Lexx Game

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx Game

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    Hi all, i’m new here, so i’m not 100% up to date with what is new, but I’m wondering, does anyone know of any plans for a Lexx based game?

    I think this would be a fantastic idea, and due to the wide variety of the show, i’m sure that several diffrent games could be produced.

    I had an idea for a season 3 bases RTS game where you could be in charge of either Fire or Water, and wage war upon the other planet, but this is only an idea.

    Anyway, love the site [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    No plans for a Lexx game. But you’ll find that some make their own “skins” and “Mods” for games. There are many FPS, games like Max Payne and Quake3 where players have made Kai “Mods” with his handy wrist gadget and all. I dont have a link but check their forums if you play those games.

    And if you ever play EA’s Earth and Beyond(currently beta), look for a ship called the Lexx, that’s me [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    [ 10-03-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]


    I’ve been talking about making a Xev skin for Quake / Elite Force for a while. I’ve gotten as far as making a cool model sheet, but I’m lagging on the 3d work. Since I currently have a 650Mhz machine, I’m waiting until I get my 1.4Ghz machine built before I continue any 3d work.

    Making a complete conversion of Quake III Arena into a [i]Lexx[/i] videogame is not impossible. It just takes a ton of time and patience. [i]A good script is the most important part.[/i] And the voices would be another obstacle. I would like to work on such a project someday in the (near?) future.


    I read somewhere on the net about a Lexx drinking game. I don’t remember the rules, but I’m sure it’s along the lines of:

    Take a drink when the Lexx blows up a planet.

    Take a drink when Kai kills someone.

    Finish your drink when Stan gets lucky.

    etc…… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    What would be cool would be “Heretic,” like “Counter-Strike” only the opposing forces are those of the Heretics and the Divine Order. On the one side you could be a Heretic from one of several cultural groups, on the other a Divine personal guard, robot guard, security guard, etc. There would be several first and second season locales as maps, each with its own mission for the Heretics, which the Divine Order is trying to stop. That would rule!


    The Kai mods sound cool, i’ll have to have a look on the net for it [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] It’s a shame that no Lexx game is being produced, maybe I should learn C++ and make one of my own [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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