Lexx Season 5 Continues

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx Season 5 Continues

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    So far we are playing under the premise that the Beans and MMM twack decided to do a season five. (Why is not important, it’s a game) So the premise is that They DID.
    We are creating an out line and story for this mythical season. Below is the general outline, minus a few questions.

    I am the Paulex Donnovan of this production, so I make all final story arc decisions.

    Attention New Comers: We KNOW there is no season 5. This is a game, kind of like Fantasy Football, but instead of NFL teams we have the inhabitants of the Lexx World to play with. The following are ideas from Elmey, theFrey, Flamegrape, Praxilla, Lizard, Camelyn and Stu, Trillian, Mandara and if I have left your name off please let me know. 😀

    So far we have .

    [b] Little Lexx [/b], not being fully trained, stumbles into one of the half dimensions like the one that the game took place in due to the Higgs Boson particle collider creating a black hole, there is a ripple effect that carries out far beyond our solar system. This wave of gravitational flux … causes the portals to the other zone(s) to stretch and open in unexpected shifting patterns. The ripple effects continue for a length of time, like aftershocks of an earthquake. They continue intermittently for as long as needed for plot purposes Little Lexx, being inexperienced in space, drifts in and out of these portals, and ends up inside a partial Universe.

    Stan spends a lot of time talking to LL trying to educate the ship as best he can, even after he looses the Key to Xev and Little Lexx becomes petulant.

    The Little Lexx, not being as voracious as Lexx finds salads delightful.

    [b] The Noah [/b] has passed into and then out of one of these gates and finds itself near a strange planet that seems to have life.

    The Noah sets down on this planet after one off the bimbo’s triggers a landing sequence, forcing them to land on the planet. Getting back off might be a problem.

    [b] Moths [/b] There are two moths which much be protected.

    [b] 790 [/b] is aboard, but has Stan and Xev don’t yet know it at first and when they do find him he is still fixed on Kai. The only way they can get him to cooperate is by telling them that they are going to look for Kai. This is a lie of course since they think Kai is dead. They do take the precaution of securing him somewhere that he cannot talk to little Lexx when they are asleep. They have also told Little Lexx he is not to be listened too.

    790, being 790 left a few backdoors in areas of the Noah’s programming. This will help when it is time to bring them together.

    790 will be up against Tina as she tries to plug them.

    790 is overjoyed when they find the Noah and Kai, but Kai is alarmed when he finds out the robot’s history ands keeps him at arms length, reluctant to even speak to him. 790 beg’s Stan and Xev to intercede for him. He occasional interacts with Kai when Kai needs some background information. This is 790 chief bargaining tool. He will have to moderate his behavior enough to not repulse Kai.

    [b] Kai [/b]somehow against all logic is alive, (Hey! It is our story and he can be alive if we want him to be :P) but we don’t yet know if it is an archetype who *woke up* or if he is something else. Kai sees the Noah landing and heads in that direction. He doesn’t know who he is, but when Bunny squeals Kai! He feels deep inside that that must be his name.

    The boy has been through a lot, he look very, very tired and has long brunette hair with a frosting of gray. Absolutely no Buns or Dye jobs. Debbie, the bimbo straight out of Beauty School will give him a hair cut like the one in Jules Vern at the first opportunity. Brushing your hair out of your face in exasperation is something that the dead probably wished they could have done a million times… if they had got exasperated that is. And of course like Actor Kai, no tattoo

    Kai’s brace did not make the transfer, but he has an affinity for blades and other things that can be thrown. His physical makeup is normal (no nanites ect…) and if he really, really thinks about stuff (how to make a weapon ect…) he can remember general ideas.

    Kai also has a bad case of “I was suppose to do something important and I forgot what it was” grumpiness going for him.

    [b] Xev [/b] now has the key to little Lexx. At some point before they found the others, Xev and Stan will turned to each other for comfort… once… after Little Lexx manufactures them some alcohol at their request. Which she will never do again. Little Lexx is upset, she chose Stanley as her Captain. Making Little Lexx less likely to follow Xev’s orders with out being persuaded. Stan would have to chime in and add his plea’s to Xev’s orders.

    llful Xev will have to bargain with Stan to get his help when Little Lexx is being willfull, and vs versa. Neither Stan nor Xev are very good at making air tight deals.

    When Xev and Stan do meet up with the Noah they have to think of a way to persuade Kai to join them.

    Xev of course is very interested in Kai, but he is confused and wary of her, and wondering if she likes him or just the memory of the old Kai. Especially after a few drops of poison the Prince drops in his ear concerning her.

    [b] Stan [/b]is jacked that he lost the key, and trying to get it back constantly. Even though he is not the Captain, he has lots of pull with Little Lexx.

    Stan distrusts Prince (duh) but thinks that Debbie the hair dresser has possibilities. Prince dangles his lovelies often in Stans direction. Debbie is looking for a way off the Noah and away from Prince, so she is willing to a point.

    Stan is also the object of other attentions by the Lady. This will put him and Prince at odds quite often.

    [b] Prince [/b] is wild with anger at being stranded, since the robots will require time to ready the Noah for launch again, and find a way to refuel it.

    Prince, being Prince, tries to fix Kai’s attention on his issues and priorities. While Kai goes along with this for a while, Prince’s natural snottiness gets on his last nerve. Prince senses he is loosing control of Kai a potential game piece in the Stan/Xev problem. So Prince attempts a bit of damage control in ways that only Prince can.

    Prince explores the planet with Priest and Bunny is a dune buggy thingy that was aboard, he senses that there is something very strange about this planet.

    Prince cannot afford to let a single person escape his sphere. Although they don’t know this. His powers weaken the less people there are around him. He is desperate to find somewhere far more inhabited and wishes that he had a ship like the Lexx that he could run with out any assistance.

    [b] Tina [/b], is found when Prince locks up the bimbo’s to keep them from causing more trouble while he is exploring.

    Prince tries to see if Tina could do something about getting the ship ready to go. Also having now a need for a brain in the mist of empty headedness, Prince sets about trying to captivate and turn Tina to his point of view. He needs a helper that can think a little. But since she knows a lot more than anyone else about the ship, he is wary of her and tries to ensnare her with this Princely charms and turn her to the dark side, so to speak. What can he offer her?

    He later also wants her to have a go at the repellant robot head. Not necessary succeed mind you, but try.

    A desperate Lexx crew may have to persuade Kai to try and make her change sides. Will she thud for the moody one like she did for the dead guy? Or would Prince’s poison words convince her that she was badly treated by him and make her even more willing to work on gaining total control.

    [b] Priest [/b] is very nervous about Prince, after all Bunny forgave him, but she dislikes Prince a lot. He could loose her over renewing his relationship with him. He sometimes commiserates with Kai as the only guy on board with no baggage or agenda for Kai. Kai thinks he is a bit loopy, but then since Kai has no idea what is going on, he does not pass judgment on.

    The Bimbos make life difficult to Priest. Since they can’t retaliate against Prince, they take it out on Priest. Sometimes directly, sometimes by making Bunny jealous.

    [b] Bunny [/b] – I am totally in love with the idea of Bunny becoming the time prophet.

    [b] The Lady [/b] – It is not nice to fool Mother Nature.


    [b] So the main questions before we get started…. What is the conclusion? What is going to be the grand climax to the story?
    Other questions?

    Me? I think Bunny would be a great Time Prophet, but how exactly this would work I’m not sure. Would it even make a main story line, or just background stuff?

    So. What is the ending going to look like? Prince gets his comeuppance? (Trapped on old Brunnis as they unlock eternal life? More of that circle of time stuff)

    Will Priest ever amount to anything?

    Who wins? Tina or 790?

    Will Kai still be Kai?

    Will Xev still like Kai? Or will his moodiness get on her last nerve like Actor Kai did?

    Can Prince persuade Xev to take him a hunting for greener pastures?

    Does Tina turn to the Dark side or just to the moody one? And does she live to tell the tale?

    Are there any advantages to having a hairdresser in Space?

    Does Stan get the key back? How?

    Will Stan ever learn to think with his big head and not his little one?


    [quote] From: “James McCrory” Tuesday, September 07, 2004

    Series Five
    I’m interested in contributing to this; but I have a problem.
    I only know what happening on Lexx up the Bad Carrot
    The reason is I’m relying on Channel Five in the UK and they’ve only this year started showing channel five – as far as I know. This is a bit surprising given that they supposed to have been co-producing it. However it may be that they lost interest in the series and if so that may be the reason why there been no series five.

    These are my questions:

    Little Lexx – where did it come from? What’s its properties etc. is it just a smaller version of the Lexx?
    What happened to the Lexx?
    Who or what is Noah – description, details of the craft?
    Who is Tina?
    Who is Debby and where did she come from?
    How did Stan lose the key? Is this the key to little LEXX, LEXX or both – if little lex – how did Stan get the key in the first place?
    Is the lady mentioned Debbie – if not who? If it is, is there a particular reason she’s called the lady?
    Where did the robots come from? What numbers i.e. How many and what can they do? In terms of understanding humans and fighting i.e., are the armed, weapons etc.?
    What details have you on the bimbos? Origins? Numbers? Thoughts? Speech?
    Why do you want a Time Prophet? I’m ok why the idea, but how would the being fit into the storyline?


    Little Lexx – Was born after a chance mating between a south american dragonfly (?) and Lexx. this occurred while Lexx was eating it’s green leafy salad snack. Original Lexx died of old age.

    Who or what is Noah – Space Ship build by Professor Noah and his students with the aid of 790 and some drone arms. Looks like a regular space rocket with a picture of an old man with a body builders body painted up the side of it.

    Who is Tina? A very smart assistant of Dr. Noah who lusts after Kai.

    Who is Debby and where did she come from? She was made up. The Noah left earth with a bunch of bimbettes chosen for looks more than smarts.

    How did Stan get and lose the key to little LEXX? After the earth was destroyed and Lexx disingrated, little Lexx was floating there in space. They entered. Spoke to Little Lexx who asked if Stan was her captain. He guessed he was, and a new key flew to his palm.

    Is the lady mentioned Debbie – if not who? If it is, is there a particular reason she’s called the lady? Nope, Don’t know, Nope.

    Where did the robots come from? What numbers i.e. How many and what can they do? In terms of understanding humans and fighting i.e., are the armed, weapons etc.? Seem to be crosses between the Madrid drones and the 790 fighters for Xev. There seem to be enough of them, and they can defend if instructed to do so.

    What details have you on the bimbos? Numbers? Thoughts? Speech? Seemed to be several, perhaps even a dozen or more, they seem like ditzy college students.

    Why do you want a Time Prophet? I’m ok why the idea, but how would the being fit into the storyline? Who knows. It may not. I just thought it would be a cute idea that dizzy Bunny grows to be a sage. 😀


    I like some of the work so far, and dislike other parts. Things I like…

    790, After getting eatten by the Lexx it works perfect into your story line that LL should find him yucky and bitter. He’s no salad (but he does have a chewy center) Stan and Zev should have no problem investigating the ship (and revealing it’s layout to the viewer) looking for the source of LL indigestion.

    Stan and Zev, well as part of their running love/hate relationship it should be so fitting that LL’s alcholoic byproduct (from eating so many grain and cereals and fermenting in his dyestion system) should allow for classic hilarity.

    Completely forgetting their experiences with berries and “Booze” in Season 4. Xev and Stan jump right in. And in such an emotional time (New ship, New Kai maybe) one thing leads to another and Stan looses the Key. But lets not loose our heads and forget some of the “commandments” of Lexx. The Love slave never finds and good outlet for her libido. (AND NEVER WITH STAN).

    Which brings me to what I don’t like about the outline. The “commandment of the Key” is broken by allowing it to superseded. One of the continuing sub-plots in Lexx is the control (or lack of) the key. I do think that the changing of hands of the key should confuse LL and shall surely bring about some adolescent development issues in LL. I think theirs quite a little gold mine of dark humor in LL (who will shurly become smarter than her mother, rather a lot like Lexx before the wormhole) struggling with growing pains and her crew right along with her.

    One great adolescent development is gender identity. What sex is LL anyway? We discovered at the end of S4 that the androgonous Lexx was female. Will LL be a boy? Or is it more fun to leave the audience guessing with conflicting gender identitys?


    Priest will never amount to anything, just like Stan won’t. I think the character dymanic of the two is that they are each others antithese (is that a word). They mirror each other so perfectly in character, wit, objectives, etc. but they just lie on opposite sides of the Prince line. It would be amusing to see their continuing bumbling adventures as adversaries or poorly consieved allies. I can see them joining sides to do battle with Prince only to have it backfire on them as they are each self-serving.

    Bunny as the time prophet… Now thats a hell of an idea! Just as the series started with the time prophet back-story narration in “Giggashadow” it would a truly epic ending to have Bunny voice-over as the hole Lexx universe comes to an end an “time begins again.”

    [al la “The Twilight Zone”] Imagine if you will…. Bunny, who always was a good observer at stating the obvious (“aren’t their people in Holland?”) and always stuck as to what side of the good/evil line she stood on: comes into her own and sides with the Lexx. Now with a backbone and sense of right she becomes a key participant in the final battle between the Lexx and Prince. A battle that will distory the last on the two universes. Caught in the “other zone” as the last survivor she observes time end and begin again. Knowing Kai’s past, who Prince is and observing all the soles get redistributed accros the two new universes she attains the great cosmic understanding of the universes. She sets up shop in the other zone and becomes the time profit. To conclude the tail of the lexx from end and set the pieces into motion to begin again.


    [quote=”Raven495″]I like some of the work so far, and dislike other parts. Things I like… Stan and Zev, well as part of their running love/hate relationship it should be so fitting that LL’s alcholoic byproduct (from eating so many grain and cereals and fermenting in his dyestion system) should allow for classic hilarity.

    Completely forgetting their experiences with berries and “Booze” in Season 4. Xev and Stan jump right in. And in such an emotional time (New ship, New Kai maybe) one thing leads to another and Stan looses the Key. But lets not loose our heads and forget some of the “commandments” of Lexx. The Love slave never finds and good outlet for her libido. (AND NEVER WITH STAN).

    Oh I agree. This should be a one time thing. For one thing Zev still can’t stand Stanley in *that* way and of course the other is… she has the key, why should she want to risk giving it back. Of course this will work against her if they meet other people. She may want to get a little, but what if she should loose the key to a stranger. Her own reluctance to loose the key coupled with Stan’s nagging would make any future whoopee a bit of a problem.

    [quote=”Raven495″]…Which brings me to what I don’t like about the outline. The “commandment of the Key” is broken by allowing it to superseded. One of the continuing sub-plots in Lexx is the control (or lack of) the key. I do think that the changing of hands of the key should confuse LL and shall surely bring about some adolescent development issues in LL. I think theirs quite a little gold mine of dark humor in LL (who will shurly become smarter than her mother, rather a lot like Lexx before the wormhole) struggling with growing pains and her crew right along with her.[/quote]

    One thing I have always wondered is how much of the *key* behavior was inbred into Lexx and how much was training? Possibly painful obedience training at that. Think about the structure of Lexx inside and out. the natural curve of LL straightened and confined in a metal cage. The living spaces which are living tissue pinned back to keep them open. Seems a bit painful to me.


    [quote=”Raven495″]Priest will never amount to anything, just like Stan won’t. I think the character dymanic of the two is that they are each others antithese (is that a word). They mirror each other so perfectly in character, wit, objectives, etc. but they just lie on opposite sides of the Prince line. It would be amusing to see their continuing bumbling adventures as adversaries or poorly consieved allies. I can see them joining sides to do battle with Prince only to have it backfire on them as they are each self-serving.[/quote]

    Well it would be a continuation of the current Stan/Preist relation ship to have them sniping and fighting with each other. I think that Stan is a bit smarter than Preist, but since Preist has less restraining him, he can surprise Stan by doing things that Stan might feel are unthingable. 🙂 I am reminded of the POTC scene when the hero crys, “You cheated!” to which Jack replies, “Priate.”

    Even as low as he can go, Stan still often follows a moral line of sorts, whereas Preist cares only about himself and possibly Bunny’s opinion of him.

    [quote=”Raven495″] Imagine if you will…. Bunny, who always was a good observer at stating the obvious (“aren’t their people in Holland?”) and always stuck as to what side of the good/evil line she stood on: comes into her own and sides with the Lexx. Now with a backbone and sense of right she becomes a key participant in the final battle between the Lexx and Prince. A battle that will distory the last on the two universes. Caught in the “other zone” as the last survivor she observes time end and begin again. Knowing Kai’s past, who Prince is and observing all the souls get redistributed accross the two new universes she attains the great cosmic understanding of the universes. She sets up shop in the other zone and becomes the time profit. To conclude the tail of the lexx from end and set the pieces into motion to begin again.[/quote]

    And it would also explain why the Time Prophet of Brigadoom fame was a hot chick with a bit of a skanky wardrobe. 😛 I also think that in the end, much as she loves Preist, Bunny can’t really bring herself to be evil and hurt innocent people. So I can see her evolving into someone who helps people.


    I’m sure you’ve seen Darkness’s post on the insect essence and my mind has immediately perverted the idea. What if LL kills Prince (He’s died all sorts of ways but has he ever been eaten?) But LL being an insect absorbs his essence and (fuzed) become the great insect essence. I think it’s (darkly) funny as hell that…

    the Brunnin G kill the insects and in turn: are killed by man possed by insects: who is in turn is killed by a Brunnin G (Kai): who is inturn possessed by the insect essence: which when fussed with man: destroys a universe. (Come up for air, here!) Who is distroyed by a bug which will give birth to another bug that that will become the insect essence all over again.

    It’s the hole “God makes man: Man destroys god: Man makes Atomic age, Atomic age destroys Man; God is born again” …thang!?!


    [quote=”Raven495″]I’m sure you’ve seen Darkness’s post on the insect essence and my mind has immediately perverted the idea. What if LL kills Prince (He’s died all sorts of ways but has he ever been eaten?) But LL being an insect absorbs his essence and (fuzed) become the great insect essence. I think it’s (darkly) funny as hell that…

    the Brunnin G kill the insects and in turn: are killed by man possed by insects: who is in turn is killed by a Brunnin G (Kai): who is inturn possessed by the insect essence: which when fussed with man: destroys a universe. (Come up for air, here!) Who is distroyed by a bug which will give birth to another bug that that will become the insect essence all over again.

    It’s the hole “God makes man: Man destroys god: Man makes Atomic age, Atomic age destroys Man; God is born again” …thang!?![/quote]

    I like it….but, if you look at my second post in that Insects topic you will see that I am suggesting the rebirth of His Shadow, who is then recreating the Giga Shadow attempting to lure our heros to the proto-blood. (Perhaps we can revive Kai) What do you think of that?

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