Lexx series 4 reviews…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx series 4 reviews…

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    Yes, when?


    Helllllllloooooooooooooooo Tony. It has been a long time. The Bad Carrot is gone the way of all carrots on the compost heap of evil vegtables…. perhaps it is time to pick up the pen again and finish the reviews.

    I know, you could schedule a viewing, we could all watch the same day and then inspire you to finish one episode at a time. Yes, just take small baby steps, but eventually the journey would be complete.

    Besides, we have some episodes that it would be fun to re-trash in the ones remaining. 😀

    Whatya say?!!?


    Yes, I’ll even say the magic word… ‘please’.

    I mean, come on saddy, it’s not like you have a real life or anything.



    How ’bout pretty please with sugar and a fiver on top?

    I thought your reviews were absolutely hilarious, and I’d love to hear what you have to say about the remaining ones. I know how painful some of them are to watch, but as the Frey said, we could watch them with you. I’m even willing to make the supreme sacrifice of watching Apocalexx Now again.
    *shudders* (Where’s a gagging emoticon when you need it? 😉 )


    [quote=”lexxrobotech”]I mean, come on saddy, it’s not like you have a real life or anything. :P[/quote]

    *tWAcK* Be Nice!!! Taunt not the site owner. 😀 After all he has not only the behaviors of an IT worker but also the temperament of an artist. Beware the ‘geezer roused. 😀


    😀 Hahaha! I have you all fooled. Sadgeezers not real. He’s just a figment of my imagination. As are all of you. 😛

    Serioulsy, he’s dead. I’ve locked him in my basement.


    I’ve had way too much sugar today.

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