Looking for Australian Lexx fans to help encourage Aussie Cons to invite LEXX guests

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Looking for Australian Lexx fans to help encourage Aussie Cons to invite LEXX guests

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  • #41335


    I am trying to seek out the Australian Lexxian fanbase in the hope of gathering enough response to my petition to get Ellen Dubin out here to Australia for a Scifi/Pop Culture convention/expo.

    Ellen’s Dubin’s agent has told me that Ellen IS interested in coming out here to Australia, only no one has invited her yet. So I have taken it upon myself to try and gather up enough interest to get her an invite.

    My biggest fear is that there simply isn’t a large enough fanbase out here to have enough pulling power to be able to convince the Con operators to invite her.

    So if you are an Australian Lexxian, then PLEASE take the time to respond to my petition.

    Here is the link – http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ellendubbininoz/

    Thank you everyone!


     Good luck!  Let me know if there is anything we can do to help (maybe a plug on the SadCASTs).

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