Lexx-o-Rama 2005 ~ 5th to 7th of August !

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    The 7th annual LoR is taking place this year as usual… the date has changed a bit though, so please read more on the page linked below if you are simply curious or plan to attend 🙂

    [url=http://www.lexxorama.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=139]Clickie me for the info post @ lexxorama.org ![/url]

    So yeah, the [url=/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=23&page=1]LEXX Convention[/url] page sure needs to be updated. LoR has got an own forum and galleries and much more on the official [url=http://www.lexxorama.org]lexxorama.org[/url] page now 😉


    I will request that Headge update it for you Mira.

    For those new to Lexx conventions, this is an Annual Swedish event that takes place in/near Gothenburg, Sweden. This year it will occur on August 5-7th, 2005.

    They have rented a large cabin to have the get together in [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v302/ratatosk/majorna4.jpg[/url] and judging by past picture they normally have a few pub crawls and other fun local outings. 😉

    I am not sure if Striped longsocks are manatory, but I have noticed them appearing promently in the convention pictures over the last few years. 😆



    Yepp, the longest running annual LexxCon in the world too, I believe 🙂


    [b]I have just GODDA go to this!![/b] (if for no other reason but to meet the cool and effervescent Mira!!).

    All I need to do now is persuade my lovely wifey that we don’t actually need a new kitchen, but we need to visit the cool peeps in Sweden.
    (It’s one o’clock on a Saturday night and I’m well and truly pissed up… but since my birthday is on the 6th of August, my confidence is high!! 😀 )[/i]


    ummm, Tony….. the desire for a new kitchen is a sign that someone is having to cook too much. Apparently YOU are not taking people out to dinner enough nights a week. 😛 😛 😉

    *So sayeth a woman with a 1960 kitchen who could care less since she never uses it*


    Ok, the emailservice/addy I used when signing up before apparently is all dead, been trying to find out what happened, but now I have re-regged here using another emailaddy…

    Anyhow, [url=http://www.lexxorama.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=164]you can sign up for LoR 2005[/url] now 🙂


    Well Mira, it sounds like fun. Those Lexxians with access to Sweden should definitely look it up.

    Sign up for Lexx-o-Rama 2005 is happening NOW!

    – – – – INFO – – – –
    Place: Gothenburg, Majornas IK Klubbstuga i Skatås!
    Date: 5th – 7th of August
    Cost: 200 SEK
    Paid in to (Swedish) bank giro (transfer) service: 5623-1277
    Don’t forget to write some kind of msg, so we know we receive payment from! One can however also pay when arriving to LoR though.

    According to the main sign up site, it will be taking place in sort of sports facility cabin with two dressing rooms complete with showers. There are tables, and benches and such in the main room, as well as a small kitchenette, with the usual stuff; refrigerator, stove, coffee maker and TV. Plates, pots and plastic ware will need to be brought. Think of it as a camping cabin, you want it, you bring it. Unlike the camping cabins we have here…. This one being in Sweden, it has a sauna. If you want something more comfy to lounge on, you might want to pack it along. There is a near by café and a camping area.

    The sign up site has links to let you know where it is in relation to the central parts of Gothenburg.

    So far the following are planning to attend.

    Jinx – possible
    PoetMan – possible?



    Man, i really need to go to that!


    Me and Katya are REALLY tying to get there this year. Have registered, unless the flight is amazingly expensive, we’ll be there! Can’t wait!


    Me and Newkate will be in Gothenburg from 4th to 8th August (lexxorama 5th to 7th).

    Current list of peeps going to LEXXorama is:
    – Briseis
    – eo
    – Jinx
    – Jooon
    – Majzan
    – MantRa
    – matZ
    – Mira
    – Newkate
    – PoetMan (?)
    – Rorschach
    – SadGeezer
    – SumoMite
    – Svart
    – Tribs
    – zappo


    Whooo Hoo – me and Newkate are HERE! In the PA Garda hotel until we all meet up tomorrow.

    Fancy a drink anyone?


    SadGeezer, sorry about the misunderstanding about me being there on thursday, but at least we had enough drinks later. 😉

    I just popped in to say there are already a bunch of pics posted in the gallery over at the lexxorama.org site, and more are forthcoming. The server called in sick today, but it should be back on its feet in no-time.



    Thanks mate 🙂

    It was a great event and a total blast! Can’t wait to see the picks 🙂


    Yep, the LEXX/digital camera convention.

    LEXXorama had a couple of famous lexxians at the event. Matze I think was the first person to create a LEXX website!! And Mira (the lovely girl with the blue hair) is one of the first IRC LEXXians and still hangs out in #LEXX even today!

    LEXXorama was one of the first LEXXcons and is the only one to have a con each year.

    Some of these guys (Eo, Brisies) were at my wedding a couple (5) years ago.

    It was a fantastic and very cool lexxcon and it was wonderful to catch up with them again.

    [i](Phew, glad they didn’t post the naked pics!)[/i]


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