. The damned thing kept falling over and in the end, my only option was to go in and edit some of the posts directly. Some of the larger fanfics were particularly difficult and had to be split up into many different posts. Others [i](like my fanfic (an ode to Dr Del)) [/i]were so full of text formatting that they had to be deleted for a time. 🙁
The reason I’m explaining this is that some of you were worried about if your posts would be deleted. I think that the delay is a good thing [i](not only because this board gets lots of cool new visitors) [/i]but [b]it probably means that the powers that be are working of re-formatting the old posts and fixing the problem ones.[/b]
Who was working on the update? Do Splarka and Rachel still have anything to do with it?
20th May 2003 at 2:21 pm #66195nursewhen
ParticipantThanks Sad, you’ve been a welcome port in a storm 😀
20th May 2003 at 4:29 pm #66202mandara k
ParticipantYou know i miss LEXX. com too; it offered a change-up if it was slow here.
I may be someone of a sad but I’m glad…. if not tickled pink you are here.
Please don’t be strangers when LEXX.com rising from the bowels of cyberspace and lives again!
20th May 2003 at 6:36 pm #66211Anonymous
InactiveThe lexx.com board is back up, and the changes aren’t quite as extensive as I’d thought they would be. Was expecting more forums and hopefully they’ll be changing the colour scheme. They’ll probably be fine-tuning it (I thought the new board might even almost rival sad’s site). Must check it out more…
20th May 2003 at 6:53 pm #66214Anonymous
InactiveIt’s a phpBB like this one –last one was based on blazeboard (guess one can create polls there now too), really nice to have a decent search engine for the site. Ooh, I really hope they change their colour scheme. Seems to have the same thread views numbers. Haven’t checked to see if all threads are in their proper positions… What do you peeps think?
Oh somebody is browsing the board that I know from way back, must go…
20th May 2003 at 7:24 pm #66216Anonymous
GuestAhh hah! Installation of a phpBB2 board! COooooOL!
That explains the delay though, the convertion of all the posts to the new system can be a real pain in the neck!
Good luck Storm!
20th May 2003 at 8:02 pm #66219Anonymous
InactiveQuote moved into the …part Ducks thread
[quote=”Lois_Lane”] Thanks Sadgeezer for the kinky night at the motel.
My regular love says I can come home now.
Now…if you add Cleopatra~2525 to sadgeezer, I can cheat on lexx.com anytime. I hear its playing in UK right now. And it only comes on Region2 DVD.[/quote]
So that’s it, love him and leave him? 😉 Your cheating heart will be back! 😀 Once you’ve gone Sad….
And to think, LEXX.com doesn’t have a Cleopatra 2525 forum either, or any non LEXX related forums for that matter YET (with the new board they can add additional forums quite easily, and I expect they’ll at least have an official Off-Topic forum at some time; maybe they’ll call it The Not About Lexx forum).
On the other hand, this site has a forum specifically designed for talking about sci-fi shows like Cleo called [i]General TV Sci-Fi Stuff[/i] — I wanted a dedicated Prisoner forum, Twilight Zone and Outer Limits forums, a Lost in Space and Space 1999 forum, a Star Trek TOS forum, and even a Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century forum until I realised that there wouldn’t be much point in cluttering up the board with so many forums that would probably be seldom used anyway, General TV… serves that function. Okay, I’d still really like a Prisoner forum… 😉
I really do hope that they now organise the LEXX forums for on-topic and off-topic posts and maybe even include seperate discussion forums for all four seasons of LEXX. I imagine that they will do something like that now, and provide various interesting updates.
Still, I doubt the site will ever reach the intricacy or brilliance of sadgeezer.com. One things for sure, there’s no reason for them not to keep on improving the site from now on (the site’s development was stagnant for so long).
But as I said before in another thread: the people matter far more than the board design, and there are a lot of great people at lexx.com (lots here too of course, and some use both) and I will continue to post there as well as here no matter what.
A Glad to be Sad lexx.commer
20th May 2003 at 10:54 pm #66224streudel
Participant[quote]. Okay, I’d still really like a Prisoner forum…[/quote]
Me, too! Pretty please, with sugar on top! 😀
Just stopped by to say I’m not the love ’em and leave ’em sort. I now consider myself a Sadgeezer…well, a Sad-lexx-dot-geez-commer, or something like that.
I’ve only been by the Stan thread at Lexx.com so far, but I like what I see. Looks a heck of alot like Sad’s. That is definitely a good thing. 😀
20th May 2003 at 11:56 pm #66226Anonymous
GuestIt’s really easy to add a forum – takes seconds honestly!
The problem is – what happens when no-one posts there? (I’m having this with the Aeon Flux Forum now :/ )
If you guys really want a Cleopatra2525 Forum and a Prisoner Forum, then you will have to moderate them and make sure that they are well subscribed and posted to. A tough job! Difficult too. Otherwise, I end up with large numbers of forums that peeps don’t post to.
Have you ever been to a BBS and noticed that there aren’t many posts in the forum – it’s like it’s ill or something 🙂
[b][i]I guess it’s a big fear of mine. [/i][/b]
Personally, writing the guides was fun, but building a Sci Fi community with you guys is a whole lot better – especially with lots of cool sci fi subjects! – So, I’ll add the forums if you guys want to help populate them with posts and promote them with your friends. Deal?
21st May 2003 at 1:56 am #66229Anonymous
InactiveCool, I’d love to try my hand moderating a Prisoner forum; there are a number of people who like that show. Ah, if it bombs can we kill it off, or modify it too encompass more shows (like The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Star Trek, Space 1999, Lost in Space etc.)? I’d kind of like to see an 60’s and 70’s Sci-fi shows forum, but start it off as The Prisoner forum — just some thoughts. Might take a little time and a lot of hard work to really catch on, but I’d like to give it a shot.
21st May 2003 at 3:23 am #66230Meep
ParticipantSorry I’m completely veering off the topic of this thread, but could someone (who lives around the Vancouver area) tell me where I can rent any Lexx seasons? I think the Rogers video on Davie street has the first four movies (thank you funkET :D), anyone else know some good places I can rent/buy season 2-3 on DVD?
🙁 Once again sorry that I’m asking this question on your thread, but I must know where to get lexxed up 🙄
21st May 2003 at 3:40 am #66231streudel
Participant[quote=”Logan”]Cool, I’d love to try my hand moderating a Prisoner forum; there are a number of people who like that show. Ah, if it bombs can we kill it off, or modify it too encompass more shows (like The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Star Trek, Space 1999, Lost in Space etc.)? I’d kind of like to see an 60’s and 70’s Sci-fi shows forum, but start it off as The Prisoner forum — just some thoughts. Might take a little time and a lot of hard work to really catch on, but I’d like to give it a shot.[/quote]
I wish I had both the time and good judgement to be a moderator on a forum, but being the busy mother of a 6 year old precludes that. However, I would post up a storm on a Prisoner forum, or a 60’s and 70’s Sci Fi forum. The Prisoner is one of those shows that is made to be discussed endlessly. My husband and I are both big fans, and we’ll recommend it to anyone who’ll listen.
22nd May 2003 at 12:52 am #66245Anonymous
Guest😀 I never saw The Prisoner…my curiosity has been aroused…and 60’s & 70″s sci-fi sounds like a blast! Logan would make a fine mod, I think! His posts are easy to respond to- they can [i]almost always [/i]be taken in two completely different contexts, and he veers delightfully o/t!
23rd May 2003 at 5:13 pm #66281Anonymous
Inactive[b]Streudel[/b]: You would make a very, very fine mod, as would almost all of the Prisoner fans who contributed to [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=361&start=0&sid=d17dc2ee6cce3cd25eb106e75b2887cc]The Prisoner[/url] thread — lots of links there. Streudel, that’s great that you’re willing to contribute so much to it; I’ll do my best too. And, you’ll get your hubby posting and my wife would contribute too (even Funky-Fetus has offered to help ;)). We’ll be one big happy family! 😀
At first I wasn’t being that serious about a Prisoner forum, since “General TV SciFi Stuff” can cover all the sci-fi shows, but if people like you would “post up a storm,” then the forum’s success should be smoothe sailing. 😉
[b]Trini_T[/b]: I think you’d really enjoy the show, check out the links. And lol, thanks for the vote of non-commital confidence and committed non-confidence, I think! 😛 [i]The Prisoner[/i] is an ambiguous show, and I can be a somewhat ambiguous boy — ‘though when contributing to the forum I’d try for a little more verbal precision/ exacting clarity.
I do tend to veer off-topic. I think laterally, but I generally try to remain true to the thematic spirit of a topic, or at least true to the spirit of the delightful digressions 😉 — I personally enjoy rather free-flowing thought, but of course the forum’s topics should be Prisoner, or very closely Prisoner related. But as for digressions, one shouldn’t be made to feel like a Prisoner to the topic: ‘I am not a number, I am a free man!”. And anyway, constantly on-topic can get a bit tedious anyway. But I’m sure we’d lots of very meaty Prisoner discussion.
It’ll be even meatier, Trini, if you watch the show, but I’m sure that those who aren’t that familiar with it will be able to contribute too. It would be a place for convicted Prisoners (those dedicated Prisoner fans with real conviction), and for those felons who are only passingly familiar with it. But no prior conviction to the show, or otherwise, would be required I would think.
Note to self: Stop rambling! 😀
In summary: Since there are so many great Prisoner fans around, I’m sure we could all make it work!
Speaking of work, I worked really, really hard 😉 to think up some Frequently Asked Questions for the forum, and it goes a little something like this:*****
[quote]Q: Where am I ?
A. In the VillageQ: What do you want ?
A. InformationQ: Whose side are you on ?
A: That would be tellingWe want Information
A: You won’t get it[/quote]***** actually quoted from the opening of each episode of The Prisoner
(Another show that I forgot to mention here that I really like is Blake’s 7)
Talk about going off-topic, sorry! This is the LEXX forum and this is the lexx.com thread. What can I say? I like lexx.com, this LEXX forum, and LEXX! 🙂 I think they did a good job at lexx.com, the scheme grows on you.
23rd May 2003 at 6:56 pm #66285Flamegrape
ParticipantA [i]Cleopatra 2525[/i] forum would be cute, but you’re right, Sad. It probably wouldn’t get much traffic, just like the [i]Aeon Flux[/i] forum. Do more forums add more burden to bandwidth or anything technical like that?
I recommend that anyone who wants to discuss [i]Space: 1999[/i] to go to Space1999.Net itself and visit the forums there. I’m not sure that [i]Space: 1999[/i] would be in the same spirit of “cult” TV sci-fi as presented on this board. It might be a cult show in the USA, but not in the UK or other countries.
For that matter, one could consider [i]Babylon 5[/i] to be mainstream sci-fi TV. I’m sure that there is plenty of discussion about B5 at other B5-oriented boards. But we seldom get traffic on the SadBoard B5 forum. Is this good or bad? I don’t know. It’s good too have forums for announcements about new things pertaining B5, but don’t the news articles on the front page of the site serve that purpose? (No offence intended towards the moderators of the B5 forums.)
25th May 2003 at 3:40 am #66304streudel
Q: Where am I ?
A. In the VillageQ: What do you want ?
A. InformationQ: Whose side are you on ?
A: That would be tellingWe want Information
A: You won’t get it
[/quote]Why did I not see that one coming? I must be getting old. 😆
Wow, that was a great thread. My vote goes to Mr.Bean in the Prisoner movie, too. I would’ve like to have seen Edmund Blackadder trying to break Number 6 in Once Upon A Time. Baldrick as Number One would’ve made a statement about the state of government.
Oh, I’m in a Lexx thread, aren’t I? 😳 I’m a great one for veering off-topic, too. 😆 Yeah, I like Lexx, too…alot. And the new Lexx.com BB rocks! How’s that? 😉
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