Lexx Fan Video Project…

Forums General Sci Fi Original Science Fiction Lexx Fan Video Project…

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    Here’s an idea that I thought I’d pitch to people and see if there’s any interest.

    Basically, LEXX is over, there aren’t going
    to be any more new episodes, the series is
    complete, it’s finished, it’s dead, yadda
    yadda yadda.

    Well, suppose we could attempt to create new
    episodes by careful editing? By meticulously
    putting existing footage together in new
    ways, we could create new stories?

    Something like this is done with LEXX music
    videos. And of course, there’s an entire
    industry of Star Wars fan videos. But I’m
    talking something more ambitious. Something
    along the lines of a full blown LEXX episode
    with an internal story and all.

    Anyway, as a vehicle, I’m proposing
    something that they could never ever do
    for real – a LEXX/Farscape crossover
    episode of between half an hour and an

    A few quick comments: Before the ‘Farscape
    sucks!’ Brigade chips in, I don’t care
    and I don’t want to hear it. I also am
    not particularly interested in ‘Farscape’s
    too different from Lexx’s style’ because
    no. 1, this is a cross pollination
    experiment, and no. 2, LEXX has always
    experimented with its style.

    There would be some handicaps obviously.
    No Lexx actor could ever actually be in
    the same image as a Farscape actor, at
    least, not with the technology I have.
    But we might be able to create the
    illusion of characters interracting or
    being close. One way to do that would
    be to look for similar settings – both
    Xev and D’Argo go for walks among sand
    dunes. Another way would be to edit and
    quickly cut between characters so they
    appear to be responding to each others
    lines and actions.

    And there are a couple of interesting
    overlaps. Farscape had a couple of episodes
    featuring a serpent creature, a Dimension
    worm, basically a three jawed critter that
    might pass for a distant mutation of the
    Cluster Lizard. Also, at one point,
    Farscape was carrying three cryopods with
    mysterious strangers, one of whom turned
    out to be a pale, black costumed long
    haired goth suggestive of Kai, and
    another turned out to be a red haired,
    screaming, leather wearing vixen… I’ve
    always thought those three cryopods
    and particularly the short lived man in
    black were a nod to Lexx.

    Anyway, here’s what I have for a very rough
    outline of a LEXX/Farscape story….

    “LEXXSCAPE: The Ultimate Crossover”

    “On the bridge of Moya, the crew are staring
    at a gigantic derelict space ship, which
    turns out to be the LEXX
    (some shot of the LEXX drifting).”

    “The LEXX spits out particulate matter (Love
    Grows). Hearing a distress call, Crichton or
    whoever go out to investigate the debris.
    Which just happens to include the cryopods,
    floating away in space (Luvliner).”

    “Joint opening Montage of Farscape/Lexx”

    “They bring three freezer pods back to Moya,
    armouring them for safety (surely there’s a
    line of dialogue somewhere in Farscape that
    could be used for ADR).”

    “While the crew is distracted by something
    or other, Xev wakes. Finding herself in
    strange territory, and feeling somewhat ill
    (possibly they took her down to a trade
    planet for a cure? If so, Fluff Daddy).
    Startled, she starts to roll (a number of
    rolling scenes possible). And then mutates
    into Cluster Lizard (Terminal, but quick
    shot since the start of the mutation would
    be Zev, we’d have to do a bit of cutting)
    Which mutates into Dimension worm (Farscape)
    which stalks Moya’s crew. (Farscape)”

    “Kai is taken out of the pod, looking
    extremely disheveled (Farscape scene of the black clad long haired goth) (possibly
    followed by scenes of long hair kai from
    Wake the Dead, if we’ve got anything of him
    not being too psycho, maybe walking).
    Kai/790 explain about the illness….”

    “Flashback: The LEXX becomes ill. (Scenes
    from Love Grows, Lexx dialogue from Yo Ay
    Oh, Norb). Kai puts Stan, Xev and himself in
    cryopods to save their lives (Love Grows).
    The Lexx then blunders into a time and space
    anomaly (Rated LEXX), drifting aimlessly.
    [Or possibly it might be confusing to have
    it here. It’s a bit clunky,so I was thinking
    of inserting it into the center of the
    story as a flashback – but it might be
    better as the opening scenes. On the other
    hand as an opening scene it might explain
    things better but be dramatically less
    effective.] End of Flashback.”

    “The Moya crew begin hunting the Dimension
    worm which Zev has mutated into, irritably
    putting up with Kai’s warnings. (ADR, every
    now and then he threatens to kill someone).
    Lots of stalking through empty corridors for
    Kai and the Moya crew. Xev floats around as
    a killer worm.”

    “Stan wakes from his pod. (I can’t think of
    any good useable Stan scenes) and
    immediately tries to sneak back to the LEXX.
    (Are there any Farscape scenes with
    characters in Red Jumpsuits?) (Stan’s
    plotline should be happening simultaneously
    following the dimension worm stuff,
    otherwise his plot thread is way too static
    and talky and empty)”

    “Aeryn gets a bead, but Kai stops her. Kai
    is shot by Aeryn, (Aeryn shoots in a few episodes) but the energy of her pulse rifle simply dissipates from Kai’s body (Kai in Woz, soaking up blasts). (Most of this would be shot on derelict spaceship/factory settings, lots of metal, lots of dirt. Footage from 791 among others.)”

    “Back on the LEXX, Stan gets into an argument/insult contest with Rigel who has been left on bridge while everyone else hunts the monster. (Scenes of Stan alone on the bridge being obnoxious) (Rigel or whoever on Moya being equally obnoxious) Stan throws a few blasts at Moya, but Lexx is so weak from illness that their shields hold up. (fourth season lexx dialogue, smoke
    ring blasts) (farscape episodes where moya
    takes a few blasts)”

    “Realizing violence isn’t going to solve this one these strangers are too weird, Kai is unkillable, Xev is a shapeshifting monster and Stan has a warship, Zhaan concocts a cure (A Bug’s Life) and Crichton risks his life to administer it (D-Worm scenes), but it will take time for her to recover.”

    “The Lexx, even ill, is far too powerful,
    Moya is crippled. The Leviathan is forced to a planet landing (I, Alien), during which the dimension worm escapes tracking D’Argo and Zhaan into the desert. Zhaan hides. Xev finally recovers, returning to human form, and marches through the desert.”

    “Stan lands as well (shots of fire, shots of supernova, Eating Pattern), a weak Lexx needs to eat to heal itself. But he bluffs, trying to get his friends back. Kai and Stan, flying in a moth, spot her far below, pick her up and fly off.”

    It’s just a beginning obviously, but it could be an interesting project for a group.
    I’d be interested with people who have
    libraries of lexx or farscape and/or have
    some facility with editing.

    If you’re interested, sign up at dvaldron@mts.net and we’ll set up a chat
    to discuss further.

    And for the record: This is an entirely
    non-profit project with no commercial
    aspect whatsoever for private use and
    limited informal circulation. No claim is
    made and prior rights of copyright and
    trademark for the owners of both Lexx and
    Farscape are acknowledged. This work is
    intended as a commentary/parody of the
    subject works and therefore falls under
    fair comment/fair use/parody
    provisions of copyright acts.

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